The strongest soldier

Chapter 2531: Hands off the shopkeeper

For three days, Luo Zheng stayed at home, chatting with his parents every day, reminiscing about the past, telling some interesting things that could be said in the Mystery Bureau, and never telling anything that could not be said. This was an iron discipline, and the little sister also knew that Luo Zheng was rare. When I come back, I stay at home every day, and the family is happy. For Luo Zheng, who has been fighting abroad all year round, this kind of family happiness is precious and rare. The fighting heart gradually calms down and returns to peace.

Everyone who comes off the battlefield is filled with violent factors and desire to fight. If this emotion is suppressed for a long time and cannot be released, it is easy to get war syndrome, which is a terrible disease that can devour a person's life. Thoughts and even life, Luo Zheng was very aware of the horror of this syndrome. Unexpectedly, after living peacefully for three days, with the help of his parents' love, the violent energy in his body actually disappeared, and he was secretly happy.

Three days later, Luo Zheng returned to the base early in the morning, and his brothers who had returned from vacation also returned to the team. Luo Zheng was anxious for a meeting with the heads of various departments. He first learned about the latest work progress of the research laboratory, and learned that the research results on radiation protection were at most one Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he could take out the moon and praised Dongfeng Ling.

Everyone knows the importance of new weapons. If there were no dragon tooth bullets in the last battle, everyone would not be able to complete the mission so smoothly. If there are weapons that can prevent the radiation from the Sky Stone, the deterrent power of the Dark Church will be greatly reduced, and everyone will be very happy. , expressed their inner gratitude one after another, and praised him endlessly.

Next was the reward based on merit. Lan Xue spent three days making a reward list, which listed everyone's contribution and deserved rewards, as well as pensions for the deceased and rewards for the injured. Everyone in the conference room agreed. Pass, no one will stand in the way of this, and no one can do anything that makes the hero bleed and shed tears.

Luo Zheng signed the document on the spot, and after asking about some other matters, he asked all three brigades of the Operations Department to enter training status, and the lost personnel were replaced. Everyone knew the rules, and Luo Zheng did not need to worry about these details. After the meeting, Luo Zheng Lan Xue and Hao Hongmeihua were left behind, and they briefly talked about the release of the Holy Son. Because the operation did not require the involvement of people from the Secret Bureau, Luo Zheng did not raise it at the meeting, but narrowed the scope of his knowledge.

Hongmeihua guessed the reason why Luo Zheng told her this. After pondering for a moment, she said curiously: "According to your initial idea, this thing is feasible. Keeping a person of no value will be a disaster, and letting him out will be harmful to us." It’s beneficial, but I’m worried that our brother units may not be able to keep an eye on agents from various countries.”

"That's right, so I asked you to take charge of this matter. Our intelligence personnel also started to operate secretly. You are better than me at this kind of thing. You have full control. You can decide what to do. Come up with a plan as soon as possible. Veterans Club I am responsible for communicating with my superiors, and the Mystery Bureau and below are all at your disposal." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"You're such a hands-off shopkeeper." Hong Meihua said with a smile. After thinking about it, her face gradually became serious, and she said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible. This is a big operation. Once successful, at least within half a year." No one dares to take any chances with us here. The base has a safety period of half a year. If you have an outing mission, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the base. I will give you a specific plan tomorrow."

"Okay, you and Xue'er are here for the security of the base. I'm not worried at all. This initiative is more aimed at Sam Country and provoking a fight between Sam Country agents and the polar bear KGB. We'll sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and wait for the opportunity. When you are mature, you can buy the bottom of the pot." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." After Hongmeihua pondered for a moment, she suddenly raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Can we directly give the Holy Son to the KGB people and ask them to hand over some of the senior agents who captured us? This is an exchange. This is international It is a common practice, no one will cheat on this issue, otherwise no one will dare to exchange with the other party in the future, which will be detrimental to the arrested agents in this country."

"Exchange is a good idea, keep talking." Luo Zheng asked thoughtfully.

"Before the exchange, we secretly spread the news. No one dared to mess around during the exchange, otherwise they would be openly hostile to our country. You're welcome. After the exchange, they will definitely hunt down and rob us. We can just sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. Wait until they are done fighting, then share the pot." Hong Meihua suggested in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng knew that Hong Meihua was very familiar with the rules and unspoken rules of the spy world. Since he proposed this, it would definitely be feasible. After thinking about it, he asked: "In principle, I agree with your idea, but can it be guaranteed to be foolproof? Can it be replaced? It’s good to come to the captured senior agents, but it’s also important to stimulate the president of Sam Country to take the initiative to cooperate with us, so the Holy Son must not fall into the hands of Sam Country.”

"With the capabilities of the KGB, it will be difficult for Sam State agents to seize food from the tiger's mouth, unless they do not hesitate to pay. Then we will secretly support the KGB. However, I need the strong support of the national security and public security for this operation. I need absolute Command power." Lan Xue suggested seriously.

"Okay, I'll handle this matter." Luo Zheng promised seriously.

After chatting for a while, everyone dispersed. Luo Zheng returned to the office and just sat down when a call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was actually Xuelian. He happened to have something to call them, so he quickly answered the call and asked: "It's me, sister-in-law. Is there anything urgent you want to see me for?"

"Well, I used the funds seized last time to trade in stocks and I made twice as much money. The eldest brother, father and son, also said, half for each person. I will transfer half of yours to you. Give me an account." Xue Lian said with a smile. Doubling the profit from the first stock trading, that is a huge profit. For the veteran club that is short of funds, it is like giving timely help and solving an urgent need.

"You should know the account number of the Secret Bureau, right? I don't know how to ask Lan Xing." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll turn around right away. Also, brother father and son asked me to ask you, when will the traitor be found out? We are not in a hurry, but we don't want to be idle. I hope you don't misunderstand." Xuelian continued.

"Understood, I just have something to ask you." Luo Zheng said, explaining the purpose of releasing the Holy Son, and finally added: "You are responsible for arresting the person. After catching the person, let Brother Tie Diao escort him to our place. Holy Son Zi is an important figure, the KGB will definitely go all out, and the Sam State will also go all out. In addition, the KGB is involved with the Dark Church. I guess the Dark Church will not miss this opportunity. Maybe it will give the tentacle monster a chance to make up for its past mistakes. , after all, he failed in the last operation. Of course, these are all my preliminary speculations. It is true that I need your help. I also ask my sister-in-law to tell you the situation in detail."

"Well, your analysis is not unreasonable." Xue Lian agreed in a deep voice: "There is another situation."

"Huh? What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

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