The strongest soldier

Chapter 2698 Successful interception

He finally managed to seize the ambassador's car and snatched back the cultural relics. Unexpectedly, the quantity was wrong. This made Luo Zheng realize that there were people in the convoy responsible for transportation, so he became concerned about the members of the convoy. Unexpectedly, the Japanese princess was actually in the convoy, and he immediately placed the suspicion on The cultural relics on the princess are national treasures and are absolutely not allowed to be smuggled out of the country. This is the bottom line and the principle. The person in charge also understood this truth and immediately shouted: "Find the princess's car."

"Yes." Someone immediately agreed, and soon, a black business car appeared on the largest electronic screen. In the middle of the convoy, several cars in front and behind guarded it closely, and no vehicles were allowed to cut in.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and continued to stare at the electronic screen. Seeing that the young people making trouble dispersed one after another, the motorcade drove out slowly, his eyes fell on the princess's car, and he said in a deep voice: "Immediately find out what's on the car. Is it true that the number of people, the weight of people and the weight of the car add up to the tires?"

Someone looked back at the person in charge in surprise, and the person in charge shouted dissatisfied: "Hurry up, listen to me, his orders are my orders, execute them."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly and took action immediately.

Luo Zheng glanced at the person in charge gratefully. This trust was heavy. You must know that at this time, every minute cannot be wasted and every order cannot be issued carelessly. Otherwise, not only time but also opportunities will be wasted. The person in charge looked at Luo Zheng showed his gratitude and said with a wry smile: "It's my fault that I didn't tell everyone in advance."

"Everyone is very disciplined and only obeys your orders. This is correct. You can't blame everyone. Besides, everyone's work efficiency is still very high. We can do it in time." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

The person in charge nodded gratefully and looked at the electronic screen. The fleet had all driven out of the toll station and was about to go to the airport to connect to the auxiliary road. At this time, a technician suddenly stood up and shouted in a deep voice: "Report, calculated. The weight of the person does not match the degree of flattening and deformation of the tires. There are other heavy objects on the car, and the higher degree of flattening of the rear tires indicates that the heavy objects are in the rear trunk."

"Sure enough, it's in this car." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"But, we have no chance." The person in charge reminded with an annoyed look.

"No, we don't need others to give us opportunities. If we don't have opportunities, we will create opportunities ourselves." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Cultural relics are national treasures. Even if they violate disciplines or make mistakes, they must be retained. No one is allowed to escape. This is a matter of principle.

"What do you want to do?" the person in charge asked in a low voice in surprise.

"Crash the car and knock the trunk open. As long as the contents are exposed, they dare not deny it in the face of the facts. There is no better way to intercept them. As long as there is a traffic accident, the convoy must stop. The police Just come forward and perform your duties. If there are cultural relics, I believe the police will know how to deal with them." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"However, the convoy is escorted by police and cannot hit it." the person in charge reminded.

"Ghost Hand, action, target, princess rides." Luo Zheng did not answer the person in charge, but immediately gave Ghost Hand the order to attack and gave the license plate number.

"Understood." Guishou heard the conversation between Luo Zheng and the person in charge through the headset, and knew what he should do. He signaled the other brothers in the car to get off and started the car. At the same time, he opened the cap of a bottle of Erguotou and poured it on his body and On his face, he pretended to be a drunk driver, and he rushed towards the Princess Ride.

"Let my people go?" The person in charge immediately suggested after seeing Luo Zheng's determination and attitude.

"Your people are here at the toll station, and my people are at the toll station. It's most suitable. Don't worry." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and the ghost hand shouted excitedly in his ears: "Brother, I pretended to be drunk driving. Remember to send someone to get me."

"Don't worry, be careful." Luo Zheng didn't expect Guishou to be so adaptable to situations. Drunk driving, what a good excuse. He couldn't help but smile, looked at the person in charge and said, "My people pretended to be drunk. It's normal for drunk driving to crash." Right? It makes sense that the insurance company will accompany you if you crash the princess car, right?"

"Hahaha, okay, this is a good method. Sure enough, it is a den of bears. A drunk driver crashes into a car. It is an accident and unintentional behavior. It is easy to explain in all aspects. It is a big deal to revoke the license. Even if someone is seriously injured, you are not afraid. Drunk driving is not scary. Is the attack just an accident? Direction, I will arrange the rest, and your people will never suffer any loss." The person in charge smiled happily, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Luo Zheng knew that the other party was communicating with people from the police, so he walked forward and came to the electronic screen. He saw an off-road vehicle suddenly accelerate and rush forward, avoiding a police motorcycle and slamming into it. Behind the princess's car, the princess's car was hit hard and rushed forward. The powerful impact shook the rear trunk open and deformed.

The front of the off-road vehicle was also deformed due to the impact. It rushed forward for a distance, hit the guardrail on the roadside and stopped motionless. Luo Zheng's heart clenched, he stared at the off-road vehicle and shouted: "Brother, give it to me." How's the sound?"

"I can't die——, I saw that there were indeed many boxes in the trunk of the car." Ghost Hand's voice sounded in the headset, followed by several coughs and the sound of spitting. Luo Zheng was shocked and asked: " injured?"

"A little injury, it's okay." Guishou's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of pain.

Luo Zheng knew that the injuries must be serious, and with the pride of Ghost Hands, he would describe multiple injuries as minor injuries. He immediately looked at the person in charge, who happened to come over after making a phone call, so he went up to him and said urgently: "Hurry and save people. "

"Understood, I have already called the relevant person in charge. Let the police handle the rest of the matter. They will handle it in place. Your brother will receive the best treatment. You are indeed a force that advocates offense. We have to Say, your method is very effective. Although you have exposed yourself and violated the principles, it is worth it to retain this batch of cultural relics. Leave the aftermath to me."

"It was not exposed. It was drunk driving. An accidental traffic accident revealed the truth about the Japanese country using diplomatic channels to smuggle cultural relics. What a great subject. It has been explained in all aspects, and the international community cannot find fault. What just happened The impact will not kill anyone, and the situation is within control. As long as we do not pursue the smuggling of cultural relics, I believe they will not pursue the matter of being hit. It will be beneficial to us and harmful to them to break up. Smuggling cultural relics through diplomatic channels is not a trivial matter. , despised by the country and society." Luo Zheng analyzed seriously.

"Hahaha, you are quite shrewd, and you know a lot about the rules of national diplomacy. No matter what, we succeeded. Thank you for your support." The person in charge's face became solemn after speaking.

"Well, you're welcome. It's for the national interest if one family doesn't talk to each other. I still have something to do, so I'll take the first step." Luo Zheng smiled politely, and the incident of his younger sister's company being burned flashed through his mind. It’s time to understand the matter. As for the problems exposed by the plan, Luo Zheng doesn’t want to get involved. He believes that the person in charge will investigate the domestic affairs of the National Security Bureau thoroughly.

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