The strongest soldier

Chapter 2606 Crazy

Three hours later, all the news was gathered. Although the hurricane had moved forward for a certain distance, there was no sign of disappearing. The waves were still the same, the thunder was roaring, and the lightning was fierce. Everything was not much changed from three hours ago. According to this It is estimated that the thunderstorm will not stop after two hours, which means that the best time to land is missed. If you do not land during the day, you will have to wait until the next night.

A lot of things happened in one day, and no one could afford to wait. Luo Zheng lost the patience to wait any longer. Seeing that none of his brothers were willing to wait any longer, he made a decision and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, Can't wait any longer, prepare for action, Ghost Hands, your people are in charge of the hovercraft."

"Yes." Ghost Hand responded in a deep voice, showing a fighting spirit.

"Snow Leopard, go find the liaison major and ask him to help you find some insulating materials to pack and seal all the weapons and drag them directly to the shore. No metal objects are allowed on your body when you land in a while. Put them all on the hovercraft. Everyone only wears tight-fitting clothes. Take action." Luo Zheng continued to warn, if there are no women present, it doesn't matter if everyone is naked.

"Yes." Snow Leopard responded in a deep voice and hurried away.

"Others should go prepare too." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone hurried away.

Luo Zheng also left the conference room and found the captain, a senior colonel in his fifties. The captain was surprised by Luo Zheng's arrival and asked curiously: "Why don't you take a rest?"

"Thank you for your concern, Captain, we must disembark immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" The captain was shocked. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't look like he was joking, his face darkened and he said seriously: "Brothers, this is not possible. The thunderstorm on the sea has not stopped yet. If you go up there, you will die. I don't agree. "

"Your consent is not required." Luo Zheng said as politely as possible: "Captain, we can't afford to wait. The mission is urgent. Even if all the brothers feed the sharks, they must disembark immediately. As soldiers, we have no choice. The mission is One, this is an iron rule, I hope you understand, all you can do is find a place where you can dive.”

"You are a madman." The captain said with a shocked face. Seeing Luo Zheng's determined face, he felt a sense of respect in his heart. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "I admire your courage, although this is a stupid decision. , but I don’t have the authority to order you. Since you asked to go ashore, I will try my best to cooperate with you. Just like I have no authority to order you, you also have no authority to order me where to dive. I have to take responsibility for the brothers on the boat. Here You can’t go up and dive, you have to retreat fifty nautical miles.”

"Fifty nautical miles?" Luo Zheng silently calculated the distance in his mind. It was more than a hundred nautical miles away from the nearest island. Adding fifty nautical miles meant two hundred nautical miles. This distance was a bit far, but in order to land, Luo Zheng Zheng didn't insist anymore, nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

"Madman, you are a complete madman, but I like it, so let me go crazy with you. I can go around for a while and find a way to get back to the islands. The wind and waves are not that big there. Then I can find a place to dive. , you can just go back to the scheduled location and you can land before dawn. However, you may have to re-select the island to land on. By the way, can you reveal your planned landing point?" the captain asked in a deep voice.

The operation is confidential. The people on the nuclear submarine are only responsible for escorting. They don't know where to go or what to do. Luo Zheng thought for a while, spread out a map, pointed to one of the islands and said: "This is our scheduled landing point. The place next to us is the closest to us, so we have no choice but to land on the nearest island first, and then find a way to get to the reserved location."

"This area is an archipelago area with many islands, complex terrain, and chaotic magnetic fields. Even nuclear submarines have had difficulty getting out in the past. It is easy to lose their way. Let me think about it." The captain looked at the map and pondered, his eyes bright and shining with wisdom. As a navy veteran, the captain is very familiar with this area, otherwise he would not have been sent by his superiors to perform this important escort mission.

Luo Zheng secretly took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and waited patiently. After a while, the captain's face darkened, he picked up a pen and drew a zigzag line on it, looked at Luo Zheng and said seriously: "We can do it along the way. Follow this route. I have walked this route once. Nuclear submarines can pass it, but the magnetic field interferes a lot and cannot navigate normally, so not many people know about it. After arriving at the place, you use a hovercraft to detour to the original landing island for about two hours. , we have been here for about an hour, is there any problem?"

According to the original plan, everyone walked from east to west, but Luo Zheng discovered from the captain's route that after the nuclear submarine escorted into the archipelago area, he detoured from west to east back to the predetermined island, but the landing point changed, and he had enough time. Moreover, there is no need to go to the nearest island. You can directly log in to book an island. It sounds good. Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "How sure are you of making it through?"

"Fifty percent," the captain said solemnly.

"You are also a lunatic." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"Yes, you are a little madman, and I am an old madman. Let me, an old madman, and you, a little madman, go crazy together today. I walked this route once when I was young and I still remember it with the old captain. Ah, apart from the severe magnetic interference, there is nothing else. The archipelago should have been a group in ancient times and was just submerged by the sea. This route is a canyon, deep enough, so there is no big problem." The captain smiled.

"The 50% certainty is a bit low." Luo Zheng reminded.

"Indeed, I usually only dare to fight when I am above 60%. However, you insist on coming ashore, and it is my responsibility to escort you ashore safely. If you have an accident when you come ashore, it means that my mission has failed. You are not afraid of death. I Don’t be afraid, and neither are the brothers. Needless to say, let’s fight.” The captain said solemnly, picked up the walkie-talkie, and his eyes became firm.

"Attention everyone, return to your respective posts quickly, start the submarine, and prepare to set off." The captain said in a deep voice. The powerful and determined voice was heard through the loudspeaker, and everyone took action after hearing the sound.

Luo Zheng nodded gratefully to the captain, who smiled and said: "Let's go eat. No one knows what the future will bring. It's good to have a good meal before the mission. Leave the rest to me. Don't worry."

"Thank you very much." Luo Zheng solemnly saluted the captain, turned and left gratefully, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in his heart. The Chinese soldiers are so united, why worry about the country not being strong? The nation is unhappy?

"What's going on?" Xu Gang and others came over and asked curiously.

"Notify me, prepare to have a good meal at the restaurant later, and dive ashore in an hour." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes shining with a firm fighting spirit.

"Understood." Seeing that the plan had not changed, everyone agreed excitedly.

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