The strongest soldier

Chapter 2625 Get on board

The moonlight is hazy and the stars are densely packed.

The sea breeze gently passed over the island, awakening the emerald green leaves to dance happily, like children laughing like silver bells. The woods were dark, and a small team slowly walked forward through the faint moonlight. Everyone wore night masks. The tactical goggles with visual function were used very carefully, like ghosts, silently, holding the steel gun flat on the shoulder, staring at the surroundings vigilantly, not letting go of any disturbance.

The team walked for a while, and the person leading the way suddenly stopped, raised his fist at ear height, and made a gesture to stop advancing. The people behind stopped one after another, squatted down quickly, and moved their weapons vigilantly, looking through the scope. Looking around, there was only the noisy chirping of unknown insects.

After waiting for a while, the person in front pointed his palm forward and made a gesture to continue moving forward. Everyone stood up and continued to walk forward slowly. Someone in the middle of the team did not see the gesture, and the people behind came forward and took a picture. Patting the other party's shoulder, the other party stood up quickly and followed him without any sound.

With a squeaking sound, a big bird flew up into the night sky with a strange cry, flapping its wings and flew away. The team did not stop, but quickened their pace. Ten minutes later, the team passed through the woods and went down the ridge. Come on, there are fewer trees and more bushes on the ridge, and the road is not easy to walk. The team walks slower, and from time to time avoids the dense bushes in front. As a result, the marching speed becomes even slower.

After another ten minutes, the team came down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a coconut forest. The ground was full of sea sand, with no weeds growing on it. The terrain was gentle. The marching speed suddenly became much faster. The team trotted forward and almost reached the coast in one breath. Everyone spread out, leaned against the coconut trees, and hid their bodies in the dark shadow of the trees to rest.

A strong man came to a person who was observing the GPS, looked around, and said in a low voice: "Brother, it's easier to walk along the coastline. You can reach your destination in about half an hour to the east, brothers. It’s all good, the weather looks calm, it seems God is helping us.”

This team was preparing to sneak attack on the Dark Church destroyer, Luo Zheng and his party. The one who was called brother was naturally Luo Zheng, and the one who came to talk to Luo Zheng was Tie Diao. Luo Zheng collected the GPS and looked at those who were resting. Everyone glanced at Tie Diao and said in a deep voice: "Good luck to God, let's go and continue on our way."

"Brothers, let's go." Tie Diao nodded knowingly and lowered his voice to order the people around him.

Everyone did not answer, but lined up and walked forward in a column, silently and strictly following orders. Luo Zheng followed at the back of the team to hold down the formation, accompanied by Tie Diao, while Xu Gang personally explored the way in front. The ground near the coast was full of sea. The sand made it difficult for plants to grow, but there were a lot of coconut trees, but it did not affect the march, and the team began to march quickly.

In about half an hour, everyone arrived at the coast where the salvage ship was docked. It was quiet all around, and no one was guarding or guarding him. This situation made Xu Gang startled. Out of caution, Xu Gang did not take action immediately, but asked the people behind him to Make a gesture and ask everyone to come up, spread out, and wait for help.

Luo Zheng and Tie Diao came up quickly and lay down behind a piece of earth slope and looked around vigilantly. The surrounding mountains were clearly visible and the field of vision was wide. There was no ambush at all. Below the mountains was a cliff more than ten meters high. The waves crashed against the cliff, making a roaring sound. Apart from the noise, the surroundings were silent.

"No one?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and said.

"The situation is a bit abnormal. Don't they want the salvage ship? Or do they simply don't believe that there is no one on the island?" Xu Gang climbed up and said in a low voice, looking at the destroyer floating on the sea, his eyes full of vigilance.

"I'm afraid they really don't know that there is no one else on the island. Otherwise, it is impossible for them not to send anyone to guard the ship. Even if there is a conspiracy, they have to keep this bottom line. How can they go back without the ship? However, we still have to go Let’s confirm and see what’s going on.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, what should I do?" Tie Diao said in surprise.

"Which of you two will stay and guard this high ground just in case? The others will go to sea with me and get on the salvage ship first." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Tie Diao and Xu Gang exchanged glances, and Xu Gang said: "If an enemy attacks, those who stay can only sneak attack. This requires extremely fast speed. You are more suitable than me. I will take the brothers to the sea and you stay." "

"Okay, be careful." Tie Diao thought reasonably and had no objection.

Luo Zheng looked at the two of them and whispered: "Leave a brother who is fast enough to assist. We must travel lightly in this operation. We must take off our combat uniforms and bullet-proof armors, leaving only weapons behind." Dragon teeth and swords, operating in tight suits, there are so many things that need to be watched.”

"The leader of the action team this time is Scud Ye Tong. Let him stay and look at things while I lead the team myself." Xu Gang suggested, seeing Luo Zheng nodding and exchanging glances with Tie Diao, he immediately He gestured for Ye Tong to come forward and gave some serious instructions. Ye Tong nodded knowingly and had no objection.

There were two team members ambushing at this commanding height. The safety factor was greatly increased. Everyone quickly pretended. After that, Luo Zheng and Tie Diao rushed to the edge of the cliff with their bodies hunched over. The cliff with a height of more than ten meters was not a problem at all. Luo Zheng looked down. , said to Xu Gang: "Let the brothers come over, I will go down first." After saying that, he jumped down and landed on a raised stone on the cliff. He bounced hard under his feet and jumped down again, landing steadily. On a rock.

When Xu Gang saw Luo Zheng leave, he jumped down in the blink of an eye. He immediately signaled to the brothers behind him and jumped straight down. He didn't pay attention to the height at all. People don't do anything in the air. If there was any slowing down, he jumped directly to a rock below, bounced hard under his feet, jumped into the sea, and swam towards the salvage ship.

Luo Zheng also quickly jumped into the sea and paddled hard. Seeing that Luo Zheng and Xu Gang were already swimming, the others also jumped in and quickly caught up with them. They were like ghosts, their movements were agile and fast, and the sound of paddling was drowned out by the sound of the waves. Covered up, the moonlight on the sea is hazy and visibility is very low. It is difficult to spot people in the water until they are in front of them.

Soon, everyone swam to the side of the salvage boat and climbed aboard in a few moments. Luo Zheng rolled ashore and squatted in a dark place where he could hide to observe. He saw that apart from the large-scale machinery and equipment that had been salvaged, the only things left on the salvage boat were Various tools, no clues can be seen.

"Go into the cockpit and have a look?" Xu Gang, who was hiding not far away, suggested.

"Wait, don't worry." Luo Zheng stopped him worriedly. When he saw other people climbing up one after another, he immediately made a gesture to spread out, lowered the voice and continued: "Separately search, don't rush to get out of the cabin, be careful. There are no bombs or anything like that, so be careful.”

Everyone nodded calmly and spread out to search forward, silently. Their eyes were much brighter under the hazy moonlight, not missing any detail.

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