The strongest soldier

Chapter 2684 Guoan asks for help

The trip to the casino was led by Luo Zheng and assisted by the Juhua Group. The two sides cooperated to eradicate the target and recover the national secrets. The cooperation was very successful. For Luo Zheng, this kind of thing is just a small matter, especially Later, tentacle monsters and the Dark Church were involved. Luo Zheng almost forgot about the cooperation. He only remembered it when he heard the person in charge mentioned the old matter again. He smiled politely and said: "Exaggerated praise. The Chrysanthemum Team performed very well. Without their help, I would have done the same." Not even."

"Don't be humble. Come back after the mission is completed. The Chrysanthemum Team will have a detailed work briefing. Everyone has words of praise for you. It shows that everyone admires you very much." The person in charge said with a smile, and put a bottle of mineral water He handed the water to Luo Zheng and continued: "I know your time is precious, let's just talk about it."

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it. If you can help, you will do your best." Luo Zheng said politely.

"According to reliable information, a wealthy businessman from the Japanese country purchased a batch of national treasure-level cultural relics in China. One of them is twelve bronze animal heads. They are all national treasure-level cultural relics and must not be allowed to go out. However, there is no evidence and cannot be directly seized. Moreover, the other party is very dangerous. You are cunning. I don’t know what means were used to bribe the Japanese embassy’s people, and they left the country through diplomatic channels three days later. You know that we have no right to inspect the diplomatic channels.” The top person in charge said seriously.

"Is Japan becoming rampant again?" Luo Zheng got angry when he heard this and asked.

"There are always provocative people. Our mission is to intercept these national treasures." The top person in charge said solemnly.

"What is the principle?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No exposure, no destruction, no failure." The top person in charge said solemnly.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng was startled and began to think deeply.

The top person in charge noticed Luo Zheng's worries and quickly explained: "We are using diplomatic channels. If the action is exposed, it will not be good for our government to seize Japanese goods. The international community does not care whether the things are ours or not, they will say that we are." In a violent government, non-exposure is the minimum principle and is particularly important."

"I understand. If it is exposed and it is really detrimental to our country, we can pretend to be civilians and attack. Even if we fail, it will not harm the country." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"No, we can't fail. Failure means that things cannot leave the country and are not allowed to be destroyed. This is why we ask you for help. If we can work around it, we will solve it ourselves. The difficulty lies in these three principles. None of them can be violated. It's up to you to take command, and I'll provide the personnel here." The top person in charge said seriously.

Luo Zheng pondered with a solemn expression. It is understandable not to allow destruction. It is understandable not to allow cultural relics to be destroyed. It is also understandable not to allow failure. Failure means that things leave the country. It will be harder to get them back in the future. It is also understandable not to allow them to be exposed. After all, It is a shady action, and exposure will damage the country's image. However, these three principles together are extraordinary.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "Not being allowed to be exposed means that we can only operate in secret, right?"

"That's right, things must be taken back without the other party's knowledge. If they are snatched hard, it means exposure and armed conflict. They will definitely have someone protecting them along the way. Once a fight breaks out, things will become complicated. We must then Open a case for investigation and give an explanation. If the things are taken out quietly without leaving any traces, we will have many ways to shirk the matter." the top person in charge explained.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly, thought for a while, and continued to ask: "Things are all cultural relics that cannot be seen in the light. Even if we rob them publicly, they would not dare to report the existence of cultural relics, right?"

"They dare not say that they have cultural relics, but it is not a good thing for our country to have things stolen from the Japanese embassy in public. Moreover, they have applied for security, which means that we have to dispatch police forces to protect them along the way as they board the plane. Someone robbed them in public. The nature is bad and undesirable. Do you want us to start a fight? They may have thought that someone would attack, so they simply applied for protection." The person in charge of Gao Gao explained in a deep voice.

"These guys are really smart. They made a good move and asked our people to protect them as they leave the country. As long as we take action, the escorting police will definitely fight back. When the time comes, our own people will beat our own people. They are watching the fun. They are so clever." Luo Zheng whispered angrily.

"Yes, we succeeded, which means that the escorting police failed. If we failed, things would leave the country. No matter which way it is, it would be detrimental to the mission. This is why we came to you." The top person in charge said with a wry smile.

Luo Zheng fully understood the difficulty and concerns of the task. He couldn't help but smile bitterly, thought for a while, and said, "Where is the thing now?"

"At the embassy, ​​we have the route of the convoy in three days." The top official said solemnly.

"No need to tell me the route." Luo Zheng said quickly when he saw the top person in charge was about to get up to get the route information. Seeing the top person in charge looking at him in surprise, he explained: "Our opponents include people from Japan, and If the escorting police know the route, our robbery plan will be targeted. If the Japanese pirates see that we are familiar with the route, they will definitely guess our identity, which is inappropriate."

"What you said makes sense. The route is top secret. There are only a handful of people who know it. There is no possibility of leaking out. You reminded me of this. But, how can I do something if I don't know the route? Do you want to attack the embassy? ?According to the intelligence, everything is in a safe." The top person in charge asked curiously.

"Do we have an insider?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Yes, but I don't have enough identity and don't know much. I only know that the things are in the safe, but I don't know where the safe is, let alone the password. Do you really want to attack the embassy?" the top person in charge asked in surprise.

"We don't have many opportunities. We only have two opportunities. One was in the embassy and the other was on the way to escort. I haven't figured out how to do it yet. Give me a day. I need to go back and think about it carefully. I will discuss the action plan with you tomorrow. How?" Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, how about I wait for you in the office at this time tomorrow? I hope you can create miracles again." The top person in charge asked seriously, looking at Luo Zheng with a little more anticipation.

"I'll do my best." Luo Zheng promised seriously.

"With your words, I feel relieved. What do I need to prepare here?" the top person in charge asked.

"It's best not to prepare anything." Luo Zheng smiled.

"That won't work. This mission is ours. You're just here to help. Don't try to take the credit away from me." The top person in charge said immediately, fearing that Luo Zheng would do it alone.

"Don't worry, I won't take your credit. What I mean is that the Japanese country must have arranged for people to keep an eye on you. If you are prepared, they must know that it will not be good when the time comes. I will prepare whatever is needed first. When your people arrive, Just do it, is that enough?" Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"Hahaha, okay, brother, please be happy. It's settled. After this incident, I will definitely ask for credit for you, and I will pay you double the required materials." The top person in charge happily agreed.

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