The strongest soldier

Chapter 2687 Discovering Ninja

No one could be seen in the quiet Japanese embassy complex. The lights in many buildings were turned off, making them look dark and unbelievably quiet. If it weren't for the lights in a few rooms, Luo Zheng would have thought he was in a deserted place. In the primitive world, the tranquility here was completely opposite to the bustling city outside. Luo Zheng secretly became vigilant and carefully observed everything around him, not missing any detail.

Shi Qian was well aware of Luo Zheng's abilities and did not dare to be careless. The two of them observed for a while and found nothing unusual. On the contrary, a patrol officer led a wolf dog over and passed four or five meters in front. There were some secrets from Qian's sect on his body. The spray he made covered his body's scent, so the wolfdog didn't smell it and wasn't exposed.

After the patrol left, Luo Zheng lowered his body and squatted next to Shi Qian. He looked ahead warily, pointed at a dark shadow not far away, and made a sneaking gesture. Shi Qian shook his head knowingly. , the shadow was left by the house, the house was not the target he wanted to go to, there was no need to waste time, Shi Qian pointed to the other side, where was the guest house inside the embassy.

Normally, the businessman who invested the national treasure would stay in the embassy guest house and wait for three days before leaving with the group. This is the safest way. Shi Qian meant that he wanted to visit the guest house. Luo Zheng shook his head knowingly and pointed persistently. Pointing to the building just now, Shi Qian remembered that the building was the external office building. There should be no one there at the moment. He didn't understand why Luo Zheng wanted to go there, so he nodded and agreed.

Luo Zheng waited for Shi Qian to agree and rushed forward quickly. Using the dark shadows to sneak in, he went more than ten meters away after a few ups and downs. He rushed under the building smoothly. Luo Zheng quickly hid in the corner and leaned against the wall to look warily. There was no abnormality found around him, and he was about to signal to Shi Qian when he suddenly saw something on the roof not far away. He couldn't help but be suspicious, and quickly made a "wait" gesture while looking carefully.

The distance between the roof and the roof was more than 20 meters, and the eaves and corners were upward. Due to the angle, no specific details could be seen. Luo Zheng cautiously walked forward along the wall for a while, and saw a human-shaped heat source lurking on the roof in the distance. He couldn't help but Shocked, I quickly took off my tactical goggles and looked at it. There was nothing on the roof in front of me. I put on my tactical goggles and looked again. The humanoid heat source was clearly visible, and it was a person lurking on it.

"Invisibility suit? Ninja?" Luo Zheng was shocked. Only invisibility suits can do this, and only ninjas above the chrysanthemum level can possess invisibility suits. Sakura level cannot equip invisibility suits. Luo Zheng did not expect that there was actually a ninja lurking here. If it were a chrysanthemum-level ninja in the past, Luo Zheng would be worried about being exposed and not his opponent. After practicing the second half of the ancestral breathing method and understanding the techniques of using inner energy, Luo Zheng did not take the chrysanthemum-level ninja to heart.

On the battlefield, Luo Zheng didn't mind competing with the opponent, but now he was here to detect the situation. There was no need to expose himself. He immediately retreated, avoiding the opponent's sight, and detoured to the other side of the house. After seeing that there was no abnormality around him, he quickly called Shi Qian. He made a gesture and continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly found another ninja lurking on the roof. He quickly grabbed Shi Qian and retreated to the blind spot of the opponent's sight. He was secretly surprised. Shi Qian looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, wondering what was going on. Luo Zheng pointed to the lurking position of the ninja, without saying anything, and thought to himself.

Shi Qian stared at the direction and walked forward vigilantly for a distance, and also discovered the human-shaped heat source lurking on the roof. He quickly stepped back and looked at Luo Zheng with a more solemn look, apparently guessing something.

Luo Zheng stared at the lurking position of the ninja in front, thinking solemnly. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found that the two exposed ninjas were at an angle, one on the left and one on the right, monitoring the surroundings. No matter where he came from, It has always been exposed in the past. The only blind spot is under the wall of the building. Why is this?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng felt more and more that something was wrong. The two ninjas must be guarding something, and that thing must be behind them. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly understood that these two people must be guarding cultural relics, otherwise there would be no need. It may not be easy for this wealthy businessman to launch such a large-scale battle and get ninjas to come and protect him.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian looking at him. He reacted and made a calm gesture. It was not safe to go left or right. He would be discovered by ninjas. It was not possible to go to the roof. There was only one way, and that was After walking through the building, Luo Zheng looked around and quickly came to a window. The window was made of paper. Luo Zheng put his fingers in his mouth and dipped some saliva, then gently broke the window without making any sound. A little noise.

After poking a small hole in the window, Luo Zheng did not check immediately. Instead, he took a few steps back and listened to the movement in the room. If anyone was there, he would definitely notice something unusual and pounce on him. After listening for a few seconds, the sound in the back room Quietly, Luo Zheng leaned into the small hole and looked inside. It was dark inside, but under the tactical goggles with night vision function, the furniture and furnishings inside were very clear. There were no people and no surveillance.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He quickly opened the window and nimbly turned over to enter. He landed silently and looked around cautiously. He pricked up his ears. The next door was also quiet and there was no sound. Luo Zheng quickly came to the door and saw Shi Qianye. He turned over, closed the window, and immediately made a gesture.

Shi Qian rushed up knowingly, and the two of them leaned against the door, one on the left and the other on the right. Luo Zheng slowly opened the door and looked out through the crack in the door. Outside was a corridor, quiet, no one, no lights, and the corridor was connected. The lobby, the lobby was also dark. Luo Zheng quickly stepped out and went straight to the lobby.

The room was only ten meters away from the lobby. Luo Zheng rushed up and saw that there was a service window in the lobby, there were chairs waiting to be seated, there was a surveillance camera in the corner, and the door was closed. Luo Zheng was not sure whether the surveillance camera had an infrared scanning function. It was too dark. Not sure, I didn't dare to take risks. I waited for a while, and when I saw Shi Qian coming over, I pointed at the camera.

Shi Qian looked over knowingly and recognized that it was just an ordinary camera. This kind of camera can monitor under good light conditions, but the monitoring effect is very poor in the dark. It is impossible to see everyone wearing invisibility suits. Shi Qian As the heir to the mantle of burglary, he is the best at surveillance. He determined that it was just an ordinary surveillance camera and there were no hidden cameras. He quickly rushed over and came to the gate.

The door is an electronic lock. You can use a card to open the door from the outside, and you can open the door directly from the inside. It is not complicated. Shi Qian easily opened the door to a crack and looked forward warily. At this time, Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian and went directly there, knowing that the surveillance His head had no effect on him, so he walked up and came to the door. Shi Qian stepped aside and Luo Zheng put his head in to observe, his eyes shining like cold stars twinkling in the dark night.

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