The strongest soldier

Chapter 2542 Discussing Plans

Headset calls can easily be monitored by experts. Tantai Yue understands why Luo Zheng doesn’t use Guoan’s headset, but it’s also a headset, so why is it okay for someone from the Secret Bureau? Tantaiyue asked out of curiosity, and Luo Zheng understood Tantaiyue's thoughts. It was related to the success or failure of the mission and the danger of life. No one would be careless, so he explained: "Don't worry, this is our homemade communication equipment. There is no need to worry about it." People can decipher it, and countless battles have proven this.”

"Okay." Tantai Yue saw that Luo Zheng said affirmatively, with a confident expression on his face. Looking at the others, none of them took this to heart. They were obviously very relieved about this signal device, and he breathed a sigh of relief and agreed. .

"Everyone has just arrived and needs to catch up on the jet lag and recover. Please let me know. Everyone is resting in the hotel and is not allowed to go out to avoid exposure. I will notify everyone separately during dinner time," Luo Zheng warned.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll withdraw first and go arrange the members of the Chrysanthemum Team." Tantaiyue said.

"Go find Tie Diao, sort out the grouping matters, and tell them not to go out." Luo Zheng warned.

"Yes." Tantai Yue agreed and hurried out.

The grouping is mainly a matter of the Chrysanthemum Team and the Action Team. Luo Zheng left it to Tantai Yue and Tie Diao to handle it on their own. With their experience and ability, I believe they can do this well. Look at the time, it happens to be eight o'clock in the morning. Around the same time, Luo Zheng asked Shi Qian to notify the reception desk to bring some breakfast. After everyone had enough to eat and drink, they each found a room to wash up and sleep.

Luo Zheng was lying on the bed but was not sleepy. Although he had not slept all night, he was very excited. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Lan Xue's phone number. When the call was connected, Lan Xue's lazy voice came from the phone: " Are you here? I just laid down and got ready to go to bed. Was the journey smooth? "

"It's a near miss," Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Liu Qingqing was in her menstrual period. She suddenly felt dizzy and comatose due to hypoxia while skydiving. The parachute was not opened. Fortunately, she found it early and it was fine. This incident must be taken as a warning. We must pay attention to this issue in the future. We cannot do this during her menstrual period. It's a high-risk mission, and since you're a woman, it's more appropriate for you to take part in this matter," Luo Zheng warned.

"Okay, I will make a registration and check it clearly before the mission, so that everyone will not hide the actual situation for the mission. I guess Liu Qingqing is too much like a mission. This child is really brave. I will educate her well later. It is too risky. , If you do this, it will harm yourself, and it will also harm the team." Lan Xue agreed.

"Well, let's take this as a warning. I'm fine, and everyone is fine too. We've checked into the hotel and are preparing to take action in the evening. Did the headquarters find anything?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Xuelian personally took action and finally found Bai Xing's residence through hotel surveillance. In a villa in the hotel, Xuelian investigated a lot of surveillance and found that this guy slept during the day and went to the casino at night. He was accompanied by two people and lived in villa No. 8. There are eight bodyguards guarding the outside of the villa." Lan Xue said quickly.

"Great." Luo Zheng said in surprise: "This bastard actually has so many bodyguards?"

"Yes, these bodyguards are unknown and will be here soon," Lan Xue added.

"Oh? Even Xuelian has similar status, which shows that these bodyguards are not simple. Baixing has so much money to hire bodyguards? Has he already sold the research results?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The possibility is not impossible. You can only ask him about this." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll ask him tonight." Luo Zheng replied with a smile: "Not now. In the past, it was easy to conflict with the bodyguards, which would expose his identity and cause unnecessary trouble."

"Okay, if you need anything, just ask. Blue Star is on duty at the headquarters, so be careful." Lan Xue warned.

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he began to think deeply. It would be impossible to arrest him now. It would cause conflicts and expose his whereabouts. Night was a good opportunity.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and then fell asleep. When he woke up, it was dinner time. After a good sleep, the jet lag was reversed and his energy was restored. Luo Zheng called Shi Qian, and after closing the door, the two of them were on the balcony. He sat down on the leisure chair on the bed and looked at the flashing neon lights and tall modern buildings outside. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "I need you to go to Villa No. 8, which is the residence of the target Bai Xing. He will go to the casino at night. I'm responsible for holding him back."

"No problem, what is the mission?" Shi Qian agreed seriously.

"I found the research results and brought them back. It is a document bag with printed documents inside. Remember, this document is an only copy and must not be lost." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." Shi Qian said seriously.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment, and You worriedly warned: "You are operating with Sanji, Ji Wu, and Gongsun Wu. How can you make the three of them cooperate with you? You will be responsible for commanding this operation. Are you sure?"

"I'm sure I'll take a trip, but I'm not sure if the other party has hidden something in the room. If it's in the room, I'll have a way to find it. What if it's not?" Shi Qian asked in a deep voice, seeing Luo Zheng hesitantly thinking. , then suggested: "Can we use poison? As long as he is poisoned and faced with the choice of life and death, I believe he will take it out."

"If he knew it was us, he would never reveal where the things were hidden. We will still have to rescue him when the time comes." Luo Zheng said distressedly.

"That's right, but I act according to the rules of the road, and I am a gangster. He doesn't know who I am, so it's easy to attack me. If he suspects me, I can say that I am an agent of a certain country, such as the DPRK. The DPRK has no external relations. He is ruthless, kills without caring about the consequences, acts violently, ruthlessly, and has no trustworthiness. People in the world don't like to deal with the Chao Kingdom the most." Shi Qian quickly suggested.

"Okay." Luo Zheng thought for a moment and felt that it would be good to pretend to be Chao Guo. If Bai Xing's employer was Chao Guo, he wouldn't be afraid. He would give Bai Xing the command and make Bai Xing think that Chao Guo was unwilling to pay the commission. With his acting style, he can definitely do this kind of thing.

"It's good that you hold Bai Xing down, but that bastard is going to the casino. How can we get so much money to play with him? Moreover, if the bet gets too big, the hotel will be alerted and your identities will be easily exposed." Shi Qian reminded.

"I understand. When the time comes, we will arrange for the Iron Eagle to be present and others scattered around. When the tentacle monster sees the Iron Eagle, he will never dare to mess around. Unless he treats the hotel as a battlefield and attacks with heavy weapons, he will not be able to do anything to us. Here is The Childe family's cash cow will not allow the tentacle monster to use this place as a battlefield, so don't worry." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a wise light shining in his eyes.

Seeing that Luo Zheng had already thought of these details, Shi Qian said nothing more. The two of them walked out of the room and saw service staff bringing food in. Liu Qingqing was receiving them, so they walked up.

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