The strongest soldier

Chapter 2695 Adjustment Plan

On the large electronic screen, the convoy turned left. This change made everyone realize that something had happened. Everyone was nervous and did not dare to be careless. They all performed their duties. At this time, a staff member stood up and looked at the person in charge. The person shouted loudly: "Report, the public security side has contacted us. It was the Japanese country who proposed the diversion, saying that they were picking up their ambassador. Due to diplomatic etiquette, the public security side couldn't refuse."

"Ambassador?" Luo Zheng was startled and began to think deeply.

"Why is the ambassador not in the motorcade, but waiting in another place?" The person in charge also asked in surprise. Unfortunately, no one could answer this question. The person in charge said thoughtfully: "Hurry up and find out, what is going on? Why is the ambassador waiting in the middle of the road? waiting?"

Soon, a staff member stood up and reported: "Reporting to the head, the situation has been found out. The Japanese ambassador went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit an official in the morning. He has confirmed with the official. This is indeed the case. It was an appointment two days ago. of."

The person in charge waved his hand for the other party to sit down, looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "We agreed two days ago. It's interesting. What are you going to do about this?"

"I don't think it matters. The ambassador is waiting halfway, and the convoy meets the ambassador. Everything is reasonable and makes sense. But why don't the ambassador and the convoy meet directly at the airport? Why do they need to meet halfway? Also, what is the ambassador doing now? Location?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Find out immediately where the Japanese ambassador's car is?" the person in charge shouted in a deep voice.

"Report, wait in the temporary parking area 100 meters past the toll station." Someone immediately replied.

"Calling up satellite images." The person in charge shouted in a deep voice.

Soon, the electronic screen switched and the high-speed toll station leaving the airport appeared. It was fixed on a black car with the license plate number enlarged. It was the embassy's special car. The person in charge's face became more and more solemn, and his eyes were shining. Shen Sheng said: "It is indeed the ambassador's car. Can you see what's going on inside the car through the rearview mirror? Are there any monitors around? Check it immediately."

The satellite image can only be viewed from above, not sideways, and it is not certain who is in the car. Soon, a staff member shouted: "Report, there is a light pole next to the car, and there is a monitor on it. It is impossible to see clearly what is going on inside the car." , the monitors in other places can’t see much inside the car.”

"Oh? Are you prepared?" Luo Zheng's face turned serious and he said in a deep voice, "There is something weird about this car."

"What do you mean?" the person in charge asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng made a gesture, telling the person in charge to go to a place where no one was around and look around to make sure no one could hear him. Then he lowered his voice and explained: "I suspect that the cultural relics have been taken out of the safe. They are in the ambassador's house." In the car, no one dares to check the ambassador’s car, which is most suitable for transportation. Otherwise, with the identity and status of the ambassador, there is no need to wait in the middle of the road, and it is still at the exit of the toll station, which just circumvents our plan of stealing and replacing the pillars. "

"It makes sense. Even if we succeeded in substituting an armed escort vehicle, but the things were in the ambassador's car, everything we did was in vain. Instead, we were laughed at. The convoy and the ambassador met and drove to the airport together, successfully avoiding our follow-up. Plan, very clever counterattack, it seems that the other side also has experts, what do you think?" the person in charge said in a deep voice.

"The original plan remains unchanged. You are in the open and my people are in the dark. We will divide the work and cooperate and continue to implement the plan to confuse the opponent." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The person in charge is also a decisive person, and he makes a quick decision after understanding the situation.

Luo Zheng contacted the headquarters through the headset and said in a deep voice: "Target, Japanese ambassador's car, current location, one hundred meters away from the toll station at the airport expressway exit, under the light pole, immediately find out whether there is an underground drainage channel below, if so , Immediately arrange for people to blast over and blow up the car. Note that cultural relics may be in the car. Pay attention to the amount of explosives, not too much. In addition, find a way to slow down the convoy."

"Understood." Lan Xing said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng has great trust in his own people, not only in terms of loyalty but also in ability. This kind of thing is a bit childish for people in the Secret Bureau. They only need to explain the purpose of the mission and don't have to worry about the specific execution. All the brothers know it. What to do, how to respond to emergencies.

After the explanation, Luo Zheng stared closely at the electronic screen and noticed changes in the traffic light time. The red light time in the direction of the convoy was obviously longer and the speed slowed down. Suddenly, a crash occurred at an intersection and the intersection was completely blocked. He knew it was Blue Star. Maybe Snow Lotus was controlling, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Although the Japanese convoy was escorted by the police, there was no martial law. It was just an escort. Traffic rules must be followed. The collision was an accident. The straight traffic light was still green. The red light for the horizontal car suddenly turned green. A car rushed over and they happened to collide. Fortunately, the speed was not very fast and no casualties were caused.

Traffic accidents caused by a delay of one or two seconds from green to red are the simplest technical problems, but the most effective. With Xuelian's technology, there will naturally be no traces left and no one will be able to find out afterwards. The convoy had to stop and the police We went up to deal with it, but the vehicle was deformed due to impact, and it took some time to take photos and collect evidence. Moreover, the intersection caused a huge congestion, and it also took time to clear the road, so the police had to come forward to provide manual guidance.

At this time, Lanxing's surprised voice came from the headset: "Head, I didn't expect the other party to stop right next to the street lamp. Under the street lamp is a cable tube, and under the cable tube is a sewage canal, about three meters above the ground. Shi Qian means, All you need to do is blow a hole to make the car sink upside down, with the front of the car facing up and the trunk underneath. The whole car will block the hole made by the explosion. It's best to get stuck. It's easier for the brothers to work underneath. They are already on their way there. We're on our way to our destination, and we expect to arrive there in ten minutes."

"The other party parked under the streetlight to avoid surveillance. Unexpectedly, it gave us an advantage. It's great. It's best to tell the brothers to create the illusion that the road collapsed." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice. He could do it without hurting us. What would be the most ideal thing if you blow up the car without human beings and take away the contents?

"I understand, Shi Qian also meant the same thing. Guishou brought a small team to accompany him, two cars, one car went to the nearest sewage channel entrance, and the other car went to the scene to provide support, just in case." Lanxing said quickly. .

"Okay, the action is approved." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice, his slightly condensed tiger eyes flashing with a strong fighting spirit. The opponent had a variety of strategies, so he would make a certain rule and directly remove the fuel from the cauldron to see what other tricks his opponent could come up with. ?

As for the issue of exposure, Luo Zheng is not worried at all. At that time, the ambassador cannot publicly state that there are cultural relics in the trunk of the car. The country has no evidence and cannot publicly intercept it. The other party cannot publicly state that cultural relics are missing. Otherwise, it will be a crime of buying cultural relics, and he will be dumb. If you eat coptis, you won't be afraid even if you publicly claim to have cultural relics. If the sewage channel collapses unexpectedly and things are washed away by the sewage, the lawsuit will be justified wherever you go, and the opponent can only admit that you are unlucky.

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