The strongest soldier

Chapter 2537 Chrysanthemum Agent

According to Luo Zheng's original plan, he did not want to cause trouble with tentacle monsters in the near future, but it was related to the country's top-secret research results. Once these research results were obtained by others, the consequences would be very serious and must be taken back as soon as possible. For the sake of the national interest, Luo Zheng knew Since it was my duty to do so, I simply took matters into my own hands.

When everyone saw Luo Zheng mentioning this issue again, they did not object as fiercely as before. Instead, they looked at the minister. Although everyone's honor was at stake, it would be foolish to risk death knowing that the opponent was powerful. The minister also understood this. Regarding the question inside, he pondered for a long time and said: "Okay, but we need to participate, even if it is to assist, all actions will be under your command, how about it?"

Luo Zheng understood the minister's mood. If he did nothing, it would chill the hearts of the brothers below. As long as the entire action is led by him, it is not unacceptable for all actions to obey his own command. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Okay, you guys How many people will be sent into action?”

"What do you mean?" the minister said solemnly.

"There can't be too many people. It's best to be a lady who is good at observation and intelligence collection. Leave the battle to us. Your people will help us disguise our identities." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Although the national security agents are also very powerful in combat, they are not as good as Saints. The warriors are far behind. It is enough to have one's own people in the battle, but one's own people are basically men. If there is a lady accompanying him, it will not be easy to be found in the crowd.

The minister is also a good person and experienced. He understood Luo Zheng's intention as soon as he heard it. Seeing that the people around him wanted to object, he immediately took the topic and said: "Okay, it's settled, Tantaiyue."

"Here!" A thirty-year-old lady suddenly stood up and responded in a deep voice. She wore a suit and her hair was tied up. She had a heroic appearance and a shrewd look. She was obviously a powerful character.

"Didn't you just argue with the Kunlun Group for this operation? Now, he has named a female agent, and it will be your Daisy Group." The minister said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The capable lady quickly agreed in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with a more grateful look.

"Okay, now that the matter has been decided, let's let it be. The meeting is over and Tantai Yue will stay." The minister said in a deep voice, while looking at Luo Zheng and making a gesture to persuade him to stay.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and watched everyone leave. The door to the conference room was quickly closed again, leaving only two people in the room. The minister relaxed and looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I'll leave it to you this time. If you need anything, We can just speak up and let Tantaiyue inform me. The Chrysanthemum Team is our ace agent team here. They are all beautiful agents. They are a group of ten. They are good at disguise, intelligence collection and fighting. Of course, they are inferior to you. Some, you have to take good care of these beauties.”

"Minister, please rest assured." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, don't be so serious. Your superior is an old friend of mine. He told me about your situation. I also know some of your glorious records. I am very confident in your abilities. Tan Taiyue, this You are the ghost who is the top leader of the Mystery Bureau, and you must keep this identity in your stomach." The minister looked at Tantai Yue and warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Tantai Yue solemnly agreed. Unexpectedly, the young and shameless person in front of him was the legendary head of the Mystery Bureau. Although everyone has never met him, the two departments cooperated a lot. The story has spread within the National Security Bureau, and everyone has great admiration for the top leader of the Secret Bureau.

"You didn't expect that, didn't you? Didn't you say you want to go to the Detective Bureau to learn? This time you cooperate with the Detective Bureau, observe and learn how the Detective Bureau operates at close range, and come back to summarize it so that everyone can gain insights. The idol is right in front of me, and I hope you will cooperate unconditionally." The minister warned with a smile.

"Yes, minister, please rest assured and promise to complete the task." Tantai Yue quickly agreed in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of admiration.

Luo Zheng glanced at Tantaiyue in surprise, and then looked at the minister. The minister explained knowingly: "Don't worry, Tantaiyue's loyalty and ability cannot be doubted. He is a warrior who has withstood various tests, and he is also your fan. , your Mystery Bureau has helped us several times and rescued many people. Every action is treated as a case for internal exchange and learning. Tan Taiyue admires you very much. Also, Red Plum Blossom counts as half of her. Master."

"Oh?" Luo Zheng looked at Tantai Yue in surprise.

"Yes, I was in the same group as Sister Hua when I first debuted. I was an ordinary intelligence collector under Sister Hua. Where is Sister Hua among you?" Tantaiyue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. Zheng nodded and said excitedly: "Great, Sister Hua is the pride of our secret service world and a role model for our female agents. I must learn from Sister Hua well this time, and I hope you will give me some advice." Tantaiyue said excitedly.

"You're welcome, be prepared and take action at any time." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Tantai Yue saw that Luo Zheng didn't like to joke, he was rigorous and resolute in his work, and he was an easy person to get along with. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "Yes, the sisters of the Chrysanthemum Group are always ready for orders."

Luo Zheng and Tantai Yue exchanged phone numbers and then looked at the minister and said: "Minister, send me a copy of the relevant information later. If there is nothing else, take the first step and discuss the specific action date later."

"Okay, go back. I won't treat you to dinner today. I'll serve you a celebratory drink after the task is completed. I just told Tantai Yue a few words and I won't send you any more." The minister said seriously.

Luo Zheng and the minister said goodbye and left, went to the parking lot downstairs, drove away quickly, and went straight to the base. On the way, Luo Zheng kept thinking about the solution to this matter, the hotel where the person who stole the research results lived, and the tentacles Just like the other monsters, the tentacle monster has become the opponent's protector invisibly. Maybe the tentacle monster itself doesn't know this, right?

But, are the two really not connected? If not, why would the tentacle monster kill someone who looks suspicious? Is it protecting some secret? What is the secret that makes the tentacle monster so fiercely protective? What's going on here?

After thinking about it all the way, he couldn't figure it out. He arrived at the base unknowingly. Luo Zheng parked the car and went to the office. He called Blue Star. Blue Star had received the relevant information from Guoan and immediately forwarded a copy to Luo Zheng. Zheng opened the information and studied it carefully.

The data shows that people who steal research results are very common, just like a law-abiding businessman with no criminal record and a local philanthropist. This kind of person should not steal research results no matter what, and he successfully brought it to Sam National Casino, it seems that the identity behind this person is not simple.

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