The strongest soldier

Chapter 2707 Decided to save people

A scholar dies for his confidant, and Shi Qian transforms from a ruthless gangster to the head of the strategic department of the Secret Crime Bureau. Not to mention his high position and power, how much trust is this? He looked at Luo Zheng with a more fanatical look, and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, even if I risk my life, I will never let you down."

"Don't die, live, it's unlucky. What I want is results, no sacrifices are needed. Everyone in the strategic department is a treasure, and I can't afford to lose it. Remember this sentence for me, I would rather fail to complete the task than ensure everyone's safety. If you fail to complete the task, you can start over. If your life is gone, everything will be lost." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Yes." Shi Qian's chest puffed up and he solemnly agreed.

"Of course, I know your abilities, and I believe you can lead the strategy well." Luo Zheng smiled, looked around at everyone, suddenly his face sank, and said solemnly: "The meeting will follow."

Everyone's expressions straightened up, and they sat upright. They looked at Luo Zheng curiously and pricked up their ears. The conference room became silent. Everyone did not even dare to breathe loudly for fear of disturbing someone. Luo Zheng organized After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I received news half an hour ago that the tentacle monster was arrested and may be imprisoned in Guanta Prison. I decided to rescue him."

"What if it's a conspiracy?" Lan Xue reminded in surprise.

"Even if it's a conspiracy, it has to go. First, he may have information about the Veterans Club's think tank. The information shows that he was arrested when he went to get the information from the think tank; second, if it is a conspiracy, it means that he is indeed a traitor. , we have only one way to deal with traitors, and that is to kill. Third, if there is a conspiracy, and the Dark Church places the conspiracy in Guanta Prison, it means that this is the stronghold of the Dark Church, and it should be removed. Based on this, I must go. " Luo Zheng explained solemnly.

When everyone saw that Luo Zheng had made a decision, they naturally stopped trying to persuade him. As a disciplined force, obedience is a bounden duty and had already penetrated into everyone's hearts. When Lan Xue saw that Luo Zheng had made a decision, he stopped trying to persuade him. Instead, he started to think of ways. At this time, Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xing and said, "Tell everyone about the situation in Guanta Prison."

"Yes." Blue Star never joked in formal occasions and solemnly agreed. He quickly turned on the computer and projected the picture on the electronic screen. An open flat land soon appeared on the screen, covered with withered grass. There was a building on the flat ground, surrounded by There is a barbed wire fence, a checkpoint at the entrance, a lookout, etc., and there are many guards.

The building area is large, the floors are not high, and it looks very solid. There are troops patrolling. Lanxing glanced at Luo Zheng and solemnly introduced: "This is Guanta Prison. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides and land on one side. The main entrance is next to The direction of the land is heavily guarded. The other three sides are deep sea. There is a barbed wire interception on the seabed. The barbed wire is powered by high-voltage electricity and has laser rays, which will be turned on in an emergency. Once hit by the laser rays, people will be cut open instantly. Intelligence shows that these rays are very dense."

"Is there high-voltage electric barbed wire on the seabed? And laser rays? It really is a hell on earth. It seems that infiltration of the seabed is impossible. There are heavy troops on the land, which is impossible. Airborne landing is also impossible, right? Also, Guenta Prison is Sam after all. Can the prison of the Chinese military be rescued through the Sam State government?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"The possibility of airborne landing is even lower. The prison has ground radar and anti-aircraft artillery. The risk factor is no less than that of undersea infiltration. The relatively safe place is on land. Find a way to infiltrate from the front, but a division of troops, Marine Corps, is deployed on the front. Strong fighting ability." Blue Star explained seriously.

The Red Plum Blossom Results topic said: "The possibility of rescue by the government is also low."

"Huh? Why?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise. The Sam State military is in charge of Guanta Prison. How is it possible that the Sam State government cannot rescue people?

Everyone also looked at Hong Meihua curiously. Hong Meihua is mainly responsible for espionage work. She has the most dealings with various countries and naturally knows more inside information than everyone else. Hong Meihua glanced at everyone and said with a wry smile: "Guanta Prison is the military headquarters of Sam State." What was built by leasing the ancient country dock was a naval base with extraterritorial jurisdiction, which meant that its activities did not have to be reported to the courts of its own country, nor to the courts of other countries, let alone the authorities of the ancient country.”

"What do you mean?" Shi Qian asked curiously.

"The legal system of Sam Country is different from ours. No one can take people out without a court decision. Moreover, if the tentacle monster was sent in by the Dark Church, there will never be any records found. In other words, this prison cannot There may be any information about this person. The court cannot make a verdict. Without a verdict, it is impossible to take people out, and it is impossible to go in and find them. There are thousands of people detained inside. How can I find it without registration information? I found the warden. He Absolutely informed."

"Judgment?" Luo Zheng pondered.

"Yes, Guanta Prison is a legal limbo. Detainees are held here without charges and cannot hire lawyers or enter judicial proceedings. The prisoners do not know their fate or when they will be released. He has not been sentenced, cannot go through the procedures, and does not have any recorded information. Even if the president of Sam Country orders an investigation, it will be difficult. Besides, this may be one of the bases of the Dark Church, which will definitely interfere with everything. It is impossible to go through the channel of the Sam Country government. Save people." Hong Meihua said firmly.

When Luo Zheng heard this, his face changed slightly. He didn't expect that he had underestimated this prison. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I didn't expect that this prison has such privileges. It is a place outside the law. It seems that there is a possibility that this is the base of the Dark Church. It’s huge, otherwise, who would have the energy to make this prison a place outside the law?”

When everyone heard this, their faces became serious, but Lan Xue next to him smiled: "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the tentacle monster is not a traitor? Did he really go undercover and be exposed and arrested? We should rescue him more."

"Yes, I have already said hello to Sister-in-law Xuelian. The prison does not have an external network and cannot hack into the system to trace. I asked her to pay close attention to the surrounding situation of the prison, such as troop mobilization, recent people coming and going, etc., to see if there is a conspiracy, Lan Xing, you continue." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Blue Star continued seriously: "The entire prison is divided into three major areas: D Camp, Iguana Camp and X-ray Camp. Different areas hold people with different identities. D Camp is the main detention camp of the entire prison, with 1 By Camp 7, most of the people were detained in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd camps, wearing orange prison uniforms, in single cells."

"Oh? Where are the others?" Luo Zheng didn't expect there to be so many ways in the prison, so he asked in surprise. Everyone didn't expect it to be so complicated, so they all pricked up their ears curiously.

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