The strongest soldier

Chapter 2573 Choose Trust

Five Knights of the Round Table and one woman died in one fell swoop. If the tentacle monster returned alive, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the top leaders of the Dark Church. Luo Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Use a bomb, and fill the hidden bathtub with water. It’s enough to erase all traces here. I will launch a cleaning operation in the hotel and tell me where the holy warriors are hiding. As for how to explain it later, it’s up to you.”

"Not bad. I would say that they blocked your attack to protect me. Someone hid me in the bathtub and detonated a bomb. There are a lot of bombs here, which came in handy. They died together with you, and I was also bombed. After you fainted, you won’t know what happened next. Maybe some of you were still waiting outside, and when you heard the bomb coming and took your bodies away, you didn’t bother to kill me." The tentacle monster said with a wry smile.

"It's a good idea. It just so happens that I can fake my death for a while. In order to avenge me, my brothers are going crazy to kill your remaining members. Everything is reasonable and reasonable. What about the other two people who picked us up?" Luo Zheng asked.

"They are responsible for outside security and will not go upstairs. You go down the fire escape and leave through the west door. You will not run into them. I will tell you their room numbers and number of people right away. It is up to you what to do." Kai said seriously.

Luo Zheng looked deeply into the tentacle monster's eyes and said, "I'll believe you for now, and I'll see you later."

"Take care." The tentacle monster responded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng glanced at Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu. They put away the Emperor's Sword in a tacit agreement, wrapped it in cloth and twisted it in their hands. Seeing Luo Zheng walking outside, he immediately followed. The three of them quickly left the room and walked along the corridor. Leaving quickly, Ji Wu wanted to ask something, but when he saw Luo Zheng making a silent gesture, he nodded knowingly.

The three of them quickly went downstairs along the fire escape, left the hotel through the west door, and took a taxi. The brothers' calls came from the headsets, especially the urgent voice of Lan Xue who kept calling. They couldn't contact each other for a while, and everyone was worried. Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart. He took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a call, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the taxi driver. He suddenly spoke too arrogantly while wearing an invisible headset and said quickly: "It's me. It's okay. How's the situation?"

Everyone was relieved when they heard Luo Zheng's voice, especially Lan Xue, who asked eagerly: "What happened? Why is there no signal?"

"Let's talk about it later." Luo Zheng replied in a deep voice.

"Boss, the mission is completed and the things have been obtained." Shi Qian's surprised voice sounded in the headset.

"Are you sure?" Luo Zheng asked quickly.

"I have contacted the headquarters and confirmed that there is nothing missing." Tantaiyue replied in surprise.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the research results are obtained, the task will be more than half completed. As for the tentacle monster, it is now discovered that this guy may be an undercover agent. It is not a betrayal. The situation has reversed. Luo Zheng plans to observe it. Let's talk about the situation. At this time, a message came in. Luo Zheng opened it and saw that it was from the tentacle monster. It had the room number and the number of people in each room.

The authenticity of this information remains to be determined, but Luo Zheng decided to give it a try. If he got it right, it meant that the tentacle monster was indeed an undercover agent. If he got it wrong, he believed that his brothers would be strong enough to escape, so he immediately changed vehicles. Get back into the taxi and continue driving around in circles, checking to see if you're being followed.

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng was not followed, so he immediately changed cars and arrived at the hotel villa guest room area. Liu Qingqing was already waiting anxiously. When she opened the door and saw Luo Zheng, she suddenly said in surprise: "You are finally back, I'm worried to death. Why is there no signal? The headset can't contact me. What happened?"

"We'll talk about it later." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He glanced at Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu. The two nodded tacitly, intending to keep the matter of the tentacle monster in their stomachs. Luo Zheng felt relieved about the two of them and immediately asked through the headset. : "Brothers, report location."

"I brought my three sisters to the consulate. I must ensure the safety of the research results." Tantaiyue responded.

"We are on the way. We expect to arrive within five minutes. The two brothers responsible for stopping the police are also on the way. They are all fine. Don't worry." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"Very good." Luo Zheng said in surprise. As long as the brothers are fine, it will be easy. He immediately said the content of the message received through the headset, and finally added: "The room is full of people from the Dark Church, and there are holy warriors." , there are their gunmen and action teams, it’s up to you, Tiediao, how to deploy them, brothers Sanji and Shi Qian will assist you in your operations, the opportunity for revenge has come.”

"I understand." Tie Diao was overjoyed when he heard this and agreed: "Don't worry, no one can escape."

Luo Zheng responded and did not take this matter to heart. There were not many left. There were only three in the room at most, and one less was another surprise attack. With the combat effectiveness of the action team plus the members of the Chrysanthemum Team, With the assistance, Luo Zheng is not worried that everyone will miss. It doesn't matter if they miss. It's just a remnant and has nothing to do with elegance.

After Luo Zheng left the remaining matter of hunting to Tie Diao, he was too lazy to ask any more questions and concentrated on thinking about the tentacle monster. If the tentacle monster really went undercover and did not betray, then the information provided would be valuable. According to The tentacle monster said that the Dark Church has expanded greatly in recent years and requires huge funds to support it. However, during the war with Burma, the Dark Church must have suffered heavy losses in stocks. This can be seen from Childe asking someone to burn his treasury. .

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea. If he found the person who burned the treasury and confirmed this, and the money burned was indeed counterfeit money, then the tentacle monster would be more credible. In addition, the tentacle monster might be exposed this time, and he Should I help?

The Dark Church is well-organized and has huge energy. If someone successfully goes undercover, it will be of great benefit to him. As long as he has enough evidence of dealings with the tentacle monster, even if the tentacle monster is not an undercover agent, he can force the other party to provide information. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but laugh, and immediately picked up his phone and sent a text message back to the tentacle monster. The content was very simple: attack Childe's ancestral home in ten days.

With this news, the trust of the tentacle monster in front of Childe will be greatly increased. As for the danger caused by the exposure of his actions, Luo Zheng is not very worried. He still has a bargaining chip in his hand, that is, Sean, Sam Country's presidential election , one of the twelve elders. With this bargaining chip, he believed that the Sam Nation would cooperate. As long as the Sam Nation cooperated, attacking Childe's ancestral home would not be a problem. A bigger plan came to mind, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Boss, what are you laughing at?" Liu Qingqing came over curiously and asked.

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