The strongest soldier

Chapter 2702 President’s Appointment

Five days later, all the brothers who had returned from vacation returned to the team. They were full of energy and devoted themselves to training with enthusiasm. The work adjustment of Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle did not cause any fluctuations. They are still in the fighting force and are still everyone's Commander, his position has only been raised by one level. This is a good thing for the brothers, and many of them have been promoted accordingly.

In these five days, Luo Zheng didn't go anywhere. He stayed in the office every day waiting for news. The tentacle monster sent news about the previous think tank, but the clues were too vague. Luo Zheng guessed that there would be further news from the tentacle monster. , and then, there was no movement for five days. Blue Star mobilized satellites for reconnaissance, and even asked the navy to help search, but there was no progress, and the location of the undersea prison could not be found.

The Dark Church suddenly lurked, and the location of the previous think tank could not be found. Luo Zheng was very anxious in his heart, but on the surface he tried his best to pretend not to care, so as not to affect the morale of the army. Waiting meant being passively beaten, no Luo Zheng's style, five days later, the Sam Country election ended and the president was re-elected, which meant that the president had a wider space to display his ideals, and Luo Zheng also received a secret invitation call from Jackson.

Less than an hour after the election results came out, I received a call from Jackson. There must be something fishy here. Luo Zheng discussed it with everyone, and secretly came to Sam Country alone through diplomatic channels. When leaving the airport, Luo Zheng came by a familiar route. When he arrived at the parking lot, he found a black business car that had started. The license plate number matched what Jackson said. Luo Zheng looked around cautiously, then quietly leaned in and opened the door.

"Old friend, we meet again." A familiar voice sounded from the driving position.

Luo Zheng looked in surprise and found that the person who came to pick him up was actually Jackson. He was wearing sunglasses and a black knitted hood that covered his entire head. At first glance, it was hard to see through it. Luo Zheng smiled curiously: "You This is?"

"Calling you all the way here, of course, I have to show my sincerity. Others are worried, so I have to come by myself." Jackson said and drove forward slowly. The two of them quickly left the parking lot and got into the car. After getting off the highway, Jackson continued: "Old friend, thank you for coming."

"You're welcome, you and I don't have to hide. There must be something wrong with calling me here this time, right? If you want to kill me, there's no need for you to take action yourself. Tell me, what's the situation?" Luo Zheng said straight to the point.

"Speak quickly and act resolutely. The old habits have not changed. It is true that you and I are enemies. I do think about how to kill you every day and avenge my father. When the interests of the country are above all else, the president has been kind to me." , he said that you cannot die. At least for the day the Dark Church exists, it must ensure your safety. If we unite, we will both benefit, and if we divide, we will harm both. I still understand this truth." Jackson said angrily.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Luo Zheng continued to ask unceremoniously.

"The president wants to see you." Jackson said solemnly, speeding up and rushing forward.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that it was the President of Sam State who was looking for him. He couldn't help but think deeply. Meeting him just after being re-elected was probably not simple. There was only one intersection with the president, and that was the Dark Church. Could it be that the President of Sam Country wanted to intensify the crackdown on the Dark Church? Already? Why? Aren't you afraid of being restrained by other forces?

The system of Sam State is very special. It seems to be governed by two parties, but in fact everyone with a discerning eye knows that Sam State is an oligarchy. All national politics are jointly decided by hundreds of plutocratic representatives. These plutocratic representatives are either members of the Senate or members of the House of Representatives. It has formed the basis of oligarchy, and the politics of Sam Country are completely decided by the Senate and the House of Representatives. In other words, these hundreds of people determine the past, present and future of Sam Country. As long as the oligarchs exist, the politics of Sam Country is not decided by the president alone.

The president may have the support of many plutocrats, but more plutocrats are from the Dark Church. In other words, many people in the Senate and House of Representatives of Sam Country are from the Dark Church. No matter what the president wants to do, there will be great constraints. This is also The reason why the President of Sam State does not dare to let go of his hands and feet to attack the Dark Church. Has this situation changed? Luo Zheng pondered.

Jackson didn't say anything along the way. He didn't know what he was thinking. Luo Zheng didn't bother to ask more questions. He thought about the various possibilities and the pros and cons. It would be easier to deal with it when he met the President of Sam State later. Ten minutes later , the car arrived at the White House, and Jackson showed his ID and drove the car directly into the basement.

There are two doors in the basement. Jackson naturally has the authority. He swiped his card and passed through smoothly. He parked the car in the basement on the first floor and got out of the car. Luo Zheng also got out of the car. Seeing that the surroundings were surrounded by surveillance cameras, Jackson said in a deep voice: " This is a secret meeting, all these surveillance cameras will be turned off when we get out of the garage, follow me."

"Lead the way." Luo Zheng said calmly and followed Jackson forward.

Soon, the two came to a door. The door was guarded by an explosion-proof door and two men in black suits. They had bulging waists and wore white headsets, short hair, and sunglasses. They were dressed in the standard "men in black" style. Zheng knew that these two people should be from the Sam Country Secret Service, that is, Jackson's men, so he secretly paid attention to them.

The two "men in black" stood motionless, like sculptures. Jackson walked up to swipe his card, and the blast door opened. Luo Zheng glanced at the two "men in black" and followed Jackson in, arriving. At the elevator entrance, Jackson pressed the special elevator button, and the elevator arrived quickly.

Luo Zheng followed and walked in. He saw that the elevator only had one floor, which was obviously reserved for the president. Without asking any questions, Jackson swiped his card and pressed his fingerprint. The elevator closed and started to go up. Luo Zheng looked at it calmly and found that there were two The cameras are on and off, and the security measures are in place.

Soon, the elevator stopped, and Luo Zheng followed Jackson out. He was surrounded by aisles, which were very clean. There was a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps. There were two posts at the entrance of the important passage. They were all dressed in black suits and had bulging waists. , with restrained murderous aura, obviously not an ordinary person, Luo Zheng was secretly vigilant, followed Jackson to the door of a room and stopped. The wooden door looked old, very thick, and showed a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Jackson went up to the front, swiped the card to open the door after receiving the permission from the person inside, and motioned for Luo Zheng to follow him in. Luo Zheng was unambiguous. When he walked in, he saw that the room was very spacious, with transparent curtains drawn open and a desk placed by the window. , a man in his sixties was reading materials at his desk. Through the window, he could see the Obelisk of Liberty, which is the symbol and sustenance of the Sam people's spirit.

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