The strongest soldier

Chapter 2485 Reaching an Alliance

As the president of a country, he has very strong IQ, vision and judgment. He knows what consequences he will face if he is abandoned. Who in the international community is not aware of Sam's country's subversion of other countries' regimes and various brutal and inhumane assassinations? The president has even foreseen the brutal persecution of his own family. As a man, this hatred is irreconcilable, and as the president, he must face this hatred himself.

The enemy is too powerful. It is impossible to rely on oneself alone. The president has seen Luo Zheng's fighting power. The interim president has made a public statement that it is impossible for him to come back. He is just a joke, wants revenge, and wants to take back everything. There is no doubt that he will choose the alliance. It is the only way and the most correct way.

The president is not stupid. He knows very well what he will face and what the alliance means to him. Whether or not an alliance can be formed depends on two people, 仡Pufu and Luo Zheng. 仡Pufu is an old comrade in arms. The president knows very well that 仡Pufu Although he didn't know Luo Zheng very well, he couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng closely with complicated eyes.

Luo Zheng was not stupid and would not be content with what was going on here. He looked at Qi Pufu and said in a deep voice: "At the very least, this is your internal matter. At the most serious level, it is your internal affairs. I will not interfere in your personal matters. We won't interfere in internal affairs. Let me know if you have discussed it." Then he gave Xu Gang and others a look and walked outside.

Xu Gang, Xue Lian and Tie Diao followed closely. Everyone walked out of the wooden house and stopped in the open area outside. Luo Zheng saw that the tribe was no longer noisy with the white people. At night, the tribe valley was quiet and peaceful, with a bright moon hanging in the sky. High in the sky, the valley was covered with a layer of silver gauze. The tribal armed forces who came to support from other places also gathered in designated places. They did not run around. The patrols roamed around and did not miss any blind spots.

"The moonlight here is so beautiful." Xuelian whispered with some emotion.

"Yes, it's a quiet, peaceful and carefree valley. It's a pity that it has to be ravaged by war, and I don't know what will happen in the future." Luo Zheng sighed with emotion, looked at everyone, straightened his face, and said seriously: "Tentacle monster Regarding the matter, it would be best to exchange hostages. If we cannot exchange, we have to find other ways. I hope you understand."

"You have tried your best." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"That's right, let this happen naturally. Brothers can see your efforts. No one will blame you. I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could we have killed nearly a hundred creatures this time? Soldier, this is the total number of kills we have made in the past three years, and you have made us feel bad." Xu Gang said seriously.

"I can feel that that bastard is in this country. He ran away several times when he was about to be targeted, but their mission was not completed. Chi Youji could not be found for a day, and they would not leave for a day, so we still If there's a chance, it'll be up to you then." Xue Lian said lightly, not taking this matter to heart.

"Thank you three for your understanding and trust. Catching the tentacle monster is not only your matter, but also the country's matter. I will definitely go all out for this matter. As long as I have your support, I will feel at ease. By the way, How are the other four groups doing?" Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"I was about to tell you that I haven't been able to find a chance. I received everyone's report just half an hour ago. All four teams successfully destroyed their base. Although it was not completely wiped off the earth, it was almost there. Antarctica The Dark Church base at the top was blown up and covered with ice and snow. It is impossible to repair it within a few years of reactivation. As for other bases, they were also destroyed to varying degrees and cannot be operated in a short time." Xuelian replied in a deep voice.

"Great, well done. I feel a lot less worried now that you are here." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Everyone is familiar with these bases, and it is a sneak attack. They are relatively easy to destroy. The brothers are on their way back and asked about other arrangements." Xuelian asked.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Let them find a way to infiltrate into the capital of Myanmar. Keep an eye on the presidential palace and report any suspicious situations immediately. Remember, don't be exposed."

"Okay, are they all going?" Xue Lian asked in surprise.

There are more than 20 people in the four action teams. It would be a waste to put them all there. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "That's right, let's all go and lurk on standby. We don't need that many people here for the time being. It would be more convenient for them to stay in the capital." It is effective. This battle is not only on the front line, but also behind enemy lines. We cannot ignore it, especially the air force. Arrange a team to keep an eye on the air force base, which will come in handy at critical moments."

"That makes sense, okay, I'll inform you right away." Xuelian agreed and looked at Xu Gang.

Xu Gang is the leader of the action team and is fully responsible for the affairs of the action team. Seeing Xuelian's look, he said knowingly: "Let the third team go."

"Okay." Xuelian agreed.

"In this way, the air force base, the dock, and the presidential palace will each arrange a team to keep an eye on them, and another team will be on standby as a reserve team to tell everyone that they must lurk well." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Okay." Xuelian nodded knowingly, looked at Xu Gang, and waited for Xu Gang's deployment.

At this time, everyone saw Pufu and the president walking out of the room, so they had to put aside the arrangements for the time being. Everyone looked at Pufu curiously, and Luo Zheng greeted him. Pufu looked at Luo Zheng and said seriously: " The two of us have discussed it, and he should be the president. Politically speaking, this is good for us. Changing the president will be used by opponents. I will be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and be responsible for military matters, and he will be responsible for government affairs, logistics and so on."

"Okay, you can just discuss it." Luo Zheng interrupted Pufu's words, looked at the president, stretched out his hand, and said seriously: "Welcome to join us, I hope this alliance can bring benefits to Myanmar and can To end the civil war and unify the country, as I said before, deep strategic cooperation with my country is the prerequisite for our alliance, otherwise, I don’t mind going on a killing spree."

"Regardless of the current situation, geopolitical relations or future development needs, cooperation will lead to a win-win situation, while division will lead to two harms. History has proven this, and I have seen it thoroughly. Please don't worry about this matter. In addition, as the president, I invite you to serve as Military General Counsel, if possible, I sincerely request your country to openly send troops to assist in countering the rebellion." The president said seriously after shaking hands with Luo Zheng, his firm eyes full of expectation.

A formal invitation to counter-insurgency in the name of the president of the country is very important, which means that even if the Huaxia State sends troops openly, it will not attract criticism from the international community. However, this matter is too big, Luo Zheng did not dare to agree, and said seriously: "I will Report the situation truthfully. As a soldier, I obey the arrangements of the country. As a friend, I suggest that you do not invite our country to intervene in the counter-insurgency for the time being, but instead make a public statement to let the people of the country know the face of the interim president, organize a counterattack, and fight a few battles. Winning the battle will allow everyone to see the facts and see hope."

"You are right. What good suggestions do you have next?" the president asked in a deep voice.

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