The strongest soldier

Chapter 2608 Dangerous dangers one after another

About half an hour later, the speed slowed down again. Everyone stared at the various data on the instrument panel as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and constantly reported the changes to the captain. The captain made judgments based on various data and his own experience. , issuing orders one after another in an orderly manner, directing the nuclear submarine to move forward slowly.

A tense atmosphere filled the command cabin. Affected by this tense atmosphere, Luo Zheng's mood became heavy. Suddenly, there was a muffled thud, and the entire ship shook and rolled to one side uncontrollably. Luo Zheng was shocked and immediately stood upright and looked at the captain.

The captain did not panic at all and conveyed the orders one after another. The nuclear submarine quickly stabilized and continued to move forward. Luo Zheng looked at everyone curiously. After waiting for a while, the nuclear submarine sailed normally. Luo Zheng asked curiously: "What just happened?" What happened?"

"It hit the mountain next to it. The speed is slow and the impact force is not big. Don't worry, we will reach the destination in ten minutes. Go get ready." The captain explained and continued to stare at the dashboard to give instructions.

Luo Zheng looked at the time, turned around and left in a hurry, and came to the accommodation area. He saw everyone gathering in the open area of ​​the accommodation area. All equipment was ready, including hovercrafts, inflatable equipment, and various weapons and equipment. Everyone saw Luo Zheng coming. They stood up one after another, straightening their chests and waiting for orders.

"Are you all ready?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Report, everything is ready." Guishou responded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng glanced at Xu Gang and Tie Diao, and the two nodded tacitly. At this time, the nuclear submarine suddenly began to shake to a great extent, and everyone was unsteady. Luo Zheng also swayed back a few steps, holding on to the wall. Shouted: "Look for a place to stabilize yourself, don't stand in line."

Everyone quickly found a place to stabilize themselves, and Guishou shouted in a deep voice: "Who has been in the navy, please explain to everyone what happened just now? Is this the second time?"

A brother in the team responded solemnly: "Report, I have been in the navy, and the first time I hit a canyon mountain, the situation is different this time. Judging from the shaking, I should have been hit by something, such as a killer whale or something. Yes, I don’t know the details, you have to ask the captain.”

"This road is really dangerous." Guishou said angrily.

"Report, no one would normally take this road. The nuclear submarine risked his life to take us there. The captain is definitely a crazy guy. After this trip, the nuclear submarine must be driven back for overhaul." The brother just now continued to explain.

"Stop arguing. Nuclear submarines sacrifice themselves for our mission. They are real soldiers and deserve our admiration. If we have any reason not to complete the mission, let me prepare for it. We will land in the rain soon. Don't be timid." , if anyone falls behind and stays in the sea to be the Dragon King's son-in-law, I can't spare him." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." Seeing Luo Zheng swearing and giving serious orders, everyone looked stern and agreed.

Soon, the nuclear submarine regained stability again. Before everyone could stand still, suddenly, the nuclear submarine began to shake again, this time very violently. The whole ship seemed to have turned over, and then continued to bump and shake. Luo Zheng and others died. He grabbed hold of things around him and became dizzy from being rolled over.

"What happened?" Guishou asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, maybe it's a whirlpool, undercurrent, or torrent." The brother from before quickly responded.

"We've got it all." Luo Zheng shouted. He didn't expect that this route would be so dangerous. The only disadvantage was that it would be doomed. No wonder the captain hesitated before and was not willing to take this route.

Everyone held on tightly, and there was a buzzing sound in their ears, as if the entire nuclear submarine was being squeezed by something and was about to fall apart. It was mind-numbing. You must know that nuclear submarines can dive to a depth of nearly three hundred meters. If In the event of an accident, the pressure of 300 meters of sea water would be enough to crush everyone to death, leaving no chance of survival.

Quack quack - the weird squeezing sound became much louder, as if the devil was grinding his teeth. Everyone's expressions changed slightly, they looked at each other, and they prayed secretly. There was nothing to be afraid of, and they were all mentally prepared, but they just sank like this. Everyone is unwilling to feed fish in the sea.

At this time, everyone felt that the nuclear submarine was diving. Although the speed was very slow, it was obvious. After a few minutes, the nuclear submarine regained stability and continued to sail forward. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng didn't know. What happened? He pondered with a sullen face.

Not long after, a voice sounded through the ship's loudspeaker: "There are five minutes left, everyone, get ready."

"Take your things and let's go." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he ordered.

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly, put on their own equipment, carried the hovercraft equipment, and walked along the passage toward the exit.

Five minutes later, everyone could feel that the nuclear submarine had stopped. Soon, the captain walked quickly. Luo Zheng greeted him, solemnly saluted the captain, and said in a deep voice: "Captain, thank you very much."

"No matter how polite you are, it's all for the sake of the country. We can only send you here." The captain said in a deep voice after returning the greeting. He looked at the few soldiers who were following him and ordered with a serious face: "Open the hatch and send the warriors off." Go to war."

"Yes." Several soldiers saluted and quickly rushed up and opened the hatch. Everyone looked up and saw a heavy rainstorm outside the hatch, and it was as dark as ink. Suddenly, a pale lightning illuminated the dark rainy night sky, and a terrifying scene appeared. Extremely, but everyone laughed and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked towards the exit and said in a deep voice: "Take off your clothes and prepare the hovercraft."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. They took off their combat uniforms, helmets and boots, and put them all into a very well-sealed box. The weapons had been packed long ago, and everyone only wore a tight-fitting suit. Ghost Hand led the people out of the exit, spread out the hovercraft, and inflated it with inflatable equipment.

Someone took other plates and stuck them on the air cushion to make them into ship shapes. Their movements were very skillful. Everyone had practiced it several times before coming here. After Luo Zheng said goodbye to the captain again, he led all his brothers out of the nuclear submarine and came to the outside of the submarine. Stepping on the nuclear submarine and looking at the dark night sky around him, Luo Zheng did not feel timid or worried at all. Instead, he shouted boldly: "Brothers, we will create a miracle of landing on a stormy night. Are you afraid?"

"Afraid - hahaha!" Everyone shouted excitedly, with pride in their words. How could there be any hint of fear? One by one rushed to help, and some even jumped into the sea to help quickly prepare the hovercraft.

"Hurry up if you're afraid, or you'll be spotted by a dominatrix." Guishou shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha, I don't like dominatrixes, and I can't do anything with anyone. I hope there is a girl named Xiaofang in the village." Someone shouted excitedly, causing more people to laugh excitedly, and they were all so heroic. The storm was in his eyes, and a strong fighting spirit shot straight into the sky, as if it was about to pierce the sky.

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