The strongest soldier

Chapter 2589 The Thin Line of Life and Death

The country will perish if the army survives, and the country will survive if the army perishes. For the sake of the country, every passionate soldier is ready to sacrifice. In the face of death, everyone has no fear or hesitation, only guilt, guilt for the lover, guilt for the family, can No one wants to die while alive, especially if they die with guilt. Luo Zheng understands everyone's mood, and it's not the same in his heart. Lan Xue's voice and smile can't help but flash in his mind.

The general suspected the enemy, and the three armies were exhausted. Luo Zheng knew this truth very well, and immediately ran away from his son and daughter. He frowned, stared at the front and said: "Calm down, everyone, calm down first, the opponent probably doesn't know what he is touching. Who, wait, wait for us all to go up and catch them all, otherwise the shots would have been fired. We can't move and pose no threat to them. These bastards can just wait for the brothers to fall into the trap. If you move, it will suit their needs. As long as Brothers, if we don't move, the three of us will be safe. The enemy has a huge appetite and will never take the three of us."

"That makes sense, brothers, don't move." Tie Diao whispered in surprise. The members of the action team were not from the Crime Bureau. If Tie Diao's life was involved, they might not obey Luo Zheng's orders. Tie Diao knew this very well. He quickly spoke up to stop it, staring sternly ahead. Seeing that the manor and villa in front of him were indeed quiet and strange, he couldn't help but believe most of Luo Zheng's analysis and asked: "Then what should we do next?"

"Find a way to interfere with the equipment." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said, looking forward with murderous eyes.

"What do you mean?" Shi Qian asked in a low voice.

"The monitoring equipment is controlled by the system, not man-made. It only takes two or three seconds for us to rush over here. Rushing to attack will lead to death. Two or three seconds is enough for the laser gun to be fired. Brothers quietly move up to the 400-meter position and stand by. Don't rely on it. Too close, brother Tie Diao, brothers Shi Qian, find some rocks or the like around and listen to my instructions." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and explained.

Soon, everyone touched some stones nearby. They broke the stones out of the ground and held them tightly. They raised their ears and listened. Luo Zheng also pulled out a fist-sized stone from the ground. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. During this period, any mistake would be fatal. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and whispered: "Two brothers, let's throw the thing fifty meters to the east first, and pay attention to the laser gun. If we can trick the laser gun into moving, Aim at it, we will rush forward, and the laser gun will move over at most ten meters."

"Understood." Everyone whispered knowingly, their eyes brightened, and they looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was not sure whether his method would be successful or whether the rocks could deceive the monitoring equipment, so he had no choice but to give it a try. He stabilized his mind and whispered: "Three, two, one, throw it." The stone on the wall was thrown to the east with all its strength, but the tiger's eyes were locked on the laser gun on the wall less than fifty meters in front. It exuded a death-like aura under the moonlight, and was extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng keenly noticed that the laser gun on the wall was moving to the east and aimed at it. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He stretched out his hands and bounced up, rushing forward like a giant dragon coming out of its cave. Tie Diao and Shi Qian also saw the movement. The laser guns stood up and rushed forward one after another. At the critical moment of life and death, their amazing potential exploded. The speed was extremely fast, and a blurry afterimage was drawn out in the night.

Needless to say about the speed of the iron eagle, Luo Zheng is also very confident in Shi Qian's speed. When they first met, Luo Zheng chased Shi Qian for a long time. To this day, Shi Qian has gone through intense training. , the speed is a little faster, and it is not a problem to explode ten meters in one second.

The laser gun relied on infrared detectors, motion sensors and other equipment to give instructions, quickly lock, aim and fire. The sound of the stone being thrown through the air attracted the motion sensor, and the sensor gave the laser gun the command to lock and fire, but soon Another infrared detector transmitted a new command to the laser gun in less than two seconds.

Tie Diao rushed to the front and ran desperately. He keenly saw the fast-moving laser gun and knew that something was going to happen. He rushed forward like lightning. While warning, he quickly rolled into a depression to take cover. Tie Diao and Shi Qian were in While running, I kept an eye on the laser gun, and when I saw it coming, I quickly scanned my eyes in front of my feet, found a depression, rushed two steps, jumped over, and fell heavily to the ground to take cover.

The three terrifying beams of light flashed away, making no sound. It was extremely terrifying. Luo Zheng and others lay tightly on the ground without moving, for fear of touching the infrared rays, and a surge of fear came out. Although they had been mentally prepared, but just now Life was hanging by a thread, it was too dangerous, everyone looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked ahead and became confused. He had already reached this position, why didn't the people inside shoot? It was so abnormal that Luo Zheng was a little unsure of what was going on inside, but he had no choice but to fire the arrow. At this time, Ji Wu's voice came from the headset: "Head, we are already in position."

"We are also in position." Members of the action team also reported in low voices.

"We are fast too." Jackson's depressed voice sounded in the headset, maybe because he felt that he was not fast enough than others.

Luo Zheng didn't pay attention to this, and said in a surprised voice: "Ji Wu, quickly, find something and throw it to the west to attract the laser gun, and stand by in the other three directions." Since the stone could deceive the laser gun just now, Luo Zheng naturally couldn't He would miss such a good opportunity and let Ji Wu and others who were following him throw things to cheat the laser gun. As for whether there were laser guns in the other three directions, Luo Zheng couldn't see it and didn't dare to take the risk. He told everyone to continue to be on standby.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw the laser gun moving to the west and firing continuously. The terrifying bright lights flashed away, but exuded a strong aura of death, which made people shudder. Luo Zheng's eyes widened and he whispered He said: "Brother Tie Diao, brothers Shi Qian, charge forward." As he said that, he pushed forward with both hands, and the whole person rushed forward like a fired cannonball.

Tie Diao and Shi Qian also rushed forward with all their strength, locking the laser gun in front of them with their tiger eyes, not daring to be careless. In the blink of an eye, the three of them rushed forward for about ten meters. A small stream appeared in front of them, one level below the ground level. There was more than enough rice, there were overgrown weeds, and the water surface was not wide. Luo Zheng saw the laser gun moving quickly and knew something was going to happen. He kicked his feet hard and swooped forward like a big bird.

Almost at the same time, Shi Qian and Tie Diao also rushed forward. The three of them threw themselves into the creek almost at the same time. They were not hit as expected. The three of them turned around in surprise and found that the laser gun had been tricked again. Quickly, It fired a series of terrifying beams of light, like an indifferent god of death in the night.

Luo Zheng was terrified when he saw this scene. He was just a little bit scared. Even if it was only 0.01 second at night, his life would be handed down here. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice in annoyance: "Let's go and kill him."

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