The strongest soldier

Chapter 2616 Suspected Rat

A few minutes later, the team continued to set off against the sun. The formation was very long, keeping a distance just in case. The sun was shining in the woods, and some unknown insects were chirping tirelessly. The noisy sound was maddening. Unknown creatures will appear around you at any time, and everyone's nerves are highly tense. Traveling in this state consumes the most energy. Soon, everyone is sweating and breathing slightly.

Everyone walked forward for about ten minutes. Xu Gang, who was leading the way, suddenly raised his hands shoulder-to-shoulder and clenched his fists. When the people behind him saw it, they all stopped moving forward and searched the surroundings vigilantly. They were on guard as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They all held their triggers and were ready to fire at any time.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng took a few steps forward and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, I feel very bad. I noticed some movement, but it has disappeared now." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, weighed the stick in his hand, and invested it diagonally forward. His fist was thick and five or six meters long. The stick buzzed in the air and hit the bush hard, hitting a bush and revealing a hole.

But nothing appeared in the bushes. Xu Gang became suspicious, looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "There was something abnormal in that place just now. I didn't see anything clearly. How about I go and have a look."

"Don't worry, let's do some fire reconnaissance first." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's fine." Xu Gang agreed, picked up his weapon and started shooting in front of him. He walked forward while shooting. Tie Diao was worried about something strange, so he also opened fire to detect suspicious places ahead, but found nothing unusual. Xu Gang left quickly. He went up, picked up the stick and looked at the ground.

"What did you find?" Tie Diao asked curiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw Xu Gang's body taking two steps back. Then, everyone saw a huge black shadow coming out of the bushes. They couldn't see what it was. It rushed towards Xu Gang, as fast as lightning. What a Xu Gang. , worthy of being the number one expert in the Veterans Club, did not panic, squatted slightly, raised his huge fist and smashed it hard, as fierce as thunder, with a sound of breaking through the air.

"Puff——" There was a sound of physical collision, and the huge black shadow was blasted away by Xu Gang in a circle, drawing a parabola in the air and falling into the bushes. Xu Gang did not give up after he succeeded, and rushed forward with a lunge, roaring Said: "Go to hell -" He kicked up fiercely.

Phew - this sound was accompanied by a sound that broke through the air. It was powerful, heavy, and extremely fierce. Everyone who saw it was in admiration. Then, a huge black shadow was kicked up and flew into the air. Xu Gang picked up his hand. The weapon is aimed at the black shadow in the sky.

The huge black figure was splashed with blood by the bullets, and let out a painful scream. The sound was shrill and harsh, and fell heavily into the bushes on the ground. Xu Gang chased after him with a cold face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, without any fear. , his feet were as fast as flying, he rushed up in the blink of an eye, stopped to observe, and the muzzle of his gun was locked on the bushes.

"What the hell is it again?" Tie Diao asked in surprise.

"I don't know, come and take a look." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"The troops are on standby, Tie Diao, come up with me and have a look." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, and quickly rushed forward with his gun raised, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, not daring to be careless at all, Tie Diao agreed to catch up.

The distance was not very far, and the two of them quickly rushed up to take a look, and saw that it was an unknown creature the size of a calf, shaped like a mouse, but with horns. Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What the hell is this? A mouse. What?"

"The appearance looks similar, but there are actually horns on the top of the head. Could it be a cross between a mouse and a rhinoceros?" Tie Diao also said curiously, while looking at Xu Gang and asked: "What happened just now?"

"There is a cave over there. It is estimated that this thing was hidden in the cave, so it was not hit by the bullet. When it saw me going up, it suddenly attacked. Fortunately, it was prepared." Xu Gang explained.

"That's you. Others wouldn't have that much strength. This thing weighs a hundred kilograms, right? It flew away with just one punch. It's amazing." Luo Zheng admired sincerely.

"There are eighty or ninety kilograms." Xu Gang estimated.

"This ghost place is beyond our imagination. We must evacuate as soon as possible. This guy is actually hiding in a hole in the ground. There is a greater possibility of rats. Rats generally live in groups. Let's leave quickly." Luo Zheng suggested and immediately gave a signal to the troops. , signaling to move forward quickly.

After receiving the order, the team continued to move forward. Everyone curiously poked their heads to see what it was. Xu Gang simply picked it up and showed it to everyone to dispel everyone's doubts, so as not to affect the morale of the army. Everyone looked like mice and could be hit by bullets. Death, everyone laughed, and all worries were swept away.

For everyone, as long as the target can be killed with a gun, it is not scary. The team accelerated through the nan forest and climbed to the top of the mountain. Half an hour later, a cliff appeared in front of them. The rock looked dark brown and very hard. , don’t know what ingredients it consists of.

The team was a little tired. Everyone stopped in an open area to rest and drink some water. After recovering some strength, they continued on their way. Luo Zheng pulled out his dragon tooth sword and hacked at the stone a few times. Sparks flew everywhere and he couldn't chop at all. , couldn't help but be suspicious, took off his tactical gloves and touched them, and found that these dark brown stones looked very hard, and what was even more strange was that they were cold, as cold as touching ice.

"What kind of stone is this?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

The iron sculpture also took off his gloves and touched it, and said with a shocked look: "I don't understand, it looks like obsidian, but it is much harder than obsidian. The main component of obsidian is silica. The composition of these stones is not clear, but it should contain... Iron or something, otherwise it wouldn’t be so hard, the species in this damn place are weird, even the stones are weird.”

"Ignore this for now, let's replenish some food and water, rest on the spot for five minutes and then continue on the road. We can climb to the top of the mountain in an hour at most. By then, we will know our position and the enemy's position, and we can formulate the next plan. That’s it.” Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

After resting for a while, someone suddenly shouted: "Head, there seems to be something on the cliff over there."

Luo Zheng was startled, and followed the hand of a brother who was shouting. The cliff was dark, and nothing could be seen except rocks. He couldn't help being surprised. Luo Zheng knew that his brother would not be innocent. He must have really discovered something. He couldn't help but He asked in a deep voice: "What did you see?"

"In the middle of the cliff opposite, there is a huge raised stone platform. There is an irregular diamond-shaped stone on the left side of the stone platform. Something moved under the stone just now. It was too fast. I only took a look and didn't see clearly what it was. ." The brother quickly explained.

"Shall I go up and take a look?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng and suggested in a deep voice.

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