The strongest soldier

Chapter 2661 A small victory

There was chaos on the mountainside. Countless armed men swarmed up, trying to detain their sneak attack opponents. The twenty or so people in front blocked the retreat. Everyone was mixed together. No one dared to shoot, lest they accidentally injure themselves. The people who were surrounded were Xu Gang and others. They were very brave and very powerful in combat. They were not afraid of the holy warriors who surrounded them. Xu Gang even punched the enemy in front of them.

The target had just avoided Xu Gang's strange slash. He didn't expect Xu Gang to be so fast. His heart was shocked. His body instinctively continued to squat down, trying to avoid the fierce punch, but Xu Gang seemed to have known that the opponent would come. As if avoiding the fatal attack again, he suddenly stepped forward and struck hard with his knee. The hard kneecap accurately hit the target's nose, knocking the opponent directly away.

After he succeeded, Xu Gang didn't look at the opponent, but stepped on the opponent's body and rushed forward. The people behind him also followed closely, stepping on their bodies and rushing over. You can't have any mercy towards the enemy on the battlefield. Everyone is eager to kill. , only fighting is in his eyes, how can he care about anything else?

"Kill -" Xu Gang knew how powerful the holy warriors were and did not dare to be careless. He roared angrily and rushed into the enemy group to fight hard. Others followed closely and joined the holy warriors to fight together.

At this time, Luo Zheng and Shan Diao, who were hiding at the commanding heights not far away, saw this scene and knew that those who were blocking them were holy warriors. How could they let go of such a good opportunity? They all aimed at the past. Under the night vision function, the target turned into a mass of hot light sources, making it difficult to identify. However, Luo Zheng and Shan Diao knew very well that those who fought with dragon tooth sabers were members of the action team, and everyone formed an alliance. The triangle attack formation is not scattered, so it is not difficult to distinguish.

"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" , only two hundred meters away. At this distance, dragon tooth bullets can easily penetrate the bullet-proof armor and sink into the body, turning the target's body into a pot of porridge. As long as it is hit, no one will be spared.

The two of them almost emptied a magazine in one breath. The Dragon Tooth Bullet's magazine could not be filled with bullets. The two of them added up to ten bullets. Calculated based on half the success rate, they both killed at least five holy warriors. In fact, they did not. Not only that, Luo Zheng and Shan Diao's sniper marksmanship are among the best in the entire mystery bureau, and their hit rate is extremely high.

However, in an emergency, neither of them bothered to check the hit rate. They quickly changed their magazines and aimed again. They saw Xu Gang leading the people and the holy warriors fighting together, blocking the holy warriors' attack. They were safe for the time being. The person waited for a moment and quickly pulled the trigger again.

"Whoosh whoosh-" Another sniper shot passed, and the holy warriors who were fighting with Xu Gang and others fell down one after another. After a while, a gap appeared. Xu Gang and others took the opportunity to rush out and ran towards the top of the mountain.

While running, Xu Gang took out the remote control and looked back behind him. A large number of enemies were chasing him, but more of them rushed towards the headquarters. The reason was unknown. Xu Gang was overjoyed. This was a great opportunity to bomb the enemies on a large scale. How could there be any mistake? Pass? Quickly pressed the remote control.

"Boom -" a violent explosion sounded. Hundreds of button bombs exploded almost at the same time. The sounds were intertwined, like thunder. The ground shook faintly, and the shock waves caused by the explosion of each button bomb were also intertwined. A terrifying impact storm formed. This impact storm knocked everyone around them into the night sky. Blood and stumps were flying, which was extremely terrifying.

Xu Gang and others who were running felt the power of the powerful shock wave. They took two steps and jumped on the ground. They hugged their heads tightly, opened their mouths and roared excitedly, reducing the impact of the shock wave on the body and brain, while taking the opportunity to vent. With the anger in his heart.

The huge orange-red explosive fireball illuminated the surrounding woods. Luo Zheng and others lost their target and had to stop shooting. While changing their magazines, they checked Xu Gang and others. Seeing that everyone was lying on the ground motionless, life and death unknown, they couldn't help but become nervous. , staring hard, his face as solemn as frost.

After a while, the shock wave of the explosion dissipated. When Luo Zheng saw Xu Gang shaking his head and getting up, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was fine. He quickly aimed in the direction of the enemy camp, but found that there was no one standing up in the explosion area. At this time, , Xu Gang's excited roar came out of his ears: "Is everything okay? If you're not dead, follow me and get out of here."

"Hahaha, I can't die, it's so enjoyable." The others replied excitedly, and they got up and rushed forward, all of them alive and well, obviously not injured.

This scene made Luo Zheng feel reassured and he secretly cheered. He deserves to be a member of the Veterans Club and a god-level soldier. He treats the enemy camp as if it is nothing and can come and go freely. He blows up the enemy camp and makes him stand on his back. Looking at the world, he can do anything. I'm afraid these are the only god-level soldier kings who will arrive. With the help of god-level soldier kings, what enemies can't be defeated?

"Hahaha, it's fun." Xu Gang shouted excitedly, whizzing over like a shooting star, and soon appeared in front of Luo Zheng, saying murderously: "Brother, just fight like this, you can kill the enemy's strength, and also It can attract the holy warriors to come out as living targets, well, this method is good, and the brothers will enjoy the killing."

"The enemy will be on guard next time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"So what if you're on guard? Just kill him as he comes in and out." Xu Gang said nonchalantly, with a confident look on his face, and a strong murderous aura that seemed to ignite the night.

Luo Zheng knew that Xu Gang and others were talented and brave, but he was still moved by everyone's fearless spirit of risking death for the country. He said in a deep voice: "As a soldier, I also like this passionate fighting method, but as a commander, I Risks must be minimized as much as possible. This sneak attack was successful because the enemy did not expect us to fight so resolutely and with button bombs. We got off the car and the enemy would never let us rush up to them. They did not even dare to let us get close. Therefore, this tactic It is temporarily unavailable.”

"Okay, it's up to you. Anyway, you have a lot of ideas. Tell me any good tactics you think of and implement them resolutely." Xu Gang smiled excitedly and didn't mind being rejected. He looked at Luo Zheng with eyes full of respect. Although he had fought just now It took a risk, but he killed about twenty holy warriors and an unknown number of armed personnel. Xu Gang conservatively estimated that there were at least fifty or sixty people. Killing so many at once was enough to give the enemy a headache.

"It was just a small victory just now. Let's spread out and take cover and continue to observe and look for opportunities." Luo Zheng knew that everyone's morale was high, which was a good thing for the army and could not be attacked, so he warned in a deep voice, looking towards the mountainside. It became sharper, beating with thick flames of war. Since the enemy wants to fight, then fight.

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