The strongest soldier

Chapter 2705 Pros and Cons Analysis

Before the international flight took off, Luo Zheng's text message was just to ask Lan Xue to pick him up. The matter was too complicated and it was impossible for the text message to explain clearly. The two walked out of the airport quickly and went directly to the parking lot. Lan Xue sat in the driving position and started the car. Then he rushed out of the parking lot, quickly got on the main road, and walked towards the base. Only then did Luo Zheng explain the content of the interview in detail, and finally added in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance. We will have a result internally first. Then report it to your superior."

"No need, our internal opinions on this matter are not important. Soldiers do not interfere in politics, so we should report it directly to our superiors and let them handle it. We just obey to avoid making political mistakes." Lan Xue is worthy of being from a military family and has very good political acumen. Gao, immediately realized the importance of the problem and quickly suggested.

Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue was always good for him and had good political acumen. After thinking about it, he agreed: "That's right. Let's contact the superiors." He took out the phone and dialed Mr. Li's personal number.

A private number represents a private space. Colleagues follow normal procedures. Luo Zheng will not call this number unless there is something special. This is the rule. Mr. Li, who was preparing dinner, saw Luo Zheng's call and immediately realized that there was something important and put down his bowl. Chopsticks, picked up the phone and went to a place where no one was around to answer the call and asked: "It's me, what happened?"

"Chief, there is something very important that needs to be discussed." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Come to my office." Mr. Li quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Li hurriedly took a few bites and then returned to the living room of the courtyard. As soon as he made a pot of tea, he saw Luo Zheng and Lan Xue coming over. He was startled and realized that the matter was beyond his imagination. He immediately Signing for the two of them to come in, he asked before they could sit down: "In such a hurry? Didn't you go to Sam Country? What happened?"

With Luo Zheng's identity and status, he must report to his superiors before going abroad and get permission before proceeding. Mr. Li naturally knew that Luo Zheng had gone to Sam Country to meet Jackson. Seeing Luo Zheng's serious face, he thought that the conversation was not pleasant, and he was upset. He looked at Luo Zheng closely and pricked up his ears.

Luo Zheng did not dare to neglect, and immediately told the detailed story of his meeting with the President of Sam Country, while taking out a beautiful pen and placing it on the coffee table. This pen is a special product for espionage workers, and can record for a long time, and communicate with Sam Country President. The entire interview with the President was recorded. According to regulations, Luo Zheng had to wear the recording when he met with Jackson. This was for the relevant superior departments to study the conversation and to prove that he had no different intentions.

Disciplined forces have strict requirements, and Luo Zheng is no exception. Mr. Li listened carefully to Luo Zheng's description, and his face became solemn. He did not interrupt and listened carefully until Luo Zheng finished speaking. Mr. Li picked up the pen. Put it away, lean back, and fall into deep thought.

The matter was of great importance and no one dared to draw conclusions easily. Luo Zheng waited patiently with understanding. After a while, Mr. Li looked at Luo Zheng and Lan Xue and said in a deep voice: "This matter is too big. I need to report it as soon as possible. Before that, I want to hear what you two mean, tell the truth, don’t hide it, I am not only your superior, but also your grandfather and family, do you understand?"

"I understand, Grandpa, I think it's a good thing." Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng and said first.

"Tell me your reasons." Mr. Li asked seriously.

"There are three reasons. First, our hatred against the Dark Church will never end. Even if we can let them go, they may not let us go. In this case, we must solve this problem, but our power is still limited. Only by us As a family, we won't be able to achieve this goal in just a few years." Lan Xue said seriously.

"Well, your analysis is very objective. The forces of the Dark Church are all over the world. It does take time to attack little by little. Continue." Mr. Li asked seriously.

"The second point is that if we act in the name of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Agency, all countries will cooperate. Even if they don't cooperate, they will not dare to openly oppose it. Taking the name and righteousness will be of great help to our actions." Lan Xue said seriously. , seeing that Mr. Li had no intention of speaking, he continued: "Thirdly, once all countries join together to participate, manpower will not be a problem. Although we have people in the Secret Bureau, the Dark Church is the business of all countries in the world, not our family. Why should we bear all the losses?”

"The three reasons of counter-terrorism, convenience of operations and sufficient manpower are indeed sufficient and tenable. However, there is a problem. There are so many people talking. How to ensure the smooth flow of command? How to ensure the confidentiality of the operation? How to follow up the logistics, etc. , are all problems." Mr. Li said thoughtfully, while looking at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng took the topic knowingly and said: "Everything has pros and cons. It depends on whether the pros outweigh the cons or the cons outweigh the pros. In my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons. The Dark Church is a cancer in all countries. Why should our family take the risk? In recent years, our brothers have suffered a lot of casualties. It would be uneconomical and not in the national interest if we were solely responsible for these losses. Of course, once the General Anti-Terrorism Administration is established, we must take the lead, which will help improve the country's prestige."

"It makes sense. The Sam Country has always regarded itself as the world's policeman, holding high the banner of anti-terrorism and fighting everywhere. Countries love and hate it, but we have to admit that the Sam Country has used this move to gain the prestige of a world power and also established a foundation for anti-terrorism. Regarding the country’s image, you may not know that the United Nations has a counter-terrorism committee.” Mr. Li said in a deep voice.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It is just a false name and has no substance. Many countries have strongly demanded that counter-terrorism be included in the scope of the United Nations and established a counter-terrorism committee. However, the Sam Country does not agree and is playing its own game. Without the support of the Sam Country, it will be very difficult for everyone. , I didn’t expect that the President of Sam State actually handed this over? There must be a reason for this. Is it because his self-confidence has exploded after being re-elected?" Mr. Li analyzed thoughtfully.

"Chief, I think there are four reasons." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Tell me." Mr. Li asked, his eyes flashing with a look of taking a test.

"First, President Sam has a personal vendetta against the Dark Church. He has waited too long and doesn't want to wait any longer. Second, his re-election has greatly improved President Sam's status and prestige. At this time, it is easy to pass anything. Strike while the iron is hot; third, I suspect that the president has gained more support from the plutocrats after his re-election. After all, the Sam Country oligarchy is not monolithic, and it is easy to change positions in the face of interests; fourth, handing over to the United Nations is more conducive to combating the dark church , at least you don’t have to worry about the suppression of the two houses before taking action." Luo Zheng analyzed seriously.

"Hahaha, yes, your political acumen is getting better and better. Go back and wait for the news. I will report to the chairman right now. There is one more thing you didn't say, that is, the time has come to show the country's strength and win the general election. The position of head of the agency is conducive to establishing the image of the country's diplomacy and anti-terrorism, and is in line with the national interest." Mr. Li said with a pleased smile.

"Yes." Luo Zheng and Lan Xue stood up, saluted solemnly, then turned and left, with firm eyes.

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