The strongest soldier

Chapter 2493 Danger is coming

"I think you have the wrong person. I am just a soldier, not a politician. I do not participate in national political decision-making. I can't answer your question and I don't know what you are talking about. If there is nothing else, leave it at that." Luo Zheng He said calmly and hung up the phone decisively. The last time he asked for cooperation, he was rejected. This time he wanted to cooperate. He was too self-righteous. Moreover, Luo Zheng would never make any decision before the truth of the matter was clear.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng immediately looked at Xue Lian and said in a deep voice: "Jackson suddenly proposed cooperation. There must be a reason behind it. You should investigate immediately. This bastard refused to cooperate last time. This time he offered to cooperate. It was not because of an encounter." The trouble is that there is another motive, so let the headquarters cooperate with you to investigate."

"Understood." Xuelian agreed immediately and typed on the keyboard quickly.

Luo Zheng pondered. The war had reached a critical moment. At this time, Jackson suddenly proposed cooperation. What happened behind this? The fact that Sam Country went back on his word was not enough to make Luo Zheng angry, and Jackson's refusal to cooperate last time was not enough to make Luo Zheng care. After all, everyone has their own opinions and their own positions, but this time they took the initiative to cooperate, Luo Zheng faintly felt that there might be something complicated behind it. .

It was quiet in the wooden house. Tie Diao wiped his weapons and looked over from time to time. Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu followed Snow Leopard to learn how to deploy defenses. This kind of practical opportunity was rare. Time passed by and the people outside The constant chirping of cicadas makes people even more upset.

After a while, Xuelian suddenly looked up at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid we won't be able to find out the truth in a short time, but there is a strange phenomenon. Two candidates who were nominated for the election by the opposition party and were very vocal died unknown. A heart muscle Infarction, an accidental car accident.”

"Run for election?" Luo Zheng was shocked and looked at Xue Lian curiously.

"Yes, the election is coming soon, right? If the president can calm down the situation in Myanmar in a short period of time and run as a winner, he has a high chance of being re-elected," Xuelian explained.

Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly thought of the vice president last time, coupled with the inexplicable death of the candidate for the nomination election, he suddenly realized that the dark church was probably behind this. They assassinated the candidates and arranged for their own people to run for the election. , to bring down Myanmar and discredit the current president. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly asked: "Has the matter of Sam's country sending troops to Myanmar been exposed?"

"Yes, the opposition parties also organized demonstrations. The anti-war people asked the government to withdraw its troops. The radicals asked the government to increase troops and intervene strongly to completely take down the country of Myanmar. Anyway, there are all kinds of things. When the Sam country is making trouble, they dare to say anything. No need. If you don't care, it won't affect the decision-making." Xuelian replied, with a bit of disdain for Sam Country.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he smiled and said, "That's true."

"What did you think of?" Xuelian asked curiously.

"Due to institutional reasons, the national decision-making of Sam State is indeed not something that ordinary people can influence, but the dozen or so richest people, or consortiums. Their decisions are national decisions. The president is just a spokesperson on the stage and has no decision-making power. "It's those consortiums that messed up Burma, it's those consortiums that exposed Sam's country and sent troops to Burma, and it's probably them who supported the march," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Why?" Xuelian asked curiously.

"In order to discredit the current president, think about it. If the situation in Myanmar continues to deteriorate and countless Myanmar soldiers sacrifice their lives, can the current president be re-elected? Absolutely not. As for those candidates, they were also assassinated by those consortiums. The next step is Has the candidate they arranged taken the stage? Once the candidate they arranged succeeds in the election, a larger force will enter Myanmar and fully intervene in Myanmar affairs." Luo Zheng said, his face became solemn.

"Why not withdraw the troops?" Tie Diao came up in surprise and asked: "The reason they used to discredit the current president must be that he is against the war. After all, the current president's sending troops to Burma has been exposed by them. The current president is a war faction. They They can only mention anti-war, and once elected, they should stick to what they campaigned for."

"No, what you are talking about is a normal theory. Don't forget that a considerable part of those consortiums are actually members of the Dark Church. This group of people controls the economy, people's livelihood, and military of Sam Country. The only thing missing is a decision-making spokesperson. If they arrange The success of the election means that the Dark Church has tied the entire Sam Country to its chariot, and the advent of World War III is not far away." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Tie Diao was shocked. He didn't expect that there were so many explanations behind it. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Luo Zheng's analysis made sense. He couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: "Then what should we do?"

"We don't have much time left. We must end the war completely before the election. Once Myanmar is unified, they will not be able to find an excuse even if they want to carry out a reactionary war. How long do we have?" Luo Zheng looked at Xue Lian and asked in a deep voice.

"There are still three months until Sam Country's election." Xue Lian said quickly.

"Three months, that is to say, we must end the fighting and achieve the unification of Myanmar three months ago. It seems that we have to speed up." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes became cold and he was completely sleepy. After receiving the message, he looked at Xuelian and warned: "Immediately send the analysis just now to the headquarters. In addition, increase the investigation of the surrounding electronic signals. I suspect that the enemy may have penetrated up. We can't afford to wait, and they can't afford to wait either. ."

"Understood. I asked the headquarters to airdrop a small radar and some accessories. I was busy cooperating with the action team to perform tasks in the morning and didn't take time to come back. I will make some modifications later and set them up as soon as possible to improve the signal reception capability and radar With investigative capabilities, don’t worry, I’ll get it done as soon as possible.” Xue Lian quickly agreed.

"That's great. If you have radar, you won't be afraid of the enemy infiltrating. As soon as possible, Tie Diao, you can find some people to help. If we don't have enough manpower, Snow Leopard will send a team over. This matter can't be delayed any longer. I'll go find Pufu." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, something's wrong." Xue Lian suddenly shouted urgently.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly stopped to look at Xuelian and asked.

"I seem to have captured an abnormal radio wave just now. The frequency is wrong and it is not ours. I suspect that the enemy has penetrated here." Xuelian said quickly: "Tie Diao, help me set up the radar immediately. Let's put it on the roof."

"Okay." Tie Diao quickly agreed.

"Pass my order, everyone enters combat mode." Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he said with murderous intent. He rushed to the back room, quickly dressed up, dressed neatly, took weapons, and put on a monocular helmet and rushed out of the back room. He looked at Xuelian With one glance, Xue Lian nodded knowingly, and Luo Zheng hurried to the meeting hall.

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