The strongest soldier

Chapter 2578 Laying an ambush

After coming out of the Secret Service, Luo Zheng asked the escort car to go around a few streets and get out. He took a taxi to the embassy. After revealing his identity, the ambassador came out to receive him in person and secretly arranged to stay. There is a guest house in the embassy. Accommodation is not a problem. Luo Zheng gave the ambassador a list of materials for homemade bombs. With the ambassador's status and energy, purchasing these items is not a problem.

The skill of blasting is also very valuable to Luo Zheng. His instructor at that time was Captain Li, who was known as the "Thunder King". When he left the army, Luo Zheng also plotted against the Thunder King. It can be seen that the skill was extraordinary, but it was basically useless later. , but making bombs is still easy, not a problem.

After the ambassador arranged for everyone to stay, he hurriedly left with the list. Luo Zheng took a bath and lay on the bed to rest. While sorting out the recent events, he analyzed and summarized whether he had any flaws or shortcomings. Two hours later, The ambassador came in with a canvas bag, chatted with Luo Zheng for a few words, and then left.

Inside the canvas bag were various materials for homemade bombs. They were all brand new. Luo Zheng started to work immediately. The materials included explosives, detonators, batteries, wires, etc., as well as two mobile phones. Luo Zheng planned to make two phones. Remote-controlled bombs, and they are so powerful that even if the target is a bullet-proof vehicle, it can still be shocked to death inside.

As for what variables and adverse effects the assassination operation will bring to the election, that is the matter of the President of Sam Country. Luo Zheng is too lazy to care about it. The target is a member of the Dark Church and one of the twelve elders. This kind of person must die. , otherwise he will not be able to live in peace, and the national interests will not be protected. As a soldier, Luo Zheng does not mind doing anything for the national interests.

The two telephone-controlled bombs were ready in an hour without moving. Luo Zheng looked at the bombs in his hands and smiled with satisfaction. He checked the circuit again and made sure there was no problem. Luo Zheng put the bombs away and looked at the time. It was already dinner. When the time came, he went out to have a meal with Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu.

After dinner, everyone stayed in the room and continued to rest. Luo Zheng couldn't sleep, so he turned on the headset and contacted the headquarters. He learned that Tie Diao and others had successfully left the casino and smuggled out of the country. Luo Zheng felt relieved and learned about the situation at the headquarters. Since then, After the Son Plan was implemented, spies from all over the world were in awe of the Secret Bureau. No one dared to take the base lightly, and the base was safe.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng saw a call coming in. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Jackson. He immediately answered the call and heard Jackson say happily: "Old friend, the President is very happy to meet you again." Cooperate and the plan is approved, I’m just waiting for your news.”

"No problem, you will hear a surprise and good news tomorrow." Luo Zheng smiled knowingly. As long as Jackson promised to continue to cooperate, Luo Zheng would not mind killing Sean, one of the twelve elders.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng lay on the bed and thought about a plan to attack Childe's ancestral home. As for Sean, Luo Zheng didn't take it to heart at all. There was nothing to worry about with an exposed target, not to mention the accuracy. The passage time and route have been taken by vehicle, unlike Childe's ancestral home. In order to gain the trust of the tentacle monster, Luo Zheng told the tentacle monster the attack time, which means that Childe will take protective measures after knowing this, and even It is possible that he is not waiting to die in his ancestral home.

If Childe is not in the ancestral home, the attack will be more coordinated with the tentacle monsters, but they will face Childe's crazy counterattack. The powerful Childe family cannot be underestimated. Once they counterattack, they will be furious. How to avoid it? trap? How to block the counterattack and retreat? Luo Zheng thought seriously, imagining various possibilities before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu had breakfast, and immediately asked the ambassador to get a local car for transportation. They quickly left the embassy and went straight to their destination. The destination was on the outskirts of the city. It was almost a long drive. It took half an hour to arrive, and I looked at the surrounding open wilderness, overgrown with weeds, mounds of dirt, and rocks exposed to the sun. There were no tall trees or people in sight, and only a few wild birds occasionally flew by.

Luo Zheng quickly drove the car onto the highway and hid it in the bushes behind a mound. He left Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu to guard the car and stood by. He came up alone with a canvas bag and walked along the road for more than ten dozen years. Minutes, stopping at a corner.

The surrounding slopes were a bit taller, and the terrain looked complicated, which was good for concealment. Vehicles had to slow down and turn here. It was a good ambush point. Luo Zheng rushed up to a slope to check, and found that the surrounding field of vision was wide, and he could see from a long distance. When a car came over, I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I quickly rushed back to the road, took out a small folding engineering shovel from the canvas bag, and dug hard into the ground.

The remote-controlled bomb is not very big and only needs a small pit to fill it. Although the asphalt road is hard, the folding engineer shovel is harder and extremely sharp. Luo Zheng first carefully shovels away the asphalt on it, which will be used later, and then After digging hard, a hole was dug out soon. Luo Zheng quickly buried a bomb and covered it with the excavated soil.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard the sound of a car and quickly retreated, hiding behind a rock. He saw a pickup truck driving over in a hurry. The driver was a black man, playing deafening rap music, and he was singing along. While driving, I looked very engaged.

The driver of the pickup truck didn't notice anything unusual and rushed over like a gust of wind. Luo Zheng rushed over quickly and sorted out the floating soil on the bomb again, especially the black asphalt. He pressed it and smoothed it without paying attention. It's really hard to spot the bomb below.

After getting the bomb, Luo Zheng followed the same method and started digging again in the middle of the road about five meters away. Soon, another remote-controlled bomb was also planted. Just waiting for the target to come over, Luo Zheng organized the scene and determined He quickly left without being discovered, rushed up the hillside in one breath, found a hidden place to ambush, and looked at his watch. It was still half an hour before the target appeared.

Luo Zheng waited for a while and saw two small cars rushing over. They quickly passed the explosion site. Because the remote-controlled bomb was buried in the middle of the road, the tires could not be pressed. The camouflage on it was the same as the surroundings. It was difficult to tell the difference between the two small cars. Whooshed through the middle without breaking the bomb.

This was an ambush without much technical content. Remote-controlled bombs were planted at designated locations, waiting for the target to fall into the trap. Luo Zheng lay on the ground with some boredom, looking at the dazzling sun and pondering the plan to attack Childe's ancestral home. That's the point.

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