The strongest soldier

Chapter 2651 Chasing powerful enemies

During the fierce battle, Luo Zheng discovered the tentacle monster, and two old men in suits and ties next to the tentacle monster. Those who could dress up like this must have extraordinary status, maybe they are high-level officials in the Dark Church. This is a big fish, how could Luo Zheng give up? ? Upon hearing Xu Gang's invitation to fight, Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but roared: "Ghost hands, snow leopard!"

"Here-" Two majestic voices responded, and Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle rushed forward.

"Leave the wounded to clean up the battlefield and protect the experts. Follow me and catch up with the others and kill them." Luo Zheng ordered murderously. Regardless of whether Ghost Shou and Snow Leopard understood it or not, he picked up his weapon and rushed forward, shouting as he ran. Said: "Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Sanji, you guys come with me."

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed excitedly.

Tie Diao, Sanji and others did not answer, but rushed forward and responded to Luo Zheng's order with practical actions. At this time, Shan Diao and others who were ambushing at the commanding heights not far away saw that the situation was different, and a large number of enemies rushed out of the camp. They retreated towards the sea. Without Luo Zheng's orders, everyone did not move. They gathered around and looked at the mountain eagle.

"Captain, there are no gunshots in the camp anymore, which means the situation is under our control. The enemy has escaped. Only our dragon tooth bullets can penetrate the enemy's bullet-proof armor. Let's catch up, shall we?" A brother suggested in a deep voice.

"Yes, it will be too late if we don't chase him." Others responded in a deep voice.

If there were communication tools, it would be easy. Just ask, but everyone did not have communication tools and could not get in touch with Luo Zheng directly. The mountain eagle hesitated for a moment, raised the sniper scope to observe the camp, and found a troop rushing out towards the enemy. It was Luo Zheng who was chasing after him from the retreating direction.

Seeing this scene, the mountain eagle was overjoyed. Luo Zheng had two orders. One was to provide sniper cover. Now that the enemy had evacuated, there was no need to leave any more sniper cover. The other was to attack the enemy's helicopters that might be there. The problem was that it took so long. Now, the enemy helicopter has not appeared, and there is no need to stay. The mountain eagle thought of this and roared in a deep voice: "Brothers, the head has already caught up with us. We can't just wait here. Come with me and kill!"

"Kill -" everyone roared angrily, followed by the mountain eagle and rushed forward.

Luo Zheng didn't know that Shan Diao was also chasing him with his troops. He rushed for a distance and saw Tie Diao, Sanji and others chasing him. After a while, Xu Gang and others also came after him. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look back. After a blink of an eye, he saw Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard also rushing up with their troops. He felt certain in his heart and continued to rush forward, replacing the dragon tooth bullets as he ran.

There are also Knights of the Round Table and Holy Warriors in the enemy team. When these people evacuated, they rushed to the front. Now that they have withdrawn, they will definitely break up behind. In order to protect the higher-ups, these people will never run away from the team. The speed of the past With their combat effectiveness unable to be exerted, each one of them became a living target, which was a great opportunity for hunting.

If there is anyone that Luo Zheng is most afraid of, there is only one person, and that is the Knights of the Round Table. The holy warriors are also very powerful, but that was before. Ever since the dragon teeth popped out, Luo Zheng is no longer afraid of any holy warriors, but The Knights of the Round Table are different. In terms of speed, strength and fighting, they are stronger than the Holy Warriors. Normally, it is difficult to aim and shoot. But this time is different. The Knights of the Round Table will not break away from the large army. It is such a good opportunity to kill a few people. The Dark Church's The strength is a little weaker.

Soon, everyone closed the distance with the enemy. Luo Zheng ran while raising his gun and aiming at it. The gun was pressed against his shoulder to prevent it from shaking easily. His arm held the gunshot steadily, as solid as a rock. His index finger held the trigger, ready to fire. While running, Luo Zheng quickly locked onto a person who looked like a Knight of the Round Table, and regardless of whether it was him or not, he directly pulled the trigger.

Xu Gang and others also opened fire. Even if they could not tear apart the bullet-proof armors of the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Warriors, they could stun them if they hit the head. Even if they missed, they could disturb the enemy's morale to a certain extent and affect the opponent's morale. The speed of evacuation creates opportunities for Luo Zheng.

The evacuating team noticed that the pursuers were approaching. One team immediately stopped advancing, hid on the spot, and fought back. Their marksmanship was very accurate. The bullets hit their bodies. Everyone was in pain and had to lie down on the spot to hide and block the attack. The troops were shooting at each other. Luo Zheng emptied a magazine in one breath and killed two enemies. He shouted with a stern face: "The troops behind the scenes are skilled in tactics and move very fast. They should be holy warriors. Everyone, be careful."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

At this time, Guishou and Snow Leopard also caught up with their men. Seeing this scene, the two exchanged a tacit look. They attacked one from the left and the other, outflanking them from both sides. Guishou, who was running, suddenly saw one side. The mountain eagle and others who rushed up were immediately overjoyed, beckoning the mountain eagle to come closer, pointing at the blocking troops and saying murderously: "Brother, blocking the troops is not easy. You have dragon tooth bullets. Come on, I will lead the troops to continue the pursuit. , hold them back."

"Okay, be careful." The mountain eagle nodded knowingly, waved his hand, and led his troops to rush towards the enemy who was blocking them. He fired as he rushed, constantly suppressing the enemies who were counterattacking.

With the firepower suppressed by the mountain eagle and others, the threat of counterattack by the blocking troops was greatly reduced. Luo Zheng saw the mountain eagle charging up from one side, and the snow leopard on the other side, also charging up with his troops. He was overjoyed and shouted: "Brothers , rush up, kill them, kill them——"

"Ah -" everyone shouted excitedly, and rushed forward with guns in hand. The firepower from the three parties was intertwined, suppressing the blocking enemies, beating them so hard that they couldn't raise their heads. Some who were not afraid of death tried to get up and shoot, but As soon as he fired, he was knocked down by a precise sniper. In the face of dragon fang bullets, the hard bullet-proof armor was a joke.

Once upon a time, everyone suffered a lot from the bullet-proof armor of the Dark Church. Bullets were basically useless unless they hit the head. In this case, everyone had no choice but to give up and retreat. But today is different from the past. With the Dragon Tooth Bullet in their hands and the initiative in their hands, everyone rushed forward and quickly killed all the enemies behind them.

Luo Zheng glanced at the enemies lying on the ground. Almost all of them were shot and killed by dragon tooth bullets. He gave a thumbs up to the mountain eagle who ran up excitedly and said, "Well done, lead your men up. , kill all the Knights of the Round Table and Holy Warriors, be careful."

"Yes." The mountain eagle saw that Luo Zheng did not blame him for taking the decision without authorization and came after him. He was overjoyed and agreed. With a wave of his hand, he quickly rushed forward with his troops.

"Gah——" At this time, a sharp whistle came from the sky. Luo Zheng was startled and couldn't help but raised his head and looked forward. He saw a large eagle swooping down, like a glider, at an extremely fast speed, and he was about to hit him.仡Puxing suddenly flapped his wings and backed up. After stabilizing his momentum, he landed lightly on the shoulder of 仡Puxing. He lowered his head and made a series of cooing sounds. He didn't know what he was saying.

Luo Zheng saw that Pu Xing was listening with his brows furrowed. He thought something was wrong, so he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Did something happen?"

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