The strongest soldier

Chapter 2490 Sha Biao comes to surrender

The war is about resources, especially strategic resources such as oil. The previous battles could only be regarded as small fights. They were limited to Myanmar and did not spread. Once the video was exposed, the whole world knew that Sam State was involved in Myanmar. war, and if the war shows signs of escalation, the price of oil will definitely rise, and the price of stocks will naturally follow suit.

Luo Zheng didn't know much about the stock market, but he believed in Xuelian and said with a smile: "You can play if you want. Didn't you have a sum of funds last time? If you think it's appropriate, just use it all. I don't care."

"Okay." Xue Lian's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said excitedly: "Don't worry, think tank, I can double the funds. The oil is controlled by the Sam State consortium, and these consortiums are basically related to Myanmar. Because of the connection, I just took the opportunity to kill them, I am the best at this, and I will definitely handle it properly."

"Okay, you figure it out." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly. He didn't understand the matter at all and left it to Xue Lian. Thinking of the tentacle monster blocking the Internet, he suddenly had an idea and said: "Arrange another action team After arriving in Myanmar, we will act separately and destroy all communication equipment and cables in Myanmar. Since they do not allow people to access the Internet, then be thorough and no one will play with it."

"Is this what you mean by fighting a war without information technology?" Xuelian asked curiously.

"Yes, kill all the information equipment and communications in Myanmar. No one can use information or make phone calls, which will completely paralyze the country. In addition, the government forces will use Sam State's satellite communications to keep in touch and ensure that the command system is smooth. It is inconvenient for us. It can directly destroy the Sam State satellite in space, but it can destroy the electronic communication equipment of the military base. In this way, I will arrange for an electromagnetic pulse bomb to be airdropped domestically. Xu Gang, you go there with your troops and completely destroy this base for me." Luo He said in a deep voice.

"No problem, it's just, is it safe for us to leave here?" Xu Gang said worriedly.

"The problem is not that big. I suspect that the tentacle monster is also hiding in this base. Without a safe environment, he cannot work effectively. Except for this base, no other place in Myanmar is safe. He knows that we are looking for him, so there is no reason not to hide. Get up." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"It makes sense, okay, I'll take someone for a trip." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, with a murderous look in his eyes. Getting rid of the traitor, the tentacle monster, is the most important thing for everyone in the Veterans Club.

"You can just take two brothers there. There is no need to take them all away. Leave three brothers to assist me. As long as I am here, the safety problem here is not big." Tie Diao suggested from the side.

"Okay, three people are enough to take away the electromagnetic pulse bomb." Xu Gang agreed.

When Luo Zheng saw that Xu Gang had agreed, he immediately took out his phone and called the headquarters. The person who answered the phone was Lan Xue. Luo Zheng quickly explained the request and told Lan Xue to get it done as soon as possible. The electromagnetic pulse bomb is a top-secret weapon and not everyone can do it. To use it, you must report to your superiors for coordination before you can get it, so Lan Xue agreed to deal with it.

The situation is complex and the situation is critical. An electromagnetic pulse bomb can solve many problems. Luo Zheng believed that his superiors would seriously consider his request. After hanging up the phone, he said: "If the country supports this operation, the supplies will be airdropped tonight. You can take them." After arriving at the East and West, we moved overnight and rushed to this base to join the other brothers."

"No problem. It only takes two days at most to get to the base. When will we start?" Xu Gang asked.

"Two days?" Luo Zheng looked at Xuelian and said, "Can the other brothers come to Myanmar tomorrow?"

"Okay." Xue Lian agreed.

"Adjust the mission. When the brothers arrive, one team will speed up the rescue of the president. One team will destroy important civilian communications and electronic equipment and paralyze their communications and information. One team will infiltrate into the base for reconnaissance and respond to Xu Gang at any time. The other team will find a way to infiltrate Go to the dock and find that all the military supplies have been destroyed. It's up to you to decide what to do and report back at any time. Xu Gang, take action as soon as you arrive at the destination with the electromagnetic pulse bomb. It's best to do it at night, and then attack in and see if the tentacle monster is there. That base was set on fire." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a sharp and decisive aura in his words.

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a deep voice.

Next, everyone discussed the specific details. Ten minutes later, a man hurried in and shouted at the door: "Brother, the tribe leader has something urgent to ask you."

When Luo Zheng saw it was a mountain eagle, he agreed to go out and asked, "Do you know anything?"

"A lot of troops came with unknown identities. Pufu and the president went to greet them. I happened to be arranging patrols on the mountain. Pufu asked me to inform you on his behalf and let you go to the conference hall." Shan Diao explained.

"Army?" Luo Zheng was surprised. Could it be that the president's troops are coming? Time doesn't go that fast. What's going on? Luo Zheng walked forward quickly with full of curiosity, and came to the vicinity of the meeting hall. From a distance, he saw Pufu walking with a group of people talking and laughing. One of them was bald, tall and burly, and looked very fierce. , but looks very bad.

Luo Zheng stopped and waited at the door of the meeting hall. Pufu came up with someone, greeted Luo Zheng warmly, pulled the bald man and said to Luo Zheng, "This is Sha Biao."

"Sha Biao?" Luo Zheng looked at the leader of the anti-government army in surprise, but he was somewhat imposing.

"Are you the commander of the Chinese army?" Sha Biao looked at Luo Zheng with a cold face, and he actually spoke Chinese Mandarin. Although he was not very fluent, his meaning was understandable.

"Exactly." Luo Zheng said lightly, secretly on guard.

"I like to work openly and aboveboard. Today I have no choice but to bring my brothers here to seek refuge and find a way for them to survive. However, it is better to make some things clear. Your people attacked my base. Do you dare to admit it?" Sha Biao He looked at Luo Zheng and asked coldly.

"Of course." Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he said coldly.

"Okay, I'm a brave man. You kill me and I'll kill you on the battlefield. I'll be the winner or the loser. There's nothing to say. I don't blame you, but I'll remember this grudge. I'm here today and I'm desperate. You have two choices, kill me, but please don't touch my brothers. They followed me just to find a way out. The other is to keep me, and we can settle the score after we kill that old bastard, the Vice President." Sha Biao said coldly. said.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng looked at the other party with interest. Unexpectedly, this guy was also a kindhearted person who loved and protected his brothers. He pointed out the hatred between the two parties. It seemed impulsive, but he was actually clever. He surrendered when he had no other way out. In the end, The key is to eliminate hidden dangers. The best way to eliminate hidden dangers is to point them out directly and explain them clearly in front of everyone, so as to avoid using knives on each other behind their backs.

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