The strongest soldier

Chapter 2639 Change of plan


In the camp, countless armed men roared and opened fire into the sky. The dense bullets formed tongues of fire, like the scythe of death, knocking down the fist-sized mosquitoes flying in the sky and falling to the ground one after another. The mosquitoes wanted to fight back. But they were afraid that the blazing bonfire would burn their wings, so they dispersed one after another, flying high or low.

At this time, more than a dozen people rushed out of the camp again, some holding torches and some holding flamethrowers. They got out of the camp and rushed towards the mosquitoes. These people all wrapped their heads in towels and wrapped them around them several times. Only the eyes are exposed outside, and the eyes are protected with torches. When mosquitoes are flying, they will immediately block the torches. The torches can burn the wings of mosquitoes, which plays a certain protective role.

These people wore combat uniforms and were not afraid of mosquito bites. They kept firing at the mosquitoes in the sky, using rapid clicks. Every time they pulled the trigger, mosquitoes fell. These people strode up and directly trampled the mosquitoes' bodies. Damn, he didn't even look at it and continued to shoot all the mosquitoes in sight quickly.

"Oh, oh, oh!" The people hiding near the bonfire in the camp also became red-eyed and let out strange screams. The weapons in their hands were shooting at any visible mosquitoes without hesitation. Soon, more bonfires appeared. It was ignited and surrounded the camp in a ring. More people rushed out to fight back. The intensive firepower formed a blockade to keep out all the mosquitoes. Some people rushed out without fear of mosquito bites.

The battle lasted for ten minutes, and the camp gradually returned to calm. Only occasionally someone fired a shot, and the hunters slipped through the net. After a violent blast of bullets, coupled with bonfires and flamethrowers, the mosquitoes were driven away, leaving only A few unwilling mosquitoes hid in the dark and prepared for a sneak attack. They were discovered by the people cleaning the battlefield and shot directly.

Although the mosquitoes were driven away, the camp did not return to peace. People kept adding dry wood to the campfire to ensure that the campfire was burning brightly. Most people circled the camp and built fortifications. No matter which angle the mosquitoes came from, they would be discovered. .

In a mountain forest not far away, Luo Zheng looked at this scene with a solemn face, secretly frightened. From the fact that so many bonfires were burning in a short period of time, it can be seen that the enemy has long been prepared to prevent mosquitoes, and the dry firewood has been prepared long ago. Those who were prepared should have sprayed grease to aid combustion, otherwise it would not have been possible to set off so many bonfires so quickly, and it would have been impossible to block the large-scale attacks of mosquitoes.

"These bastards have been prepared for a long time. Look at the people rushing out from behind. They rushed out so quickly. Apparently they didn't even take off their clothes when they were resting. If we go straight up, we'll just hit them." Tie Diao whispered eagerly. He said with a happy expression.

Luo Zheng naturally saw this, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Their defense is to send outwards and tighten internally. Fortunately, they did not choose to attack by force. The bonfire was prepared long ago. Apparently they have been wary of mosquito attacks and pursued them. Those who are killed are holy warriors. The Knights of the Round Table have not come out, the experts have not come out, and the defense is in order, so it is difficult to fight."

"Yeah, okay, okay. If the mosquito hadn't tried it for us and happened to hit it, the Knights of the Round Table should be guarding the experts, first to ensure their safety, and second, to prevent them from running away. Do you want to continue the attack? "Tie Diao asked in a worried voice.

"You can't move." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looked at Ye Tong, thought for a while, and continued to add: "Go and find Xu Gang and the others and ask them to return to the team quickly."

"No fighting tonight?" Ye Tong asked in a low voice in surprise.

"Look." Luo Zheng said and pointed to the camp ahead. Tie Diao and Ye Tong quickly raised their scopes to observe. Luo Zheng continued: "Although the mosquitoes were repelled, the enemy not only showed no intention of calming down, but also added more Bonfire, make sure it's safe, obviously I plan to hold on to it all night, if you hit it at this time, you will die, so you can't move."

"That makes sense, I'll go right away." Ye Tong promised in a deep voice. Seeing that Luo Zheng had nothing else to explain, he glanced at Tie Diao, turned around and left.

After waiting for a while, the enemy camp turned out to be as Luo Zheng analyzed. Not only did they increase the number of campfires, they also increased the number and scope of patrols. They defended it as if facing a formidable enemy. There was no way to penetrate it. He said in a loud voice: "These bastards are really smart. If they do this, we may really have no chance tonight. Should we kill the enemy's secret sentry and infiltrate under our false names?"

"No, I suspect that twenty Knights of the Round Table are guarding the experts and persons in charge. Naturally, they live in the core area and are not easy to get close to. I didn't expect this before. Now that mosquitoes have revealed this detail for us, we can't be stupid and die." Luo Zheng denied in a deep voice.

"It's possible that the Knights of the Round Table who were in serious trouble just now didn't come out, which means that those are the last defense forces. But, what should we do in this case?" Tie Diao asked in an annoyed low voice.

"Simple, change the plan." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Change the plan?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng's contemplative expression, he asked urgently: "How to change it? What plan should it be changed to?"

"Hit their hunting troops and then reinforce them, weakening their strength one by one." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Aren't you afraid of exposing your whereabouts?" Tie Diao reminded worriedly.

"This requires us to find a suitable location. We must kill as many as we come to ensure that no one is missed. There is no communication equipment. As long as the distance is far enough, their camp will not know what is happening. They will just keep sending troops to check. Just when they are We hunt them one by one." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

When Tie Diao heard what he meant, he immediately laughed. Everyone continued to observe the enemy camp and found that a large number of troops were patrolling the surroundings as if facing a powerful enemy, with no intention of resting. Tie Diao suddenly thought of something, laughed, and whispered Said: "Brother, your method will definitely work."

"Oh, why?" Luo Zheng looked at Tie Diao in surprise and asked.

"Hehe, it seems you didn't notice it yourself. You see, these people don't even go to rest. One night is enough for them, and they will definitely have no energy the next day, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, a tired soldier will go out hunting, and we will happen to be killed. Ambush." ​​Tie Diao explained in a low voice excitedly.

"That's right, if they don't rest for a night, they will become exhausted even if their fighting power is limited. When the time comes, we will wait until they are far away before attacking. Taking it down in one fell swoop is not a problem. It is a pity that we can't show up. If we attack overnight, it will make them nervous." Maybe the effect will be better." Gui Shou echoed in a low voice beside him.

"That won't work. Once the gunshots are fired, the enemy will realize that there are others on the island. They will not send troops out to hunt tomorrow. There will be no battle to fight by then. How about you compensate?" Tie Diao immediately denied.

Luo Zheng really didn't think about this. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile, and his eyes became firmer and brighter.

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