The strongest soldier

Chapter 2743 Air-Ground Alliance

The two armies are fighting, fighting wits and courage. The most important thing is to anticipate the enemy's opportunities. Before there is enough intelligence, being able to accurately grasp the enemy's mind is the key to victory. Luo Zheng can't help but admire Liu Qingqing, a behavioral expert and information analysis expert. With a little more expectation, Liu Qingqing looked at Liu Qingqing expectantly. Liu Qingqing was also unambiguous and said in a deep voice: "If I were the Holy Lord, I would choose this opportunity to fight with you and save the declining morale and military morale. The best way is to attract you and hunt you.”

"The enemy and we are in a melee and cannot use air strikes. Therefore, it is most suitable to attract me there, and I have difficulties not to go, because I also need this victory to consolidate the status and influence of the Anti-Terrorism Administration." Luo Zheng pondered and analyzed.

"Yes, you have to go, and the Holy Lord also has to go. Everyone knows this, so I'm afraid this battle won't be simple. The Tucheng is empty on the outside, and the enemy may be hiding underground, but we have no control over the underground. We have no idea at all and can only guess that it is very deep. Even deep radars cannot scan properly. Of course, it is not ruled out that there is radar jamming equipment below, and the Cobra Mercenary Group knows their lair very well, so close combat is not good for us." Liu Qingqing said seriously. Sheng analyzed, his still somewhat immature face was full of maturity beyond his years, and his flashing eyes were full of light, and he didn't know what he was planning.

"The most terrifying thing is the real snakes. It is a desert area. If the enemy has a large number of venomous snakes and puts them into battle, a sneak attack will be very detrimental to us. There is only one way for now, which is to carry out air strikes on the target first to destroy their Underground fortifications, and then ground troops infiltration." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Aerial strikes are good, but the Tucheng is too big, and we don't know how big and where the underground fortifications are below. Unless there is a large-scale air strike, the effect will not be too obvious." Liu Qingqing reminded.

"This is what I am most worried about." Luo Zheng said with some distress. As a qualified soldier with rich combat experience, he knew the pros and cons of this very well, and he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Liu Qingqing was unique in observation and information analysis, but he lacked combat experience and could not provide good advice for a while. Both of them were deep in thought. After a while, Luo Zheng looked at Liu Qingqing and said: "The room next to it is empty. Yes, let it be your office. A door can be opened between the two rooms. If anyone comes to come, they can go to your side first so as not to interfere with my work. You can complete this matter as soon as possible. In addition, help me inform Jackson. come over."

As the person in charge of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, there are too many people coming here, whether they have appointments or urgent matters. If it is not appropriate to swarm them all into the office, there must be a buffer. Liu Qingqing’s place is undoubtedly the best. Everyone can go to the office next door. While waiting for the interview, it was convenient to have a private space to talk. Liu Qingqing agreed with understanding and hurried away.

After a while, Jackson hurried over, found a place to sit down and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

"How's the pre-war simulation training going for the troops?" Luo Zheng asked politely.

"It's okay, but the time is a bit short. It should be no problem to go into battle." Jackson agreed.

"I have an idea to share with you about the attack on Cobra's lair. I am preparing for a joint air and ground operation." Luo Zheng changed the subject and said straight to the point.

"Air-land alliance?" Jackson looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"Yes, I need aerial fire support from armed helicopters. Helicopters can take off and land at any time. They are flexible and have good firepower. It is enough to attack Tucheng. However, we need to have enough ammunition. Therefore, we also need ground troops to help transport some ammunition. This requires the support of the local government. Once properly deployed, ground troops can infiltrate and call for air support as soon as an abnormality is discovered. Air-ground linkage can be used to attack from all sides and completely eradicate this nest. What do you think?" Luo Zheng analyzed seriously.

"Hiss?" Jackson was shocked. He seemed to have seen the scene of one of his own people finding the enemy's hiding place and calling for an armed helicopter to violently attack Tucheng. He pondered carefully. As an experienced soldier, Jackson's command ability was also not good. Bad, weigh it up quickly.

The matter was so important that Luo Zheng was not in a hurry. He even hoped that Jackson could discover the shortcomings and improve them in advance. The lives of brothers are precious and must not be sacrificed in vain. After waiting patiently for a while, Jackson looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: " The tactical arrangement of joint air-ground operations is very good. I agree. The local government will coordinate with me to arrange it. The Cobra is based in Africa. According to the division of labor, I will be responsible for it. Don’t worry.”

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed. The affairs of Africa and America belong to Jackson. This was discussed in advance. Luo Zheng did not want to conflict with Jackson on this issue. After thinking about it, he warned: "That area is three Regardless of the zone, the surrounding countries have not yet reached their sphere of influence. Find a reliable country to arrange transportation and ensure logistics safety. This battle is not easy to fight. It may take some time. We will make a week's plan and prepare the logistics materials according to this time."

"Understood, when will we leave?" Jackson agreed.

"Be sure to do a good job of confidentiality beforehand. I will give you three days to prepare. In three days, I will see that all the supplies are in place. The camp will be placed in a sandy valley ten kilometers east of the Cobra's lair. The terrain there is complex and suitable for hiding and defense. , ten kilometers is considered a relatively safe distance, is there any problem?" Luo Zheng warned.

"No problem, where are the combat troops?" Jackson asked in a deep voice.

"Currently, all the combatants sent by various countries add up to about 300 people. The Cobra Mercenary Group has been prepared, and the number is unknown. Therefore, all combatants have gone into battle. You are responsible for the southeastern two directions, and I am responsible for the northwest two directions. The combatants will parachute into the target area on time at 12 o'clock tomorrow night and encircle them overnight to ensure that no one is missed. The ground troops will also set off at 12 o'clock tomorrow. Two days will be enough to reach the target area. We must encircle the target area for two days first to create opportunities for the target. Pressure, and at the same time understand the surrounding situation, and launch a general offensive in two days, arrange for someone else to keep an eye on the combat troops, and personally keep an eye on the logistics supplies to ensure nothing goes wrong." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Of course Jackson understood the importance of logistics and solemnly agreed. After thinking for a while, he asked, "When will the armed helicopters be launched?"

"First, we surrounded the enemy for two days and did not allow the enemy to enter or exit. After two days, the logistics arrived. Food, water, ammunition, tents, communication equipment, etc. for a week must not be missed. As for the armed helicopters, we will make a decision based on the investigation situation. It is not easy to do it too early, so as not to expose our action plan, but we must be fully prepared." Luo Zheng warned, with a murderous look in his eyes.

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