The strongest soldier

Chapter 2618 Exciting Cao Xi

Everyone in the Mystery Bureau knows that Tie Diao is a brave and talented person, so there is nothing he dares not do, and nothing can scare him. He didn’t expect to say these words, and it didn’t sound like a joke. Lan Xue He immediately became nervous and asked quickly. Just as Tie Diao was about to answer, Xuelian's voice came from the headset: "What happened? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, please pay more attention to me, my wife." Tie Diao realized that he had lost his composure, and immediately returned to his usual behavior, replying with a smile.

"Stop changing the subject, what happened?" Xuelian asked in a deep voice.

"Okay, my wife has a keen eye. I can't hide anything from you. Just read the video data of our helmet to find the position. Everything we experience has a camera. Everyone has it. It's just from different angles. It's difficult. I won’t knock you down, right?” Tie Diao quickly laughed.

"Wait a moment." Xuelian responded in a deep voice.

Seeing that the call was normal, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and waited patiently. Not long after, Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset: "The positioning was successful, where did you go?"

"What do you mean? Isn't it a predetermined location?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly.

"No, it is more than a hundred nautical miles away from the scheduled landing island. You have deviated from the direction. However, you are lucky. In order to avoid the storm, the ship of the Dark Church also left its original place. Perhaps it also lost its way and is also where you are. On the island, you are on the west side and they are on the east side, more than 20 kilometers apart." Lan Xue replied quickly.

"Ah? Are they still there now?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly.

Others could hear clearly through their headsets, but they didn't expect that they would all lose their way, and they didn't expect that they would bump into each other. This really fulfilled the old saying, it's not that enemies don't meet, so everyone looked at Luo Zheng and pricked up their ears to listen. While talking on the phone, Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset: "He's still there. It looks like he won't leave in a short time. The reason is unknown."

"I'm afraid there is no signal just like us. We are on the highest peak of the island and there is no signal at the bottom of the mountain. It's not good." Luo Zheng's face suddenly changed slightly and he shouted in a deep voice, attracting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"If they don't have a signal, they will definitely not be able to contact the outside world, and they won't be able to figure out where they are. They might also try to find the signal source. This high mountain is undoubtedly the best choice. Maybe their people are already on the way. It seems that we have to make preparations early." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"That's just right. Let's wait for a while and kill him happily." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"The signal may not be available only here. There may be signals on other mountains as well. We have to take the initiative. Xue'er, immediately mobilize the satellite to find their location." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"No, it's good to be able to talk. The satellite can only lock your approximate position and cannot see the ground situation clearly. It's very strange. The reason is yet to be investigated." Lan Xue replied quickly.

"There is indeed something weird about this island. It seems that we have to rely on ourselves for everything. But why do people from the Dark Church come to this island?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know. There was a heavy thunderstorm last night, and there were tornadoes in the sky. Satellites couldn't see the sea surface at all. No one knows what happened last night. At dawn, we discovered two destroyers docked on the coast. and the salvage ship, it is determined that they are from the Dark Church, but the satellite can only see a rough outline and cannot see clearly. There is a strange signal reflection, a signal that has never been seen before, and the technician is checking it." Lan Xue explained.

"So that's it." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice.

"Oh my God, what have you all been through?" Lan Xing's words suddenly sounded in the headset: "Quickly, bring Sister Cao Xi over, maybe she knows these ghosts."

"Did you download the data?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, downloaded successfully, my God, what are these?" Blue Star replied in surprise.

"Organize people to investigate immediately, and tell me immediately after finding out the situation. Perhaps through these creatures, we can understand what is going on on this weird island." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Let me take a look." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

Not long after, Cao Xi's voice sounded in the headset, and then Cao Xi shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, this is because centipedes lived in the Carboniferous period, how did you find out?"

"Auntie, are we waiting for you to decipher it?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, these things are agile, as fast as lightning, and have a strong sense of attack. They will actively attack humans. We don't even know what they are, but you actually know them?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Everyone in the paleontological science community knows about this kind of bug, but there are only fossils. I didn't expect you to encounter it. Oh my God, it's actually red. Shouldn't it be gray and gold? The scientific community only has inferences about these two colors. This discovery will Completely subverting the understanding of the world of paleontology." Cao Xi explained in surprise. As expected of a scholar, he suffered from occupational diseases when he saw unknown creatures.

Luo Zheng reminded: "Tell me the information you know."

"Okay." Cao Xi continued in surprise: "According to paleontological research, this ancient bug is about 8.5 feet long, which is about three meters. It looks very scary. It became extinct during the Assemblage period. The one you found is about two meters long. Are there any longer ones?"

"Auntie, this almost killed me." Tie Diao cursed angrily.

"It's okay. You are very capable. This thing can't hurt you. Remember to look for it to see if there is anything three meters long. This is very important and will be a huge contribution to the world of paleontological research." Cao Xi said seriously.

"Look at the person behind the video, do you know him?" Luo Zheng quickly interrupted Cao Xi's topic and asked.

After waiting for a while, Cao Xi exclaimed again: "Oh my god, Archaeopteryx? You actually met Archaeopteryx. If I had known, I would have gone with you. I can see Archaeopteryx with my own eyes. It's worth dying."

"Brother Shi Qian, I sympathize with you. Find a girlfriend who is full of scientific research spirit. You are destined to learn a lot of things in your life." Tie Diao said with emotion.

When the people around him heard this, they all suppressed their laughter and their faces turned red. Xu Gang scolded angrily: "You are the only one who talks a lot, sister Cao Xi, right? Look at the people behind you, do you all know them? We are fighting here, we are divided. I can't wait for your emotion, so please hurry up."

"Oh my god, it's a prehistoric scaly lizard. Wait, there's also a gopher and a horned gopher. They're all prehistoric animals. How come you have such prehistoric animals there? It's unscientific." Cao Xi was emotional. The sound exploded in the headset, and everyone who heard it frowned.

"Sister, can you lower your voice? Keep looking back." Tie Diao reminded.

"No, I'm too excited. If these things are announced, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world. Wait, it's Titanoboa. Oh my god, the legendary Titanoboa. You actually met Titanoboa, which was extinct 58 million years ago. No, I want to go over and see them with my own eyes." Cao Xi's excited voice continued to ring in the headset.

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