The strongest soldier

Chapter 2546 The situation suddenly changes

The brightly lit casino was full of noise, with the excited cheers of those who won the bet, the sad lamentations of those who lost the bet, and the voices discussing how to place bets. It was like a vegetable market, overcrowded and packed with people. It was really difficult to find someone in such a dense place. Luo Zheng took Liu Qingqing around and found no target. He was about to continue searching when he suddenly felt like he was being targeted.

This was a very uncomfortable feeling, as if someone was staring at me with ill intentions from behind. Luo Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Could a place with such a high population density be exposed? Did the tentacle monster know his plan of action? Or had he guessed that he was coming back and had already arranged for people to follow him in the casino?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but stop and looked around cautiously. He found that the people around him were normal and did not look like they were coming for him. However, Luo Zheng believed in his intuition and guessed that the person he was following was very smart and good at disguise, so he lowered his voice. The voice said to Liu Qingqing: "We are being targeted, it's up to you."

"Ah? Okay." Liu Qingqing was startled, but she quickly realized what she was doing, and quickly agreed. She quietly paid attention to the people around her, followed Luo Zheng for a distance, and found that a young man and woman were also following his route. , his behavior was very suspicious, he couldn't help but pay attention, and pulled Luo Zheng to stop.

Luo Zheng glanced at Liu Qingqing in surprise and stopped next to a roulette table. There were many people betting on roulette. Everyone was betting excitedly and discussing something. No one paid attention to the extra person next to Liu Qingqing. He quietly observed the young man and woman who followed him, and suddenly his expression changed drastically.

"What did you find?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice in surprise.

"I read their lips and it was exposed. They seemed to have received some order and were preparing to assassinate us secretly." Liu Qingqing lowered her voice and quickly explained.

"As expected." Luo Zheng's face darkened, his mind started spinning at high speed, and he suddenly lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Everyone listen to my order and retreat."

"Yes." Everyone heard the order through the invisible headset. Although they didn't understand why they retreated, everyone still chose to obey the military order and agreed one after another.

"No, Shi Qian has penetrated into the room." Sangji's voice sounded in the headset.

"The three of you immediately change your hiding place, move out and evacuate quickly when the response is received, and contact you again after finding a safe spot. Everyone else will retreat and leave the hotel." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, giving Liu Qingqing a look. Leave quickly.

Liu Qingqing followed him knowingly, and the two of them walked quickly towards the door, observing the surroundings quietly. Soon, Luo Zheng found a capable man walking from one side, without looking around to see others gambling. , but looked forward, as if about to leave, Luo Zheng was secretly on guard, signaling Liu Qingqing to go ahead.

Soon, this capable man walked up. Luo Zheng found that the other man had a suit on his hand. He couldn't see his palm. The eyes he looked at him were full of indifference and calmness. He couldn't help being shocked and stepped forward. He held Liu Qingqing's waist and took a big step forward, dodging beside a few people who were leaving with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng saw someone behind him screaming and falling to the ground. There was a lot of noise around him. He did not hear gunshots and saw no concealed weapons. He estimated that a silent pistol was used. Luo Zheng took Liu Qingqing and strode away, holding his head. He didn't look back, he kept changing his walking route, and used the surrounding pedestrians to cover his body.

The person who suddenly fell to the ground attracted the attention of passers-by. When they saw the blood pouring from the other person's body, they immediately became confused and shouted. They all retreated and dodged. The situation became out of control. Luo Zheng did not look back at the scene of the accident and pulled him away. Liu Qingqing continued to walk forward and left quickly, while warning through the headset: "There are enemies in the crowd assassinating people. Everyone needs to retreat quickly. They are exposed, so move quickly."

"We were very careful when leaving the guest room, why were we exposed?" Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

"I suspect that the tentacle monster has arranged for people to follow people in the casino. Did you know that there is a kind of spy eye? When worn, it can automatically search the surrounding people and scan people's faces. As long as it finds a match with the database, it will be locked immediately. It is very convenient. Tentacle monster With our facial data and even our skull data, we only need to build a database and have people search it, or let monitors search it, and it will be easy to find us." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice, taking a long stride leave.

As soon as he walked into the hall, he suddenly saw a large number of police cars rushing towards the door. They had blocked the door and it was difficult to leave. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly pulled Liu Qingqing back while whispering through the headset: "Tantai Yue, Iron Eagle, report your situation."

"The brothers have all left the guest room and mingled with the crowd." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"There is a police car coming at the door. How to get out?" Tantaiyue asked in a low voice.

"Tie Diao, find a way to trigger the fire alarm." Luo Zheng warned in a low voice, his face became solemn. The large number of police officers who suddenly came is definitely unusual. There must be something weird here. The top priority is to leave. Once they are found, a The crime of smuggling is enough for everyone.

"Understood." Tie Diao agreed in a deep voice.

At this time, a large number of police blocked the exit and started martial law. The tourists did not understand what was happening and stood and observed curiously. Soon, a large number of police officers rushed into the hotel lobby and dispersed. The hotel security guards rushed in Going up to negotiate, Luo Zheng took Liu Qingqing and hid in the crowd, observing the surroundings vigilantly. There were enemies in the crowd looking for opportunities to attack, so they must not be careless.

"Woooooooo-" Suddenly the siren sounded loudly, and fire water sprayed down violently. The tourists suddenly became confused and rushed outside one after another. A large number of tourists did not know what happened, and they heard that someone was being killed. Hearing the rumors of being beaten to death, he panicked even more and rushed outside. When he saw a large number of policemen guarding the door, he panicked and rushed out.

When the police saw fire water spraying wildly and a large number of tourists rushing out, they were unable to stop them, let alone investigate and arrest them. In order to avoid a stampede accident causing more casualties, the police had to temporarily change the order and organize everyone to evacuate in an orderly manner. Luo Zheng He mixed with the crowd with Liu Qingqing and quickly rushed out of the hotel lobby with his head lowered.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw more police cars roaring towards them, surrounding the square outside as if facing a formidable enemy. The situation was very wrong. Luo Zheng was secretly shocked. If he hadn't come out quickly, if he had waited another ten minutes , once the police control is completed, no one can escape. What is going on behind the scenes? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became solemn, like frost that could not be resolved, and anger surged in his heart.

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