The strongest soldier

Chapter 2482 Theory of Faith

The wind picked up, and the lake rippled, shaking the glow all over the lake. Luo Zheng looked at the lake, and his heart became more determined and urgent. No matter how the situation changes, as a soldier, he will protect the interests of the country and fight for the people, and he will die without regrets. , even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I will go on without hesitation and without regrets.

After hearing Ji Wen's words, Luo Zheng said in a grateful voice: "Thank you very much. We soldiers can die, but the country cannot perish. We soldiers don't need any benefits, but the national interests are above all else. If anything prevents the development of the country, Anyone who harms national interests is my enemy and the enemy of all soldiers of the Chinese nation. For the sake of national interests and national development, I will not allow anyone to damage it."

"Well, the Chinese nation can only live a stable life with the protection of warm-blooded soldiers like you. You are silent heroes who dedicate your lives. However, everything you have done cannot be seen in the light, let alone tell future generations that you are so worth it." "?" Ji Wen asked in a deep voice.

"Who doesn't want fame and fortune? Who doesn't want a luxurious life? But someone has to stand up. Since fate has chosen me, I can't hide. What's more important in life is to be worthy of one's heart, heaven and earth, and one's ancestors. Material life Of course it is important, but faith is more important. It is sad for people without faith. We soldiers have faith. Our faith is to protect this ancient land. Anyone who dares to invade will be killed." Luo Zheng said coldly. .

"Okay, that's very well said. Some people have to do some things. Fate has chosen you, and you have chosen faith. This is the pride of the Chinese Dragon Clan. Unfortunately, many people now have no faith, or they believe in material things and fame and fortune. Well, Western countries believe in God, and the president takes the oath with a Bible, but what about us? With thousands of years of civilization, many things have been lost." Ji Wen said distressedly.

"No, there is a kind of faith that is still in the bones of each of us, but we usually don't realize it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking at the lake in front of him with sharp eyes.

"What is it?" Ji Wen asked curiously.

"Our country has too many splendid cultures. Hundreds of schools of thought have flourished and lasted for thousands of years. There is one thing that will always be in our hearts, and that is history. Our faith is history. 'No one has died since ancient times, and his loyalty will be remembered by history.' , this is a national-level belief, and there is also a saying among the people, that is, 'worthy of our ancestors'. If you think about it carefully, is this true? We are not afraid of anything, but we are afraid of leaving a bad reputation in history. What should we do? It doesn’t matter, but I’m afraid I’ll offend my ancestors.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's not entirely true, but it makes a lot of sense. We in China have not had permanent beliefs for thousands of years, but we all believe in history, or revere history. We fight with people, heaven, and earth, but we dare not fight with history. , we are afraid of leaving an infamy. The female emperor of Wu Zhou was resurrected, but we were also afraid of leaving an infamy afterward. We set up wordless inscriptions for future generations to tell. How many scholar-bureaucrats died generously to leave a name for history. How many treacherous ministers and villains did good deeds in their later years. , I also want to leave a good reputation for future generations. History is what we believe in and what we respect. I have lived to the age of being buried, but I didn’t expect that I can’t see it as thoroughly as you." Ji Wen said with emotion.

"Not to revere history is to forget the past. Without the past, where will the future come from? Only by reverence to history can we know gains and losses, know choices, advance and retreat, and understand the great righteousness. All the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have limitations and One-sidedness will also become a part of history. We can learn from the past and understand the ups and downs; we can learn from people's gains and losses. Both ancient times and people are part of history. History is where the faith and awe we need lie. ." Luo Zheng looked into the distance and said in a deep voice, his eyes shining with wisdom.

"Maybe you are right. At least I can't refute your point of view. The Dark Church has always been very powerful in history, but for some reasons, it was unable to unify the world in the end. Why?" Pufu asked in a deep voice.

"Justice, fairness, and freedom are the most natural desires and pursuits of human beings. It is precisely because of these pursuits that evil will not suppress the good and the greatness will last forever. It has become a law of history. To violate the laws of history is to blaspheme history, to disrespect history, and to disrespect history. Those who revere history will be eliminated by history. The Dark Church goes against the grain and imposes dictatorship on mankind. Naturally, it will not succeed. The reason why they have not succeeded for thousands of years is inevitable and determined by the laws of history. I always believe that justice It will last forever, and we soldiers are the ones who protect justice." Luo Zheng said.

"I'm very happy to hear you say that, and I feel more confident about handing over my son to you. For justice, someone has to pay. Fate has chosen our family. We must face it and bear it. I hope this inheritance can be passed on to you. The hand has been completely cut off." Ji Wen looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said.

"I will do my best." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"Back to the moment, I'm personally very curious, what do you plan to do with the president? A person who has been abandoned is a burden to keep, and it may not be appropriate to put him back." Ji Wen asked curiously.

"Yes, I feel much better after chatting with you for a while. As for the President, I have already thought about how to deal with it. There is a man named Tentacle Monster in the Veterans Club who must have defected to the Dark Church. This bastard is an information engineer and has very good computer skills. We He almost fell into his trap. This person has become more powerful in the Dark Church and is a serious problem for us. The people of the Dark Church will become even more powerful if they get him, which will pose a greater threat to us. We must get rid of this person." Luo Zhengchen said the voice.

"Well, this person does need to be eliminated, but what are you going to do? What does it have to do with the president?" Ji Wen looked at Luo Zheng curiously and asked.

"I plan to replace the president with tentacle monsters." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Exchange?" Ji Wen was shocked and looked at Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't seem to be joking, he thought for a while and reminded in a deep voice: "Since the tentacle monster is so important to the Dark Church, there is no reason to exchange. Although the president is also very important. Important, but they don’t need someone to be president.”

"Yes, the purpose of this is very simple, to force the president to come to our side." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Oh?" Ji Wen was even more curious. He thought about it along Luo Zheng's train of thought, and suddenly realized something. He smiled and said, "You really have a good brain. I think it's okay. Anyway, you want to send the president to the hospital." But there are many possibilities for sending him back, or even going against us again. If the president knew that the Dark Church was unwilling to exchange and knew that he was not as good as a technician, the psychological gap would be huge and resentment would arise. Coming to our side is such a clever plan."

"The captives we finally captured must be used well and their value maximized." Luo Zheng smiled, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the headquarters. This matter cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise the value of the president will be even lower.

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