The strongest soldier

Chapter 261 Blizzard Night

"Plop!" Luo Zheng fell heavily on the snow on the mountainside. Fortunately, Luo Zheng adjusted his body in mid-air and landed feet first. His body had already tilted a little before landing. After landing, under the action of inertia, his body would tilt towards the ground. If it rolls in the same direction, part of the momentum will be relieved. If it lands straight on the ground, the shock force formed by the momentum will be enough to cause serious injury or even death.

Fortunately, the height was only more than ten meters. After landing, Luo Zheng's body rolled along the mountainside for more than ten meters before he stopped. Luo Zheng lay motionless on the snow. He did not get up immediately. He just watched the surroundings vigilantly, waiting for the energy and blood in his body. After he completely calmed down and made sure there was nothing wrong, he stood up slowly and looked at the vast surroundings with a bitter look on his face. If he didn't fall to death, he would probably freeze to death in this deserted place.

It was getting dark, and the gray cumulus clouds in the sky were gradually coming over. A snowstorm was coming. The biting cold wind made the blood freeze. My brain was numb, as if I had lost the ability to think. Luo Zheng felt the threat of death sweeping over him, grabbing his heart. His face began to freeze, and his fingers and toes gradually lost feeling. It was too cold.

At this moment, Luo Zheng was grateful for his childhood for the first time. He followed his family in the jungle since he was a child, and learned hunting and jungle survival. This gave him a better chance of survival on the battlefield, and his marksmanship also improved quickly. I am even more grateful that I learned to survive in the snow since I was a child. Luo Zheng's home often snows, and there are blizzards that last for several months. If you want to hunt, you must learn how to survive in the snow, and these skills are very practical right now.

He had to find a suitable hiding place before the storm came, otherwise he would definitely die. Luo Zheng turned the muzzle of the pistol he had been holding. As a soldier, a gun is his second life. When he made the decision to jump out of the plane, Luo Zheng Zheng knew that he had to grab a pistol to save his life.

"Bang bang!" Two gunshots rang out, and the lock of the handcuffs was broken. Luo Zheng broke the handcuffs forcefully, took them off, and threw them aside. After thinking about it, he picked them up again and pinned them to his waist. He was in danger. Anything can save one's life, and handcuffs, a metal material, can also be a deadly weapon if used properly.

The surrounding area is vast, with no end in sight except for snowy mountains. The signal is chaotic and the magnetic field radiation is severe. Even satellites cannot effectively observe the ground. It is impossible to find yourself. Don't expect anyone to rescue you. You can only rely on yourself to survive. Luo After observing the surroundings with a solemn expression, Zheng's eyes fell on a hillside sheltered from the wind.

Luo Zheng checked the magazine and found that there were only three bullets left. He put the pistol on his waist. The snow was too thick, almost up to his waist. It was very difficult to move around. Luo Zheng slid directly down the hillside. The hillside was a bit steep above his head and below his feet. , sliding is not difficult and the speed is relatively fast.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the mountainside and climbed to the leeward slope. He looked up and down. The depth of the snow, the steepness of the slope, and the density of the snow were very suitable for digging hiding holes. Without tools, he could only rely on his hands. Before death came, Luo Zheng burst out with powerful potential, his hands were like shovels, and he dug desperately.

Potential is potential energy, which means the potential within consciousness. Everyone's potential is unlimited. The gray matter layer and white matter layer double their operation instantly. The whole body's nervous system, muscle response, and every cell burst out with super speed and jumping ability. , strength, can do things that are impossible to do at ordinary times. It has been reported that someone once crossed a 4-meter-wide cliff while escaping, not to mention digging a hiding hole in a life-or-death situation.

Luo Zheng's physical fitness and strength are beyond ordinary people, and his willpower is even more powerful. He finally jumped out of the helicopter and escaped death. Although he was still in a dead situation with no hope of life, as a soldier, he could not do anything at any time. Giving up, Luo Zheng fought hard.

"Puff puff puff!" Countless snow was dug out. Luo Zheng was like a pangolin, digging the cave quickly. In his busy schedule, Luo Zheng did not forget to shout the snow and turn it into water in his mouth and drink it. He suffered from headache, edema and frostbite. Altitude sickness is not caused by lack of oxygen, but by dehydration. It would be too depressing to die in this deserted place. It is estimated that no one will ever find the body.

After a while, Luo Zheng dug an entrance that he could crawl through, and then dug three feet deep into the slope to make the entrance lower than the main room to prevent the wind from blowing into the main room. Then he dug directly upwards from the entrance to the main room. All the snow that came out was pushed to the entrance of the cave. After the entrance of the cave was filled with snow, Luo Zheng had to exit and push the snow away. He saw that the gray cumulus clouds were getting tighter and the storm was howling, rolling up a large number of snowflakes. Luo Zheng Zheng's face became more solemn, and he quickly got into the cave and started digging hard.

In about five or six minutes, a space large enough for him to sit and lie came out. Luo Zheng was still worried and continued digging to make the main room larger to ensure air circulation. He then leveled the floor of the main room and removed the excess snow. After getting the entrance padded to prevent the wind from blowing in, the hiding hole is the last step, which is the vent.

Without tools, the vent was difficult to open, so he had to rely on his fists, but the wind tunnel was very deep and his fists could not penetrate outside. Luo Zheng used his fists and arms to squeeze out a vent, then aimed his gun at the vent and fired. Whistling out, Luo Zheng rushed outside quickly. The blizzard was so charming that people could not open their eyes.

Luo Zheng had to protect his eyes with both hands to form a shield. He quickly opened the gun and squeezed it in with his fist along the bullet path. It was connected with the vent in the hiding hole. He felt that his whole body was about to freeze. The blizzard had swept over and almost killed him. After being blown away, Luo Zheng had to lie down on the ground, gritted his teeth, and crawled towards the cave.

There was no wind inside the hiding hole, which made him feel much better than outside. Luo Zheng patted his body to let the blood flow in his body, while patting the snowflakes off his body, stamping his feet and beating his body, not daring to breathe, breathing would only make the cold When air is poured into the body, the body's temperature is lost and the person dies faster.

After some exercise, the blood in the body became much smoother, the body temperature gradually increased, and the numbness and stiffness of the muscles also improved. The howling of the snowstorm sounded outside, like ghosts crying and wolves howling. It was very scary. Those who did not have strong willpower might be scared to death. , Luo Zheng has been accustomed to surviving in the wild since he was a child, and remained unmoved. After his body got a little warmer, he started playing the third set of military boxing.

Boxing will generate heat, blood circulation, and even sweating. However, in this case, Luo Zheng did not dare to exercise excessively for fear of sweating. Sweating would make his body lose body fluids faster, and even catch wind and cold. That would definitely be courting death. , after the body was fully moved, Luo Zheng squatted on the ground, hugged his knees with his hands, stayed still, and rested. This would make the loss of body temperature slower.

As night fell, Luo Zheng did not dare to sleep. In such a harsh environment, once a person fell asleep, he would never get up again.

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