The strongest soldier

Chapter 2562 Bai Xing’s Choice

This mission was caused by the White Star. Retrieving the research results is a top priority and crucial. Now that the poisoning has been successful, further action should indeed be taken. Tantaiyue's question was timely. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Zheng pondered for a moment and then looked at Shi Qian. Shi Qian said knowingly: "It's time for the poison to take effect."

The poison can take a long or short time. Shi Qian's specially prepared poison only Shi Qian knows best when it will take effect. Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile after listening to Shi Qian's reminder. He nodded and said, "It's time to take action." He took out the poison. The phone came and I quickly dialed a number.

The phone was quickly connected, and a deep voice came from inside: "Who?"

Luo Zheng was not sure who the other party was, but being able to answer the call meant that he was close to Bai Xing. You must know that Luo Zheng secretly stuffed the call into Bai Xing's pocket in the casino private room. Thinking that Bai Xing had stolen state secrets and killed several people As a senior agent, Luo Zheng felt a surge of anger in his heart and said coldly: "Let Bai Xing listen to the call."

"The boss is not free, who are you?" the other party's cold voice continued.

"If you want to survive, let him answer the phone." Luo Zheng continued coldly.

The other party was silent. After a while, Bai Xing's voice rang through the phone. With a bit of pain and anger, he asked in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

"Someone who can save you." Luo Zheng mocked disdainfully.

"It's you, that person in the casino. It's you who did the murder. What do you want?" Bai Xing's angry voice sounded in the headset, like a wounded hungry wolf, yelling fiercely: "Boy, wait, look at me. How can I pluck out your skin and make your life worse than death?"

"You have to wait until you die. There are still ten minutes left. Do whatever you want in ten minutes. After ten minutes it's useless to think about it. Enjoy the last ten minutes of your life." Luo Zheng was not sure how long he would be poisoned. Fatal, he continued to speak alarmistly.

"What's your minute? Do you have an antidote?" the other party asked angrily, but there was a bit of panic in his words.

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng said disdainfully.

"What do you want?" Bai Xing was not stupid. He immediately smelled the conspiracy and asked coldly.

"Very good, this is how a poisoned person should behave. Being strong will only make you die faster." Luo Zheng sneered disdainfully: "Listen, my request is very simple. Give the stolen Huaxia Just give me the research results, otherwise, you should know the consequences, don’t try to find someone to detoxify, you only have ten minutes, and it’s impossible to regret it after ten minutes, how about that?”

"Are you agents sent by China?" Bai Xing asked coldly.

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng asked disdainfully.

"No, agents don't have that much money to gamble with. If you lose, you can't afford the consequences. Who are you?" Bai Xing asked coldly, with a hint of surprise in his words.

"This is not important. What is important is how you choose." Luo Zheng snorted disdainfully.

"If you want results, if you want a life, come and get it." Bai Xing said coldly.

"Really?" Luo Zheng snorted coldly, feeling suspicious in his heart. No one is not afraid of death, and Bai Xing is no exception. Why is he so tough? Is he sure of detoxification? Or is the thing no longer in his hands? The possibility of the latter was obviously much greater. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was shocked and worried.

"Wait to be hunted down." Bai Xing's angry voice rang through the phone, and then he cut off the phone.

Luo Zheng looked at the phone in surprise and began to think, his brows furrowed. Everyone guessed that something was wrong by looking at Luo Zheng's expression, and they all became worried. If Bai Xing didn't hand over the things, everyone would have been busy in vain and would have lost the chance to find research results. Clues, there will be trouble later.

After a while, Luo Zheng's face became increasingly grim. He looked at Shi Qian and asked, "Ten minutes?"

"Yes, even I won't be able to save him in ten minutes." Shi Qian said with certainty.

"In that case, let him die, this bastard." Luo Zheng said angrily.

"Then what about our mission?" Tantaiyue reminded worriedly. It is easy for people to die and no one will sympathize with them. But if the clues are interrupted after death, the mission cannot be completed. This is not allowed. Everyone is The human spirits looked at Luo Zheng one after another, with a little more worry in their eyes.

"There is always a way." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded helplessly and waited patiently. Did they take a look at their watches? Five minutes passed, six minutes passed, and Bai Xing still didn’t call. This meant that Bai Xing had given up. How much would it take to make Bai Xing give up his life? There must be an ulterior secret behind courage, everyone thought, their faces became solemn, and they all looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked at his watch. Even if Bai Xing compromised at this time, he couldn't rush to save him. Luo Zheng's face was as solemn as frost. He couldn't guess what happened behind this? The room was quiet, everyone waited silently, not daring to breathe out, for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's thinking, and an invisible pressure spread.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and there was still no call from Bai Xing, which meant that he had given up. Luo Zheng thought for a while and dialed the number again in surprise, only to find that the call could no longer be connected. The busy tone made Luo Zheng feel even heavier. For a moment, this is all too weird and abnormal. Something big must be happening behind it. What could it be?

Everyone guessed the result by looking at Luo Zheng's expression, and they all lowered their heads helplessly in thought. Bai Xing's abandonment interrupted the clues and made the task much more difficult. For a while, no one knew what to do. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly looked at Shi Qian and said in a deep voice: "You should contact the people on the road immediately to see if anything weird happens? Bai Xing cannot give up just like that. There must be other reasons."

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed in a deep voice.

"Tantaiyue, although Bai Xing is dead, the research results will not die, and the mission cannot be ended. Your people should not take action for the time being to avoid being exposed. Let's stop quietly and see what secrets are hidden behind this." Luo Zheng looked at Tantai Yue and reminded in a deep voice.

"Understood." Tantaiyue agreed, with a look of helplessness on his face. A person would rather die than compromise. There must be something behind this. Tantaiyue is not stupid and knows that Luo Zheng's arrangement is correct.

"No matter what is behind this, we have to get to the bottom of it. The task must be completed, but there is no rush. Everyone, please wait patiently." Luo Zheng reminded angrily, frowning, looking out the window and thinking, Bai Xing would rather die. Not compromising made Luo Zheng smell something unusual. Who is a normal person who is not afraid of death?

"Would you like to confirm whether Bai Xing is really dead?" Liu Qingqing suddenly reminded.

It's the end of the month, don't waste your monthly tickets.

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