The strongest soldier

Chapter 2503 Cutting off the retreat

At dusk, the red sun sets over the mountain, leaving only thousands of rays of rays dyeing the western sky. The sky dims, and the afterglow of the setting sun falls over the vast forest, as if it has put a colorful dress on the forest, and some birds are playing on the branches. , cried, breaking the tranquility and making the forest closer to peace.

On a mountain ridge, in the woods, the ghost hand held a sniper scope and calmly observed the open canyon in front. The canyon was densely wooded and so quiet that even a bird was unwilling to pass by. There was a faint murderous aura. This is the government. The army's front command post was reached, and Ghost Hand could see tents and patrols in the tall woods.

The canyon looked normal on the surface, but Ghost Hands felt vaguely uneasy. Apart from regular patrols, they couldn't see any special precautions. Aren't they afraid of being attacked by others? Why are the troops shrinking near the headquarters? Is it because there are not enough troops or there is another conspiracy?

Guishou is not a reckless person. He observed for a while without making any rash move. He glanced behind him and saw dozens of his dead and alive brothers, as well as 300 armed men who had recovered. More armed men were escorting the surrendered drug dealers. The sub-arms and a large amount of loot returned to the valley. This time they went out to encircle and suppress the surrounding drug dealers and gained a lot. More than three hundred drug dealers surrendered. They were all bold soldiers with certain combat experience. With a little training, plus If you are disciplined, you will be an elite soldier in the future.

However, these people had just surrendered and were not very loyal. They did not dare to bring them over for such a big thing as attacking the enemy's headquarters, so they had to divide their forces and arrange for some of them to be escorted back to the valley. He himself brought 300 armed Cochin tribesmen over. Here, the leader of this Kochin tribal armed force is a relative of Pufu. Last time he led Luo Zheng and others to pursue and rescue the leader of Puxing overnight.

The strange situation in front of the formation made Guishou a little more wary. After thinking about it, he said through the headset: "Brothers, there is something wrong with the enemy's headquarters. It is too quiet. It's like they don't know that they will be attacked by a sneak attack. It's very abnormal. , I plan to send someone to investigate first, is there enough time?"

"Okay, let's find out more before taking action. We're not in a hurry. We can take action after dark." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood." Guishou agreed, and immediately called a brother to give him a few words. The other brother agreed and rushed forward quickly, disappearing into the woods.

Deputy Captain Niu Gang came over and said in a low voice: "Brother, everyone fought well, but we haven't made any achievements yet. The task of sneak attack on the enemy's headquarters this time falls on us. We must make a show of it. It's best to do it all at once." To kill them, I think it would be better to do it at night, touch them quietly and behead them directly."

"Yes, there are not many of us. There are nearly a thousand people in the tents in the front camp. We can only rely on three to four hundred of us to deal with thousands of people. The opponent still has certain defenses. Hard skills will definitely not be enough, but penetration is not easy. , let’s work together.” Guishou said in a deep voice, frowning in thought.

This battle is very critical. If it wins, the enemy will be defeated like a mountain. Other troops can take advantage of the victory to pursue and capture the enemy in one fell swoop. If it fails, the enemy's morale will be high and they will attack fiercely. The people's army of the Keqin tribe may not be able to stop it. The possibility of failure is very high, and Guishou dare not make a decision easily.

After a while, a brother's voice suddenly came from the headset: "Captain, we found a large number of minefields. Do you want to proceed with the investigation?"

"Stand where you are, be careful, I will come right away." Guishou said in a deep voice when he heard the voice of the brother who was sent out for investigation just now, glanced at Niu Gang, and said: "You stay to command the troops, if I have No matter what happens, we must find a way to capture this headquarters."

"Understood." Niu Gang solemnly warned: "Be careful yourself."

Guishou nodded, picked up his weapon and rushed forward quickly, while contacting the brother who was investigating to determine the route forward. Not long after, Guishou saw the brother responsible for investigation, and hurried up, dodging behind a big tree. He looked around, then lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on?"

"The first five meters are mines, and there are many mines found around." The brother in charge of the investigation said quickly.

"Large-scale minefield?" Guishou was startled and suddenly realized. No wonder the enemy did not arrange a defense. They used the defensive tactic of loosening outside and tightening inside to attract themselves. Once they enter the minefield and are in a dilemma, the enemy should rush in from all corners. Are you coming up?

What a ruthless method, Gui Shou's face turned cold when he thought of this, invisible murderous intent burst out, he had experienced greater dangers, Gui Shou didn't care about this danger at all, he looked around calmly, the quiet woods were filled with a wave of There was an invisible aura of danger, and even the cicadas stopped chirping. The ghost hand was not sure how wide the minefield was, so he quickly made a gesture to spread out on both sides and continue investigating.

The two of them spread out and continued their investigation. Not long after, Guishou also discovered a lot of anti-infantry mines, including explosive ones, fragmentation ones, and jumping ones, which meant they bounced about one meter high before exploding. Each one is not simple. Once it enters the minefield, there will definitely be heavy casualties. With such a large-scale minefield, it seems that the enemy is cruel, not only not letting others rush up, but also not letting the people inside easily get out.

Guishou is a little confused. Is the enemy going to defend it? It is understandable to prevent people from infiltrating, but this direction is the only way to withdraw troops. Could it be that the enemy believes that this battle will be won and does not consider withdrawing troops at all? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and pushed forward carefully, taking every step very carefully.

Soon, Guishou discovered that there were a lot of mines ahead. After walking for more than ten meters, there were still mines ahead. How many mines were there? This is a big investment. What scares Ghost Hands is that there are some bullets on them. Once they explode, the bullets will fly around, causing stray bullets to attack irregularly. It is definitely a terrifying weapon. Only masters can use this method. Guishou immediately thought of the country of Sam. He couldn't help but trembled in his heart. He immediately hid himself and quickly told Luo Zheng about the situation and his analysis through the headset.

Luo Zheng did not expect that the only way for the enemy to retreat was full of landmines, and their tactics were clever. He also thought of the Sam Country. Only they had this ability. However, what would happen if they did not leave a way for them to retreat? Are they sure that they can To win this battle, there is no need to go back the same way?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but become worried, and immediately asked in a deep voice through the headset: "The enemy did not leave himself a way out. This is very suspicious. You are at the scene and you are more familiar with the situation than me. What do you think is more appropriate?"

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