The strongest soldier

Chapter 2600 Lan Xue asks for a fight

The terrifying Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious ancient country of Atlantis, technology beyond civilization, energy systems, manned flying chess, rejuvenation, human body regeneration, what is behind everything, Luo Zheng does not believe in these things at all, but all of them The information is all well-founded, and many of them are secret documents, all of which confirm the existence of these civilizations. Could it be that humans have already mastered high technology in 10,000 BC?

Luo Zheng vaguely felt that it was not that simple for the Dark Church to go to Bermuda. There was a high possibility of going to Atlantis. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng selected the relevant information and focused on checking the documents about Atlantis. All the information They all show that the coast of Atlantis is steep, with a broad and fertile plain in the center. The capital is very prosperous. There is a magnificent palace and the temple of the patron saint Poseidon in the city center, surrounded by a three-story circular canal. The outermost canal is 500 meters wide and can pass large ships. The canals are all connected to the open sea by a 100-meter-wide water and land.

The temple is decorated with gold, silver, ivory or a sparkling metal called "Olihakan". All buildings on the island are built with white, black and red stones excavated locally. They are beautiful and spectacular, and there is a wide area outside the ring city. plain, surrounded by ditches 30 meters deep, 180 meters wide, and 1,800 kilometers long.

The inner canals are criss-crossed every 18 kilometers, like the neat and square grids of a chessboard. People use this water to grow grains and vegetables, and transport the products to consumption areas through canals. There are three ports where the waterways and the sea meet. There are dense residents near the port, and there is an endless stream of ships and merchants.

This is an ideal country, Luo Zheng praised, but it is a pity that it is buried in the sea. No one knows the specific location. We can only speculate based on the discoveries of some prehistoric civilizations. If the Dark Church really has a way to find Atlantis Relics have also made great contributions to human development.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng hesitated. Should he stop him or let them find him? It is not difficult to stop it. Perhaps the price of obedience is high, but Luo Zheng still has a way to stop it, but this will make a ruins sink in the sea forever. Is it really good for him to do this? Once the civilization of Atlantis is announced to the public, it will be of great benefit to the entire human race. Is it necessary to stop it?

Things became complicated. Luo Zheng thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Finally, he simply put the matter down and planned to act according to the situation in the future. Bermuda is a dangerous place. There is little point in having many people. No one has a ten-man army for the ghost hands, snow leopards and mountain eagles. The human team should be almost ready to follow. With the Dragon Tooth Bullets around, the Knights of the Round Table are not unable to deal with them.

The biggest problem is the Sky Stone. The Dark Church not only has seven Sky Stones, but also the secret methods and people who master the Sky Stone. If you use the Sky Stone to attack, you will be very passive. I hope Dongfang Ling’s latest design can effectively interfere with radiation and protect Everyone’s safety, otherwise this battle will be difficult to fight.

Unconsciously, it was noon. Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng was thinking about the problem, so she packed some food and brought it over to eat together. It was rare for the two of them to have time to enjoy their world, so they both temporarily put down their work, sat down to eat, and said intimate words, Forget the smoke, forget the difficulties, forget the pain, this feeling of happiness is so good.

After the meal, Luo Zheng spoke to Lan Xue seriously about his thoughts and feelings after reading the information, especially his worries. Lan Xue listened carefully without interrupting, no one interrupted, and while thinking, he was as quiet as a virtuous person. The wife was listening to her husband venting his frustrations, until after Luo Zheng finished speaking, Lan Xue smiled and said softly: "It doesn't matter what they are doing, this is not the focus of our thinking."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise.

Lan Xue smiled and said: "You, the authorities are confused. Whether it's Atlantis or the terrifying Bermuda Triangle, none of this has anything to do with us. Our target is the Dark Church. Whatever they do, we stop them, or take action from them. Just grab the loot, that's all, don't forget we have an internal agent."

"It makes sense, I've thought too much." Luo Zheng felt his eyes light up, smiled, threw the information aside, thought about it, and said seriously: "Your analysis is correct, our target is the Dark Church, the Bermuda Triangle For us, it is just an environment, no different from grasslands, rainforests, and deserts. We don’t need to pay attention to it. We can let them go first and we will take a look at the situation before making a battle plan."

"That's right. Since it's dangerous there, let them go to the mines by themselves. We'll keep an eye on them in the dark and attack immediately if anything goes wrong. As long as the tentacle monsters act internally, we can take the initiative. Speaking of which, Let me ask you, can you really trust that tentacle monster?" Lan Xue's face became solemn as she spoke, and she looked at Luo Zheng closely. The matter was so important that Lan Xue was not very confident about the tentacle monster.

Luo Zheng was not very optimistic about the credibility of the tentacle monster, but he had no better choice. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "You can trust 60% of it. As long as we are 60% sure, we will do anything. Just be careful, this time I will take Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle with me."

"I'm not worried, but I also want to go." Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said. Every time Luo Zheng went on a mission, Lan Xue was extremely worried, worried about danger and accidents. This kind of worry is like a disease, every day It deeply tortured Lan Xue's heart. There was no one to talk to and no place to vent. Waiting for safety news was painful. Lan Xue would rather die together than wait at home every day.

Luo Zheng looked deeply at Lan Xue and saw the hope, desire and deep love, the determination of life and death. He gave a helpless smile and seriously persuaded: "That place is really not suitable for you to go. The sea is vast and the islands are vast. It’s desolate, a group of gentlemen can do whatever they want together, but it’s inconvenient for you to be there.”

Of course Lan Xue knew that gender differences would bring a lot of inconvenience to the team, but it was even more uncomfortable to live in fear every day. After thinking about it, she earnestly persuaded: "I don't care, I must go this time. I don't want to stay at home and worry about you every day." , I will go crazy if this continues.”

"No." Luo Zheng also became serious and said in a deep voice: "I will give you a task to accompany my parents and take them to various public places so that people from the Dark Church can see them. As long as I don't Show up and they will believe that I am indeed dead and that no one can act in this drama but you.”

"Me?" Lan Xue knew that this matter was important, but Luo Zheng did this more to protect himself, and did not want to go to the battlefield and suffer. There is a deep love in it, both from the perspective of a subordinate and a woman. Persistence seemed willful. Lan Xue was not a willful person, and she didn't want it to be difficult for her to love. She nodded helplessly and said nothing with a sullen face.

"Don't worry, I will come back alive and well. Thinking of you waiting at home makes me full of fighting spirit and I don't dare to take risks. Also, I am a lucky general, have you forgotten?" Luo Zheng hurriedly persuaded me.

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