The strongest soldier

Chapter 2508 Ghost Hands Response

You must not reveal your identity at any time on the battlefield. This is an iron rule. Guishou snorted coldly and did not answer the other party's question directly. Instead, he looked at the corpses on the ground and asked: "What's going on with these white soldiers? You guys?" What are you planning to do?"

"As expected, great. They were sent by the Sam Kingdom to command this battle. I killed these people. Brothers no longer want to fight anymore and are willing to surrender. Can you contact your headquarters? "The major general asked eagerly. The fighting outside was still going on. Some people were being killed every minute. Ending the battle one minute early could avoid many deaths.

Guishou looked the other person up and down in surprise, feeling that he was not being deceived, so he took out the invisible headset from his ear and handed it over. The major general took it and put it on quickly, and said in a deep voice: "I am Homuzha. On behalf of our department, we formally request surrender to the People’s Army, please accept it and don’t let the fighting continue.”

"Khomuzha? I am the president." The voice of the president of Myanmar rang in the headset: "You are allowed to surrender. The Myanmar people will not fight the Myanmar people. Inform your troops to assemble and wait for acceptance."

"Yes, thank you President." Major General Khomuzha was overjoyed and quickly agreed: "I have ordered the troops to assemble at the headquarters, and also asked the President to stop the fighting as soon as possible. Brothers cannot afford to lose. They are all armed forces of Myanmar. Myanmar We cannot withstand civil war.”

"Don't worry, everyone can see your loyalty to the country. You made the most correct choice and saved the country from a lot of damage. History will remember you." The president's voice sounded in the headset.

"Yes, thank you, President." Homuzha agreed excitedly. With the president's affirmation, at least the brothers will not be too sad in the future. Homuzha took out the headset and handed it to Guishou solemnly. He saluted Guishou and said gratefully: "Brother, thank you for stopping the fight in time."

"We have said it before, this is Burma, and Burmese people have the final say on Burma's affairs. You chose to reject Sam State and avoid the country's civil war. You are a man. I respect your choice, that old bastard who is the interim president. What?" Guishou asked seriously.

"Already ran away." Homuzha said with some embarrassment. After all, people let go on their own.

Guishou was startled, thinking of the troops that had just left, and snorted disdainfully: "You can't run away. Such criminals who betrayed the country must be handed over to the people of Burma for public trial. By the way, that is the commander sent by Sam State." , I have to say that this bastard is still very clever and almost defeated us."

"That's him." Major General Homuzha pointed to Tansen on the ground and said: "This man is indeed very capable of commanding. Although he does not understand the world and is arrogant, his flaws are not concealed. I am convinced by this, but what I cannot accept is This bastard turned out to be unreliable at the critical moment, and the promised black shadow was gone."

"Hehe." Guishou sneered. He had already guessed something through a few words, but he didn't reveal it. Military secrets are the top secrets on the battlefield. Guishou still has some discipline. He glanced at the other corpses and guessed they were following them. The person who came over said, "Okay, the battle is over. It's your own business. Just wait here. Someone will come here soon." He walked outside.

"Wait a minute, why don't you stay and have a few drinks to celebrate. Besides, the troops outside the camp belong to you, right? You seem to be an officer. Why don't you inform them to come up and take over this place. We are prisoners now, so we must look like prisoners. ." Major General Homuzha said with a smile.

"No, just stay here. How we arrange it has nothing to do with you. We have said before that we will not interfere in your internal affairs." Guishou said calmly and walked outside.

Homuzha hurriedly sent the tent out and watched Guishou walking outside. He immediately ordered an officer to escort him out to avoid any misunderstanding. There were many officers and soldiers along the way. If there was a misunderstanding, it would affect the overall situation. He looked towards Everyone whispered the content of the conversation with Guishou, and finally added: "Brothers, take a good look now and tell me what you think, Sam Country or Huaxia Country?"

"Huaxia Kingdom, don't go too far. This person just emphasized not to interfere in internal affairs, and he did so. If it were Sam Country, he would definitely interfere in internal affairs. After all, they can gain a lot of benefits by accepting our surrender, but they gave up. Already." An officer whispered.

"Yes, I just deliberately asked him to arrange for troops to come in to accept our surrender. Let's not talk about the reputation, but there are many benefits. They can take whatever they want with everything we have here? Are there any additional conditions? You can mention it however you want?" Homuzha said seriously.

"That's right. Ten years ago, I was still engaged in drug trafficking. I was surrounded and suppressed by a force from the Sam Country hired by the government. I had to surrender. The other party directly asked for a ransom. The boss took out all his property and handed it over to the other party. He was also beaten. Death, I will always remember this grudge." Another officer said solemnly.

"It seems that our choice is right. As long as the Sam Country does not participate in internal affairs, as long as it is good for the country and the people, we can accept any cooperation, even if we give up benefits, but we will never allow any third-party country to interfere in internal affairs. , this is a matter of national dignity and the mission of our soldiers," Homuza said.

Guishou didn't think too much. He just felt that surrendering was too troublesome and inappropriate given his status, so he left the camp, found the equipment he had taken off in the woods and put it on. Then he joined his troops and immediately found them. Niu Gang warned: "Tell brothers to be careful, just in case. By the way, are the pursuit troops gone?"

"Yes, let's go. Teams 5 and 6 will be responsible." Niu Gang quickly agreed.

"The captains of the fifth and sixth squads heard the reply." Ghost Hand called through the headset.

"Hear that, head." Two voices sounded in the headset.

"We must chase that unit. The interim president is inside. We must bring him to me. This is a big fish. It is the honor of our team. This honor will be given to you two." Guishou said seriously. He warned that catching the interim president would save a lot of trouble and maybe end this battle as soon as possible.

"Understood." The two team captains agreed.

"Guishou, keep an eye on them, don't relax until the last moment." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of solemnity.

"Understood, what happened?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"No biological warriors have appeared from the beginning to the end. This is very abnormal. Mountain Eagle, you personally lead two teams to catch up to prevent fraud. You must capture the interim president. I am worried that the biological warriors will take action. I will report the situation immediately. ." Luo Zheng's serious instructions sounded in the headset.

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