The strongest soldier

Chapter 2521 Ambush in the dense forest

The open mountain camp did not become panicked because of a sneak attack. What was even weirder was that the patrols that were everywhere suddenly disappeared. The barracks were as quiet as ever. No one rushed out, as if they didn't know what was going on outside. Things were normal, the blazing bonfire was still burning, illuminating the surroundings, and the people had disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air. Only a few dozen people were chasing after them, which looked very strange.

You must know that there are thousands of armed people stationed in this camp, as well as a large number of laborers. Where have all the people gone? All of this confused and worried the Blood Fiend, so much so that he did not dare to shoot to rescue the evacuated team leader, for fear of exposing his position and attracting endless hunting. Even the Knights of the Round Table had gone and never returned, and the Blood Fiend could tear apart The bullets that evaded the armor were full of panic, and they were full of worries about the hidden camp.

The gray camp looked increasingly weird under the dim moonlight. The invisible murderous aura permeated the night sky, which was unsettling. The exposed opponent was not scary, but the hidden opponent was scary. The blood evil could not figure out why it was exposed, let alone want to. He died here, watching the team leader rush forward, but was quickly knocked to the ground by a round of attacks. He rolled on the ground in pain, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Faced with the pursuit of dozens of top snipers, no one was spared. The Blood Demon knew that the Knights of the Round Table were hopeless, so he quickly made a gesture, and the thirty holy warriors retreated quickly, as quietly as a pack of evil wolves. Silently retreating, trying to get away from the battlefield, unaware that there were more than thirty people in the surrounding woods, looking at the retreating team with a stern expression.

This team is the action team led by Xu Gang. All thirty members are in place, waiting for these people to retreat and start killing. It is not suitable to fight in the camp. Once the holy warriors disperse crazily, If it is not easy to control, it will hurt innocent people, but it is different in the woods.

Xue Sha led his men to retreat quickly. As he was running, Xue Sha whispered through the headset eagerly: "Quick, give us a safe route, the enemy is ambushing us."

There was silence in the headset, and no one answered. Xue Sha was startled, then panicked, and whispered urgently: "Tentacle monster, you bastard, give us a safe route quickly and guide us to evacuate. I suspect there is an ambush around. Even if I die, you won’t survive.”

However, this threat made no sense. There was still silence in the headset, and no one answered. The blood demon knew that the tentacle monster had either escaped or been captured. He was shocked, raised his arms, and made a stop movement. Everyone He hid on the spot quietly without making any sound, like a ghost.

At this time, Xue Sha looked back and found that the pursuers in the open area outside the woods did not pursue them. Instead, they stopped to take precautions. They tied up the squad leader and deputy captain and prepared to take them away. His expression changed greatly. These two people were not ordinary people. Man, what should I do if I am captured and many secrets of the Dark Church are exposed?

As an action leader, Xue Sha is very clear about his responsibilities. Either he will lead everyone back to complete the mission, or they will all die on the battlefield. There is no third party. Otherwise, they will die if they go back. Especially after someone is captured, thinking of this, Xue Sha's face darkened, and he quickly raised his gun and aimed at it, preparing to shoot the captured squad leader. He said in a deep voice through the headset: "Everyone listen to my order, raise your gun, target, squad leader."

The iron law of the holy warriors is that no one should fall into the hands of the enemy. Everyone knows the consequences of being captured, and they all aimed their guns at the enemy, and invisible murderous intent burst out.

"Swish, swish -" Suddenly, countless small black dots were thrown over, some fell on the ground, and some hit people, as if they were flying out of thin air, without any sign. The holy warrior looked down in surprise, wondering. You know what it is. If it is a grenade, the feeling of hitting your body will definitely be different. Unfortunately, it is too dark to see what is flying over.

"Boom, boom, boom -" before everyone could react, suddenly, a series of earth-shattering explosions sounded around them, and hundreds of red lights suddenly exploded on the ground. Each red light was no less than a high-explosive grenade. Hundreds of them High-explosive grenades intertwined and the shock waves superimposed to form a violent storm, knocking everyone around them to the ground and screaming.

Hundreds of high-explosive grenades attacked about thirty holy warriors at the same time. Even if the holy warriors were powerful in combat, they could not withstand the explosion shock waves of so many grenades. No one was spared. They all fell to the ground and started wailing, rolling and struggling. I tried to get up, but I was so dizzy that I couldn't even lift the gun.

The fact that they were not all killed on the spot is enough to show that these people are physically strong. At this time, countless black shadows rushed out from the surrounding woods, one by one, like tigers descending from the mountain, with gloomy faces and silent words, and they rushed forward with military daggers in their hands. , the sharp military dagger went straight to the necks of these holy warriors who were knocked unconscious.

"Chichi—" The sound of throats being cut by metal sounded, and blood arrows flew wildly. These people were like the gods of death emerging from hell, harvesting lives one after another without mercy, silently, and with a strong bloody murderous aura. Scattered away, the entire forest seemed to have frozen, cold and terrifying.

Soon, half of these holy warriors were knocked down. The leader gave an order, and everyone abandoned their military daggers and slashed the backs of these people's heads and necks with their knives, knocking them all to the ground and disarming them. From the bomb attack to knocking everyone down, it only takes a few seconds, which shows the terrifying combat power.

At this time, a tall, well-armed man slowly walked out of the woods, covered in camouflage, with a long knife on his back and a sniper rifle in his hand. He was followed by several similarly dressed people. When the people saw the man approaching, they quickly got out of the way. One of them excitedly went up to him and saluted solemnly and said: "Mastermind, you did a great job in this battle. I, Xu Gang, have only served one person in my life, and that was the previous counselor. Now I have to correct you, you count as one.”

It was Luo Zheng who came, and tonight's big show was naturally directed by Luo Zheng. Looking at the biological warriors on the ground, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that the gang of bastards who attacked were so fast. Come on, the identity is very suspicious, he must not be an ordinary biological warrior, go back and interrogate him carefully, aren't you very good at interrogation? This task is left to you."

"But that bastard with the tentacle monster?" Xu Gang said eagerly. There was a lot of drama tonight. He had killed so many biological warriors and had great achievements. But the only flaw was that he hadn't caught the tentacle monster yet. This made Xu Gang very frustrated and angry. I feel bad if I don't catch the tentacle monster.

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