The strongest soldier

Chapter 2581 Discussing Plans

Too many secret sects have disappeared in the world, and the few remaining sects are no longer known. Luo Zheng couldn’t figure out what Qianmen did, but when he saw the other party’s proud face, it sounded like that, so he thought After thinking for a while, he said: "I don't know much about your Qianmen, and I'm not very interested. However, if you tell me the information you want, I can find a place for you to hide for a month. It will be absolutely safe."

"Okay, I hope you are true to your word." The man who called himself Xia Jie looked around with a solemn face, and then whispered: "All the cash is counterfeit money, and what's even weirder is that there are flammable substances and poisons such as oil in the cash. "Powder, it burns very quickly. If I hadn't been overly cautious, I would have been poisoned and died inside." Xia Jie said in a deep voice, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Luo Zheng caught this look keenly and said in a deep voice: "Please give me more advice. I didn't expect that they not only killed people inside but also deployed heavy troops outside to wait for you. It's interesting. It seems that the other party was afraid of leaking the secret, so they killed people and silenced them. , is there anything else you can tell me?”

"I don't know much. The missions seen by the Killer Network are about completing the missions to receive commissions. I don't know who the person who posted the mission is. If I knew who they were, I would kill them." Xia Jie said angrily.

Luo Zheng had heard of, which was a mysterious and weird website. It was a third-party platform jointly created by top authorities in the killer world. Employers could send out tasks, and killers could receive tasks on it. They only needed to give commissions and specific targets. There is no need to disclose anything else.

This kind of website is being cracked down on by all countries, but no one knows where the server is. Luo Zheng said with some disappointment: "In that case, let's do it. You can go to the embassy to stay for a while. That place is absolutely safe. I I’ll say hello to the ambassador, so I’ll use your name to contact him.”

"Thank you very much." Xia Jie naturally knew that the embassy was part of the country's territory and was sacrosanct. No one would go there to check and it was absolutely safe. He couldn't help but feel relieved and smiled. Seeing Luo Zheng's brows furrowed, he was worried. Zhong Zhong couldn't help but said in surprise: "Is there something wrong? If you can, why not leave it to me. I will treat it as a thank you and there will be no charge."

Luo Zheng did have something on his mind, and that was Sean. He didn't know if the other party was killed. Jackson didn't call for so long. Is there something wrong? However, Luo Zheng naturally wouldn't tell Xia Jie about this kind of thing. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "Okay, let's just say goodbye. You can pack up and report as soon as possible." He walked outside.

"Thank you." Xia Jie said gratefully, watching Luo Zheng leave with something inexplicable in his eyes.

Luo Zheng left the cafe and took a ride straight to the embassy. He kept a cold face and thought about it all the way. From Xia Jie's words, it can be concluded that the tentacle monster did not lie about the treasury. It seems that the Dark Church is indeed short of funds and has moved. The idea of ​​​​looking for the legendary treasure, I don’t know if this treasure really exists. However, since the energy of the Dark Church has confirmed that it exists, I must have some clues. Should I send someone to pay attention to this matter?

After pondering all the way, Luo Zheng came to the embassy unknowingly. Luo Zheng went to the ambassador and told him about Xia Jie. The ambassador wholeheartedly agreed. If he helped these people in the world today, he might get feedback from them tomorrow, and he would be rewarded for his good deeds. Good deeds are rewarded, this is the ultimate principle.

After explaining the matter, Luo Zheng returned to the guest house, chatted for a few words with Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu, and then returned to his room to rest. He closed his eyes and rested for a while. A call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up in surprise and saw that it was Jack. Surprised, Luo Zheng stood up suddenly and his mind became much clearer. After the call was connected, he asked in a deep voice: "How is it? Do you want to go there again?"

"Old friend, I'm really sorry for calling you so late. The meeting has been going on until now. Please understand that the target no longer poses a threat. Don't worry. The president means to advance the cooperation matter as soon as possible." Jackson smiled. explained.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. As long as he didn't have to take action again and as long as the target didn't pose a threat, Luo Zheng didn't bother to shoot again and agreed. After all, Childe was his ultimate goal, and Sean was just purely Just helping.

"Shall I send a car to pick you up?" Jackson suggested.

"Okay, meet at the entrance of the embassy." Luo Zheng agreed nonchalantly. During the cooperation, Jackson has his own interests and needs, and there is no need to worry about being harmed in the process.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng went out again and waited at the door for a while. A black car drove over and parked slowly on the side of the road. The window glass rolled down, revealing that the person sitting inside was none other than Jackson. Luo Zheng didn't expect Jackson to greet him in person, so he opened the back door and got in and sat down.

The black car started slowly and gradually accelerated forward. Luo Zheng saw that Jackson was silent, so he also remained silent. The black car slowly rushed out of the city and came to a factory. The factory had erected many steel frames. Luo Zheng Zheng didn't know what the factory was for, so he thought he was going in. Little did he know that the driver parked his car near the factory, got out of the car, and walked away quickly to one side.

After Jackson waited for the other party to leave, he took out his cell phone and turned it off. He took off the battery and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng also turned off the phone and said, "It's so mysterious. What do you mean?"

"There are steel spiers everywhere here, which can interfere with signals to a certain extent and prevent eavesdropping. The Secret Service is in a mess. You are not suitable to go there, so you come here and tell me about your plan. Regarding the issue of Childe's ancestral home, I believe you The plan is not just for us to hold back the local government forces, right?" Jackson explained.

"It's really that simple. Of course, if you don't mind playing a big game with me, we can kidnap Childe as bait, attract their accomplices to come over to greet them, wait for work, and catch all the enemies who are aiding them. This requires enough people. Are you sure about manpower and air power?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"The Special Forces Command is on standby at any time. With the mobility of our army, we can reach any corner of the world within two hours. Air power is not a problem. I need to submit a detailed plan, otherwise the cooperation will be out of touch, which is not good for everyone." Okay." Jackson suggested in a deep voice.

"There are too many variables in this matter, so the plan is worse than changing. You go with me and we can solve problems at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He did not want to reveal his plan now, and the information was limited. Luo Zheng was not sure. Your plan is feasible, you must learn more about it.

Jackson was also a soldier and knew the pros and cons. He thought about it and said, "Okay, when will we set off?"

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