The strongest soldier

Chapter 2475 A narrow victory over a powerful enemy

With a pop, Luo Zheng, whose whole body was tense, fell to the ground and rolled forward. The biological warrior quickly rose into the air and avoided possible attacks from the ground. Little did he know that Luo Zheng did not attack the opponent, but used this kind of If there are no snipers to support them, this method is meaningless. However, the mountain eagle and others are always keeping an eye on the battlefield and waiting for opportunities. The biological warriors flying into the sky are undoubtedly live targets.

"咻咻咻-" The mountain eagle took action, and came up with three rapid bursts, completely blocking the opponent's forward angle. Others were also waiting for the opportunity. How could they miss such a good opportunity? Someone also fired. The bio-warrior who jumped into the air twisted his body strangely in the air and fought sideways. He avoided the three shots fired by the mountain eagle, but he was still hit by the dragon tooth bullets that followed him.

"Puff puff -" Three dragon tooth bullets hit the target, splashing three blood arrows and flying wildly. The biological warrior's body fell heavily to the ground, and there was no movement.

At this time, Luo Zheng had already stood up and pounced on another biological warrior who was besieging the iron eagle. He attacked from behind, forcing the opponent to give up the attack on the iron eagle. While the opponent was dodging, Luo Zheng hit him hard with a punch. Hitting the opponent's back, the biological warrior screamed in pain, stumbled forward and almost fell to the ground.

While waiting to stabilize his body, three dragon tooth bullets flew from nowhere, one of which hit the opponent's thigh. The biological warrior screamed and fell to the ground. Luo Zheng rushed forward and punched the opponent's head hard. He directly knocked the opponent upside down and flew four to five meters. After he stopped, another brother shot again and killed the opponent.

At this time, Luo Zheng took the opportunity to take a look at the battle situation. Originally there were more than twenty enemies, but now there were less than six left. The others were either killed by everyone or shot by dragon tooth bullets. When he saw the situation, these six people No, someone screamed strangely, and the others pushed back their opponents and turned around to run away. But how could they let go of the prey they finally got?

Both Tie Diao and Sanji and the others roared angrily and chased after them. Luo Zheng also chased after him, flying up from behind and kicking a biological warrior together. The opponent took a sharp step to one side to avoid it, and swept over with a flying kick. , with a faint sound of breaking through the sky, it was so powerful and heavy that it was difficult to parry.

If it were in the past, Luo Zheng would have only been able to dodge, and would not have dared to block this fierce sweep like a steel whip. But with the iron fist in his hand, Luo Zheng squatted on the ground, roared, raised his fist and punched the opponent's leg. Smash it over, and the huge attack force acts on the opponent's calf bones through the two protruding metals on the iron fist glove.

"Ah——?" The other party screamed, retracted his legs, fell to the ground and rolled in pain. Luo Zheng was also swept away by this fierce kick. How ferocious was the biological warrior's full blow? The powerful impact shook Luo Zheng so much that blood almost surged up from his mouth. He lay weakly on the ground, secretly frightened. If it hadn't been for this iron fist gauntlet, he would have been disabled even if he had just swept over with his kick. This iron fist glove was a good thing. Not only does it amplify one's own attack power many times, but it can also neutralize part of the enemy's attack counter-shock. Go back and find a way to make one.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard several sniper shots, looked up and looked around. The remaining biological warriors also fell to the ground. Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed, and his tense nerves relaxed, and he lay on the ground breathing heavily. , shouted excitedly: "Haha, brothers, good job, finally withstood the enemy's fierce attack."

Blocking the enemy's attack means that the chance of winning this battle is greater. Everyone laughed excitedly. Tie Diao rushed up in a few steps, looked at Luo Zheng who was lying on the ground and asked worriedly: "Are you okay? "

"It's okay, I'm just very tired. You have good stuff. I'll prepare a spare set for you when I get back." Luo Zheng smiled happily, took out the iron fist glove and handed it to Tie Diao.

Tie Diao hesitated for a moment, but still took it and said: "This set is your sister-in-law's spare. Women's strength is naturally weaker. This thing can increase it several times. Iron Four Fingers, also known as Iron Fist Gloves, there are still people in the world who call this The things are Iron Lotus, Iron Heart Fist, Iron Fist Ring, etc. Boxing weapons, when worn, can increase the attack power of the fist. If you want to make one, you can make the convex part into a tapered shape, which will have a better effect."

"It makes sense. We will allocate one to each of our brothers later. If we encounter a strong enemy, we won't be completely powerless to fight back." Luo Zheng nodded excitedly. When he saw Tie Diao reaching out, he grabbed Tie Diao's palm and stood up. He came and looked around. Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu came over. None of them were fatal. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern: "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay." The three shook their heads and said.

"They said it's okay. All three of you have internal injuries of varying degrees. It's best not to use force in the short term." Tie Diao had a sharp eye and profound skills. He could see something was wrong at a glance and quickly reminded him.

Luo Zheng could only see if there were external injuries. Luo Zheng couldn't see internal injuries yet. Hearing Tie Diao's words, he couldn't help being shocked and asked quickly: "Is it serious?"

"It's not a big problem. Just take care of it and it will be fine. Everyone's recovery ability is different from internal injuries." Tie Diao explained in a deep voice.

"That's good." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Sanji and the others and warned: "The battle is almost over, don't take any more action."

"It's really okay." Sanji smiled nonchalantly.

"Listen to me on this matter." Luo Zheng warned without any doubt: "We have plenty of battles, and we are not short of this. This time we killed more than sixty biological warriors. It is a great victory. This is enough for the Dark Church to feel distressed. , it’s considered revenge for the brothers, let’s go back to the position.” He said and walked forward quickly.

When the brothers saw Luo Zheng and others coming back, they all excitedly waved their guns and shouted. The atmosphere was intense and they were very excited. The battle just now was too thrilling. If it weren't for the proper tactics, they suppressed the position with intensive firepower. The sniper kill of Dragon Tooth Bullet had Luo Zheng and others rushing forward to entangle the enemy, but the result was unpredictable.

In any case, this battle was won, and the victory was very dangerous. More than a hundred well-equipped soldiers had a numerical advantage against more than 60 biological warriors. They also planted a large number of button bombs in advance. The fight was still so difficult. Everyone After witnessing the terrifying combat power of the biological warriors, they no longer dare to underestimate the enemy.

"Are you okay?" Snow leopard and mountain eagle came to ask with concern.

"It's okay, where is brother?" Luo Zheng asked worriedly.

"The brothers used intensive alternating firepower tactics to block the opponent's attack, blocking them thirty meters away. The attack power of ordinary bullets within thirty meters is also very strong. Even if it cannot break the bullet-proof armor, if it hits the head, it will It was able to knock them out, and the bullets kept firing, but they couldn't rush up." Snow Leopard explained.

"Alternate shooting, constant firepower? What a good idea, brothers, just be fine." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately continued to ask through the headset: "Zhou Gang, what's the situation over there?"

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