The strongest soldier

Chapter 2745 Killing in Silence

"Whoops -" There was another sniper gunshot, and the bullet pierced the night sky, breaking the silence of the vast sand dunes. It was as if the god of death was grinning. It was extremely terrifying. In an instant, it passed over Luo Zheng's head, and the air flow formed by tearing the air buzzed. The sound made Luo Zheng's eardrums feel as painful as needle pricks.

Luo Zheng was horrified and touched his head involuntarily. Although he was wearing a bullet-proof armor helmet, the Dark Church had already imitated dragon tooth bullets. The hole in the brother's helmet just now showed that the lurking sniper had imitation dragon teeth. If you are hit by a bullet, you will definitely die.

"Headquarters, we were ambushed by snipers. Quickly notify all other combat troops to be careful and find a place to build defenses. No pursuit is allowed." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and warned through the headset. As a commander, Luo Zheng must not only face the situation in front of him The situation, it is even more important to consider the overall situation. The appearance of the enemy sniper made Luo Zheng realize a problem, that is, the enemy had already made defense preparations and was waiting for the attack.

At this critical moment, Luo Zheng had no time to think about the enemy's defensive measures. At this time, Blue Star's response sounded in the headset: "Boss, all participating troops have been notified, please be careful."

"Well, Xue'er, you serve as the deputy commander-in-chief." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and warned. He was fighting on the front line and could not care about the overall command. An army without someone to command cannot form combat effectiveness. There must be someone to fill in the gaps. When it comes to making a decision at a critical moment, Lan Xue is undoubtedly the best choice.

This time Lan Xue did not go out with the troops, but stayed at the headquarters. Upon hearing Luo Zheng's appointment, he quickly agreed: "Understood, I know what to do, you should be careful."

Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue might not be good at strategy, but his tactical command ability was very strong. On weekdays, he was willing to work silently as a hero behind the scenes. His light was obscured, but his ability was undoubted. Luo Zheng believed that Lan Xue could handle situations where he was not in place. At that time, I was able to assume my commanding role well. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief and devoted myself wholeheartedly to the battle in front of me.

The brother's murder by the sniper must be avenged. Luo Zheng gathered his spirits and climbed forward two steps. He picked up the sniper rifle and quickly retreated. The enemy was nearby, but he was able to avoid the heat source scan of the sniper scope. Could it be that the opponent Do you have thermal imaging equipment?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of the world-leading high-tech capabilities of the Dark Church. He was shocked and quickly warned through the headset: "Xue'er, the enemy has imitation dragon tooth bullets and maybe thermal imaging equipment. I can't see it. Enemy, immediately report this situation to other troops."

"Understood, Jackson's team was also ambushed and two brothers were killed. The situation is exactly the same as yours now." Lan Xue responded in a deep voice.

"Sure enough, we are prepared. The enemy may scatter all the snipers and lurk in any corner around. Inform the troops to advance carefully and notify me immediately if there is any situation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and his heart became solemn. If the enemy is equipped, it can Weapons that prevent thermal imaging mean that you become blind.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a red light flashing from the corner of his eye on the other side. He couldn't help being shocked. He looked intently, but it disappeared without a trace. Suspicious, Luo Zheng quickly found a place to hide again and flashed toward the red light. There was nothing in the direction. Under the gray moonlight, the dunes were silent and lifeless.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng thought to himself. He believed that he had not seen it wrong just now. There must be something strange. He couldn't help but cheer up. Suddenly he saw another red light flashing away, quickly and completely, and he panicked to find another sand dune. A red light appeared on the screen, but quickly disappeared.

The red light was very weak, but clearly discernible under the gray moonlight. It was only the size of a mung bean, but the beam stretched very long. What's more, the beam was also very small, and the light did not spread. This reminded Luo Zheng of laser. He couldn't help but shuddered, and quickly said in a deep voice: "No, there is a laser gun."

"Where is it?" The mountain carving's deliberately suppressed voice sounded in the headset, with a strong sense of anxiety.

Luo Zheng did not answer, and quickly moved the sniper scope to search the area, but there was nothing on the dune opposite except the silent fine sand, and there was no sign of an ambush. This result made Luo Zheng anxious. There were already exposed enemies. Two of them were lurking in different positions, and they were in an angle. If the brothers hadn't been lying under the slope on the other side of the dune and were not exposed to the muzzle due to the angle, they would have died.

"No, Brother Haizi died." Suddenly, an angry voice sounded in the headset.

"What happened?" Luo Zheng was horrified and quickly asked, why did he die when there was no gunfire just now?

Soon, a brother's voice sounded in the headset: "I don't know, Haizi's bulletproof armor helmet seems to have been burned through by the high temperature. Damn it, what should I do with my head, bastard?"

"Don't panic, go down the slope and avoid the enemy's sight." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. The tragic death of the two brothers had shaken the morale of the troops. This is not a good sign. The enemy must be killed as soon as possible. At the same time, he felt suspicious in his heart. , I clearly didn’t hear the gunfire just now, why were the brothers killed?

"High temperature burns through?" This sentence suddenly flashed through Luo Zheng's mind. He was horrified. He immediately thought of something and quickly said through the headset: "Xue'er, notify other troops immediately that the enemy has a laser gun. This The laser gun is silent when fired, the light is red, and the beam is the size of a mung bean. The known shooting distance is about three hundred meters, and it is expected to be further. Everyone is advised to be careful."

"Silent laser gun?" Lan Xue's horrified voice sounded in the headset.

"Hurry, these bastards have been prepared and have laid a trap waiting for us." Luo Zheng urged angrily.

"Yes, how about withdrawing first?" Lan Xue agreed and suggested.

"Withdraw?" Luo Zheng was startled and said nothing. He stared ahead with cold eyes. Since he could not find the target with thermal imaging, the sniper scope became almost a decoration. Luo Zheng gave up the sniper scope and instead observed the surroundings carefully. Come on, if it were you, where would you hide? His eyes were fixed on a hill in deep thought.

The two snipers, the equipment that can avoid thermal imaging, the superb lurking ability, and the laser gun that kills people silently, all these are like a huge mountain that is invisible and enveloped, weighing Luo Zheng a little breathless. At this time, Lan Xue's urgent voice came from the headset: "No, one of the troops suffered the same sniper attack and sacrificed a soldier."

"Which country's troops?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice. The General Administration of Counter-Terrorism was established and many countries sent combat teams. For this operation, Luo Zheng did not mix the combat teams. Instead, he retained the combat team structure and let each team act independently. The Cobra Mercenary Group's lair advanced. When they heard the report, their hearts tightened and they quickly asked.

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