The strongest soldier

Chapter 2566 Adjustment Plan

No action plan can be absolutely perfect and needs to be supported by preliminary plans. Shi Qian's plan took into account the difficulties before the action and the supplementary means after the solution to the problem during the action failed. It seemed perfect, but Luo Zheng was keenly aware of it. Realizing the shortcomings, he thought for a moment and then shook his head and rejected the proposal.

Everyone thought the plan was good and couldn't understand why Luo Zheng denied it. However, knowing Luo Zheng's tactical command ability, they all pricked up their ears curiously. Tantaiyue asked in surprise: "The plan is not suitable?"

"It's not that it's inappropriate, it's that it's not suitable for targeting tentacle monsters. Don't forget that tentacle monsters know us very well and know that they are no match for us in close combat. Once they learn that the vault has been attacked, the first thing that comes to mind is that we are taking action. Naturally We know that we will have a backhand to intercept, and the tentacle monster is very clear about the situation in the vault. It knows that things cannot be easily taken away, so why are they still dispatching?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not familiar with the tentacle monster you're talking about. Does he really know us so well?" Tantaiyue asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nod in the affirmative, he analyzed thoughtfully: "Once the vault calls the police, it means that our robbery failed. There is nothing we can do about the vault. If he knows us well, he will naturally not go out. This is indeed a problem."

"Yes, I missed this point." Shi Qian agreed gloomily.

"What should we do?" Tie Diao asked helplessly when he saw that he finally had a good plan but was rejected.

"It's not impossible, Shi Qian, if you are given enough time, can you solve the problem and come up with something?" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian and asked in a deep voice.

"No problem. The bank only has a small number of security guards. I am definitely no match for Brother Tie Diao. I can safely crack the safe. If I use violent means to destroy it, no matter how powerful the safe is, it can be done in five minutes at most, but five minutes is enough to trigger the attack. A large number of police came and we couldn't evacuate." Shi Qian said with certainty.

"This is not a problem, Sanji." Luo Zheng looked at Sanji and said in a deep voice.

"Arrived." Sanji responded in a deep voice with his chest puffed up.

"You cooperate with Shi Qian's operation and personally protect Shi Qian's safety so that Shi Qian can deal with the safe with all his strength. Please help bring any equipment needed. Brother Tie Diao is responsible for the security outside." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Sanji and Tie Diao agreed solemnly, with strong fighting intent in their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Tantaiyue was a little confused about Luo Zheng's plan and couldn't help but ask.

"Everyone, since we can't guarantee that things will be snatched back secretly through various methods, then let's rob it openly and treat this place as a battlefield. Give up the secret methods of the secret front and use the methods of our soldiers. Sister-in-law Xuelian and Lan Xing, what do you do? Be prepared." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone laughed excitedly when they heard that Luo Zheng gave up secret espionage methods and directly used military methods to solve problems. It was simple and direct, but efficient and practical. Everyone didn't care about the danger at all. Tan Taiyue reminded worriedly: "You are the commander-in-chief, and I support you unconditionally. However, how do you retreat afterwards?"

"Why retreat?" Luo Zheng asked nonchalantly. Seeing that Tan Taiyue still wanted to ask, he waved his hand and said: "You have three tasks. First, help everyone find the tools they need. Second, prepare suitable silicone masks. , arranged for people to secretly kidnap Tony’s family and coerce Tony to cooperate with us, is there any problem?”

"How long will it take to complete the task?" Tantaiyue asked in a deep voice.

"Time is tight and we can't afford to wait. How long do you need?" Luo Zheng asked.

Tantaiyue thought for a while and said, "Everything will be ready within three hours."

"No, it's too long. News of the hotel manager's death will spread quickly. Our opponents will make corresponding preparations, which is not good for us. I'll give you two hours to prepare. Let's do this. You only need to prepare the iron sculpture, Shi Qian and Sanji's silicone masks We already need the tools to kidnap Tony's family and force them to submit." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Two hours?" Tantai Yue calculated in his mind and felt that two hours was a bit tight, but it was not impossible to complete, so he nodded and agreed: "I promise to complete the task, just follow the cooperation of my three team members. However, other members of the following action team do not need to be transferred."

"Okay, go and deploy. Prepare the tools first before carrying out the kidnapping. Notify me immediately after success." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. After Tantai Yue agreed, he looked at Shi Qian, Tie Diao and Sang Ji and continued to give instructions. He said: "You guys should go too. After you get the tools, go and ambush near the bank."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

The four of them quickly left the guest room. Ji Wu looked at Luo Zheng and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"You two come with me. Liu Qingqing stays here and is on standby." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu agreed immediately. Liu Qingqing knew that her advantage was not in fighting, but following them would become a drag. She didn't say much, but was full of curiosity about Luo Zheng's plan.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice through the headset: "Response from the leader of the action team?"

Members of the action team all wear invisible headsets and are scattered in various corners of the city to hide, but they are all within a range of five thousand meters. They can directly hear Luo Zheng's words. The action team is headed by Xu Gang, but there are five teams below, each of which There is a team leader. The members who cooperated with the operation this time were temporarily transferred from each team, but a team leader was also arranged, and that was Wuying Legs Huang Can.

Huang Can heard the inquiry and immediately replied: "Yes, please give instructions."

"How are the brothers?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"All the brothers dispersed and formed a team with the members of the Chrysanthemum Group. They were hidden in residential buildings without being exposed. Are there any actions?" Huang Can quickly agreed.

"Arrange two team members to attack the police station closest to the bank. What should you do? You have to act according to the situation. You have only one goal: to prevent the police from attacking. You want to be prepared. Follow my orders for the specific operation time. Be sure to pay attention to safety. Others come to the hotel. Gather nearby and be on standby, ready to pick us up." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Huang Can quickly agreed and immediately called the two people's names through the headset.

Luo Zheng ignored these details and carried the weapon with him. He glanced at Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu. They nodded knowingly and picked up the Emperor's Sword. The Emperor's Sword was wrapped in cloth to avoid being too conspicuous. Luo Zheng looked at Liu Qingqing. He warned: "Remember, don't go outside to avoid being exposed. Protect yourself. If you find someone coming here, evacuate immediately. Be careful."

"I understand, I know how to do it, what are you doing?" Liu Qingqing agreed in a deep voice.

Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu didn't know where Luo Zheng was going and what they were going to do. They looked at Luo Zheng with curiosity and said nothing. They had been coming to the Mystery Bureau for a while. Ji Wu had the basic qualities of a soldier and didn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. , but I was also very curious in my heart. Seeing Luo Zheng's face calm and his eyes full of fighting spirit, he vaguely guessed something, so he couldn't help but smile. He clenched the Emperor's Sword tightly and his eyes became sharp.

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