The strongest soldier

Chapter 2667 Escort to board the ship

Generally speaking, when retreating, one would choose to retreat. At most, they would evacuate secretly from both sides. They would never break out from the front of the enemy. It was too dangerous. Luo Zheng didn't want to do this. The enemy's strength was several times his own, and the way out was completely blocked. It was very difficult to cover the safe evacuation of the experts, so Luo Zheng had to create a gap.

Xu Gang and Snow Leopard attacked fiercely in the east. Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle suddenly killed from the west, making the enemy think that they were attacking from the east. The real purpose was to withdraw the main force from the west. A large number of troops would definitely rush to encircle them. In this way, the troops in the middle would be Move to the east and west, and a gap will appear.

Luo Zheng was not sure whether the brothers on both sides could block the enemy's counterattack and successfully break out of the siege. He couldn't care less at the moment and quickly evacuated with the members of the expert team. Everyone ran forward and soon reached the mountainside. , Tie Diao and Sanji who were exploring the road ahead did not send back any dangerous news, and the team continued to trot forward.

Soon, many tents appeared in the woods ahead, but there was no one in the tents. The trenches and foxholes near the tents were also empty. Sundries were scattered everywhere. It looked like a panicked evacuation. Luo Zheng guessed that The enemy defending here left in a hurry and was immediately overjoyed.

Everyone quickly passed the tent area and ran for a distance. Sanji, who had opened the way in front, returned and ran to Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "Head, Tie Diao said that there was a tent area ahead and there were many wounded people inside. He went to take a look. , let me take everyone through in a roundabout way to avoid accidents."

"Okay, let's clear the way ahead." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, while looking around cautiously.

There was no sign of an enemy around, but there were gunshots and explosions on the east and west sides farther away. They were only a few hundred meters away. Obviously, the defense forces in this area had been temporarily mobilized, and Sanji immediately Leading the way and covering the experts' rapid evacuation.

Soon, everyone saw a large tent in the woods not far away. There were people patrolling the perimeter and burning many bonfires. Many wounded people were sitting beside the bonfires. It was obvious that this was the enemy's rear area, where the wounded rested. Luo Zheng signaled to everyone. Keep moving so that your whereabouts are not revealed over time.

Not long after, Tie Diao came out of the woods, found Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "Brother, we should have walked out of the enemy's blockade. There should be no danger ahead. I want to find Xu Gang and the others."

Luo Zheng understood Tie Diao's mood. The brothers who had lived and died together were still fighting bloody battles. It was reasonable for Tie Diao to want to help. Luo Zheng had no right to order Tie Diao, so he nodded and agreed. Tie Diao gratefully gave Luo Zheng He saluted, turned around and left in a hurry. After Luo Zheng watched the iron eagle leave, he immediately said: "Sangji, open the way ahead and find the hovercraft."

"Understood." Sanji agreed and hurried to the front to clear the way. Luo Zheng and the members of the expert team quickly followed. Everyone ran wildly for about ten minutes. Luo Zheng saw that the experts were panting and seriously exhausted. It was not appropriate to continue running, and everyone immediately slowed down. Listening to the gunfire that was still ringing in the distance, everyone felt heavy in their hearts, and their faces were full of worry.

After a while, Ji Wu caught up with Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "Boss, there should be no danger ahead. Shall I go help? My Emperor's Sword is not a problem against the Knights of the Round Table."

"No, keep moving forward." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Including his own combat power of only four, the troops were too small to divide the troops. Seeing Ji Wu's depressed look, he explained in a deep voice: "Maybe there are no more troops ahead. Enemies, but dangers still exist, such as donkeys, wolves, and other beasts.”

"Understood." Ji Wu reacted, secretly annoyed at his lack of thinking, and hurriedly ran to continue covering the experts.

Everyone slowed down and walked for about half an hour. The sound of gunfire was already very far away. It was impossible to distinguish it without listening carefully. Luo Zheng was not sure about the outcome of everyone's battle and whether they had broken out. He was anxious, but he had to control his emotions. , leading the experts to continue the evacuation.

Soon, Sangji led everyone to a forest and found a hovercraft in the lush bushes. Everyone went up to help, each carrying some accessories and continued on their way. Considering the danger, Luo Zheng asked Ji Wu to clear the way in front of him. Ji Wu's martial arts, coupled with the sharpness of the Emperor's Sword, means he is not afraid even if he encounters wild beasts.

Along the way, everyone encountered some horned rats and a few snakes with thick arms, but they did not encounter ferocious beasts such as donkeys and wolves. They were still safe. After another half an hour, everyone arrived at the coast. Luo Zheng quickly asked the experts They lined up in a single file to avoid stepping on centipedes.

Sanji and Ji Wu opened the way in front, while Luo Zheng and Qi Puxing protected the back and kept an eye on both sides. Once an abnormality was discovered, they quickly solved it with a pistol. The pistol was equipped with a silencer, so there was no need to worry about the sound revealing the whereabouts. Everyone has seen the power of centipedes. Walk very carefully.

The members of the expert team had never seen centipedes and were very curious, especially the paleontology expert in the team, who wished they could see one right away. However, Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and refused the other party's offer to kill one and take it back for study, and walked for a while. From a distance, Sanji fired a rapid shot at a raised sand in front. The sand was overturned, and a huge centipede rolled out of it.

Ji Wu rushed forward, stomping on the head with one foot and the tail with the other. The Emperor's Sword in his hand quickly passed through the middle and cut the centipede into two pieces. The members of the expert team were shocked when they saw the centipede. The paleontology expert even more He wanted to touch it with his hands, but Luo Zheng stopped him and reminded him that he would not stop until it was extremely poisonous.

The team continued on their way, and Sanji and Ji Wu teamed up to kill several centipedes along the way. Everyone came to the beach and put down the hovercraft accessories. Luo Zheng quickly organized Sanji, Ji Wu and Qi Puxing to assemble it, inflate it, and set up the board. , stabilizing the power unit, etc., everything is in order.

It didn't take long for the hovercraft to be assembled. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to push the hovercraft to the sea, and then started the hovercraft. After confirming that there was no problem, Luo Zheng asked the experts to get on the hovercraft and sit down. He immediately looked at Qi Puxing and said in a deep voice. : "You sail the ship to send the experts to evacuate first. You must ensure the safety of every expert."

"Me?" Pu Xing was shocked and somewhat confused about Luo Zheng's intention.

"Yes, you are the only one." Luo Zheng said solemnly, and told the coordinates of the nuclear submarine to be sent.

After Puxing realized this, Luo Zheng asked himself to escort the experts to evacuate first. He marked his seat secretly, his face became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice: "What should I do after they are delivered?"

"Nonsense, send a boat to pick us up as soon as it's delivered." Ji Wu cursed angrily, a little speechless at the reaction of his sworn brother.

"I know, I mean where to pick him up?" Pu Xing quickly explained.

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