The strongest soldier

Chapter 2596 Unexpected Information

The army is a disciplined force with strict discipline. Especially when superiors summon subordinates, subordinates must not be distracted and desert. In Mr. Li's impression, Luo Zheng is a very self-disciplined person who will never violate discipline and is also good for himself. I am very respectful and will not look at my phone when talking about business, and I won’t even give an explanation after reading it.

It's not that Luo Zheng doesn't understand discipline, or that he doesn't want to explain, but he was confused by the content of the text message, "Is it you?" Three simple words that couldn't be simpler, said nothing, but seemed to say everything. Luo Zheng was a little confused and couldn't figure out who sent the text message. When he heard Mr. Li's questioning, he suddenly had an idea and thought of a person. He didn't care about the answer and quickly wrote: Prove identity.

"What's wrong with you? The chief is asking you something." Lan Xue, who was standing next to him, saw that Luo Zheng was losing his temper and quickly reminded him.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw an icon sent over. It was the pyramid icon on the back of Mijin. The eye at the top of the pyramid seemed to come alive. It was very strange. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He knew that the other party was a tentacle monster, and only tentacle monsters. Having just learned this contact information, I didn’t bother to answer Lan Xue’s words and quickly wrote a text message: Why did the Dark Church attack my base and steal the Sky Stone?

"Are you really not dead?" The other party did not answer immediately, but sent a message asking.

"What happened?" Lan Xue stood up in surprise and asked.

Next to him, Mr. Li also noticed Luo Zheng's weirdness and made a calm gesture to Lan Xue. Lan Xue nodded and sat back. Seeing Luo Zheng writing text messages with a surprised look on his face, he guessed that he had discovered something and looked at it curiously. Looking at his grandfather, he was secretly relieved to see that Mr. Li didn't mind, but waited patiently with a curious look on his face.

It was very impolite and not allowed to desert when we were talking about important matters. Lan Xue was worried for Luo Zheng, for fear that her grandfather would be angry. After all, the base was not attacked and there were heavy casualties. Mr. Li was also angry. Lan Xue Xue said apologetically to Mr. Li: "Grandpa, he┅┅?"

Mr. Li made a silence gesture. Lan Xue nodded gratefully and waited patiently. At this time, Luo Zheng had already sent a text message on how to avoid being bombed. Soon, a text message came in, The content was a bit long, but Luo Zheng laughed in surprise after reading it.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue couldn't help but ask again.

Luo Zheng reacted and saw Mr. Li and Lan Xue staring at him. He immediately realized that he had lost his temper and handed the phone to Mr. Li apologetically. Mr. Li took it over in surprise and looked through the messages on the phone. After reading it, he became thoughtful. While returning the phone to Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng handed the phone to Lan Xue for inspection.

"Who is the other party?" Mr. Li suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, who is this person and why do he know so much?" Lan Xue asked in surprise after reading the message: "This person seems to be very familiar with the situation of the Dark Church, and he actually said that the purpose of robbing the Sky Stone was to collect enough money. Looking for clues to the treasure, what treasure?"

"We have to start from the beginning. Do you still remember when we went to the casino? In order to hold back the Dark Church and gain time for the brothers to steal the research results, I took Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu to see the tentacle monster. There was no signal at that time, and you didn't know what happened." Luo Zheng explained quickly.

"Yes, I remember asking you, please come back and talk about it later." Lan Xue nodded and said.

"I've read the battle report. Did something happen in this blank section?" Mr. Li asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, something happened that none of you could have guessed." Luo Zheng nodded seriously and told the story of his meeting with the tentacle monster in detail. He told it exactly as it was without any personal judgment or emotion. He spoke very slowly for fear of Something was missed. After a while, Luo Zheng finally finished the story and finally added: "Whether the tentacle monster is an undercover agent or a betrayer, I can't make a final conclusion yet, but I feel that the undercover agent is more likely. Of course, it is a big deal. , I need certification and verification of past events before I can judge."

"Didn't expect it to be like this?" Mr. Li said in a deep voice, showing an incredulous expression.

Lan Xue was also shocked. She never expected that things would be like this. She looked at Luo Zheng and then at Mr. Li, and said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, you are rich in experience and have many times more experience than us. You can judge. How likely is it that the tentacle monster is undercover?"

"It's hard to say this because there is lack of more evidence. However, the information he mentioned cannot be ignored. Is the Dark Church really facing financial pressure?" Mr. Li asked in surprise.

"Yes, during the war with Burma, they broke everything and prepared to make a fortune, but things went against their wishes. This time they attacked Childe's ancestral home. I asked Xuelian to continue to attack them financially. It has already fallen to the limit three times, and all our funds have been suppressed. Once we go in, we will wait for Childe to come out and refute the rumors and boost the stock market. If this battle is successful, their stocks will be hit hard again." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Is Xuelian a master in this area?" Mr. Li asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, she is definitely a master. She earned billions of dollars in gold during the last war with Burma. This time she has sufficient funds. She can earn more. If possible, why not let the national foreign exchange also participate, fiercely To severely damage the Dark Church, I want Blue Star to assist?" Luo Zheng suggested.

"That's a good suggestion. I'll ask you later." Mr. Li said in a deep voice.

Next to her, Lan Xue said thoughtfully: "I didn't expect that the Dark Church robbed the Sky Stones in order to collect all seven. It seems that there is a huge conspiracy. Let the tentacle monster find out the Dark Church's true motives and next actions, right?"

"Don't worry, he will." Luo Zheng promised. Suddenly, a message came in. Luo Zheng opened it and saw that it was from the tentacle monster. He saw that it read: One week later, treasure hunt in the Bermuda Triangle, details to be investigated. . Luo Zheng was overjoyed after reading the information and immediately handed it to Mr. Li.

After reading this, Mr. Li's face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "I know this place. It's very weird. Maybe it's because of the magnetic field. Many ships disappear for no reason. It's called the Devil's Triangle. There are countless islands there. I don't know the specific location. It’s hard to find, and what’s worse is that the signal there is very poor, and satellite aerial photography often makes mistakes, so why choose here?”

"Is it possible that the treasure is hidden on an island? Or is the transport ship buried in this sea area? However, it is really scary here. We have to make sufficient preparations." Lan Xue analyzed in surprise.

"What's so scary?" Luo Zheng was not familiar with this place and couldn't help but ask.

“Supernormal phenomena that are difficult to explain using existing scientific and technological means or normal thinking, logic and reasoning often occur in this sea area. Therefore, in modern times, it has become a place for mysterious and incomprehensible disappearances. pronoun." Lan Xue explained seriously.

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