The strongest soldier

Chapter 2465 Canyon Ambush

"Bang bang bang -" Guishou and the others were hiding in the dense forest and kept shooting at the enemies who were coming up. The shouts of killing, the sound of gunshots, and the tragic atmosphere floated over the woods and spread far away.

"Oh oh oh, kill -" The enemy's charge was also very fierce, and they were surrounded from three sides. The difference from before was that the enemy was condescending and rushed down. There were many people, the sound of gunfire was like rain, and the firepower was intensive. They were not afraid of death. , almost rushing down with the bullet in hand, strange screams echoing in the woods, looking as ferocious as a wolf, very scary.

Guishou knows that three minutes is the limit that the brothers can block. There are too many enemies, too dense, and their fighting styles are fierce. As time goes by, everyone will be surrounded again. After Guishou finishes shooting a magazine, he quickly takes out a new magazine and replaces it. On the way, I suddenly heard a banging sound next to me. It was very strange and I couldn't help but be startled. I turned around and found that a brother had his head shot. He was a sniper.

"Asshole——" Guishou was immediately furious and looked around vigilantly. Except for the enemies that were charging towards him with howls and screams, no snipers were seen in the surrounding woods. Biological warriors immediately appeared in his mind. These people were not only fast, but also very fast. , and his shooting skills are accurate. If he is chased among the crowd, no one can escape.

"Brothers, change your bombs and follow my orders. The even-numbered team members will retreat ten meters to cover. The odd-numbered team members will be killed by me." As he said this, he raised his gun and aimed at suspicious places and started shooting vigorously. There were many teams in the brigade, named after numbers. After hearing the order, the odd-numbered team members such as the first, third, and fifth team members opened fire violently, and the even-numbered team members retreated ten meters to build defenses. This is a commonly used alternating cover tactic. The ones in the front use firepower to block the enemy's pursuit, and the ones behind them redeploy their firepower. Cover the retreat in front.

The ghost hand fired a magazine in one breath, and as soon as the gun was retracted, a tiger rushed over, picked up the sacrificed brother and roared: "Quick, retreat, cover."

The members of the odd-numbered team picked up their weapons and quickly retreated, running forward like cheetahs without looking back. The members of the even-numbered team fired fiercely at the enemies trying to rush up ahead, forming a dense firepower net to suppress them. Position, cover the retreat of the brothers.

After retreating ten meters, the brothers all looked for places to hide. They replaced new magazines and aimed forward. Ghost Hands dodged and hid behind a big tree. He looked at the direction of the pursuers and saw more enemies rushing up. They made strange noises. It was deafening and the beating was so fierce that his face turned cold and he roared: "Hit——!"

The brothers quickly opened fire to cover the brothers in front and then retreated. Their accurate marksmanship killed the enemies who rushed out of the forest without hesitation and knocked them to the ground. They held down their positions to prevent the enemies from rushing forward. The brothers in front quickly withdrew and headed towards Continue to build defensive firepower in the next ten meters.

The team was divided into two, taking cover alternately, fighting and retreating, and repeated this for several rounds. Unknowingly, they came to the entrance of a canyon. Guishou was overjoyed when he saw the canyon. He finally got through it. It was so difficult and dangerous just now. If I take action, I believe that I will be able to confuse the enemy, so I couldn't help but shout in a deep voice: "Brothers, retreat."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and quickly rushed into the canyon. The canyon was full of bushes and sparse trees as tall as a person. The road was very difficult to walk. Fortunately, the injured brothers had already passed by and took a walk. Not counting the road, everyone rushed along this road and quickly disappeared into the bushes.

The bushes couldn't block the bullets, but they could block the enemy's sight. The roaring pursuers came to the mouth of the canyon. They didn't see their opponents, so they started shooting randomly, howling and continuing to pursue them, like hungry wolves, in the blink of an eye. Rushed into the canyon.

Soon, more pursuers rushed over. They hesitated at the mouth of the canyon, and then rushed forward without hesitation. The fierce battle just now was extremely dangerous. The enemy did not see that the opponent had reinforcements, and their vigilance was greatly reduced. More people rushed forward. Entering the canyon, he chased forward wildly, with a posture of not giving up until he reached his goal.

In the mountains and woods on one side of the canyon, Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly. When the brothers retreated, it was extremely thrilling and suffered heavy casualties. Luo Zheng was heartbroken, but for a greater victory and to completely annihilate this enemy, Luo Zheng Zheng chose to endure it. Until this moment, the cold murderous aura faintly emanating from his body became even stronger. His face was as cold as ice that had not melted for hundreds of millions of years, but fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

"Fight?" The mountain eagle beside him couldn't help but remind him. Seeing Guishou and others being sacrificed one after another, the mountain eagle felt uncomfortable and wanted to rush down and fight immediately.

"Yes, we can't delay any longer. There are too many enemies and they can't stop them." Pu Xingye reminded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng was unmoved and continued to stare ahead coldly. The enemy was certainly terrifying, but the truly terrifying thing was the biological warriors. Luo Zheng learned from Ghost Hands that there were biological warriors participating in the battle, so he did not dare to be careless at all. Everyone saw Luo Zheng Since the attack order has not been issued for a long time, naturally he did not dare to act rashly and waited patiently.

Gunfire was like rain in the valley, and strange screams were even louder. A large number of enemies roared out of the mountain forest, rushed into the valley and chased forward. The wild wolves were abundant and hungry, and their momentum was fierce, but Luo Zheng did not do anything. Moved, they continued to wait. With the fighting power of Guishou and others, as long as they got rid of the enemy and retreated, it would be impossible to catch up in a short time.

After two or three minutes, Luo Zheng suddenly saw some suspicious people rushing out of the forest in front. They were all well-equipped and inconspicuous among the crowd, but their unique momentum was keenly noticed by Luo Zheng. He immediately moved the telescope and took a closer look, and found that these people were mixing calmly among the team and were not in a hurry to attack. Apparently they wanted others to lead the charge and die while he hid behind and attacked them.

"We're finally here, bastard, don't even think about running away once we're here." Luo Zheng whispered coldly.

"What's going on?" The mountain eagle next to him asked in a surprised voice, and Pu Xing also looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

"Here come the bio-warriors. We finally waited for them. There are more than twenty of them, wearing the same military uniforms as the government troops. The only difference is the weapons and skin color. Brothers, they are all aimed at us. Use dragon tooth bullets to kill them first. These people say, be careful, don’t be impatient, put away your murderous intent, lest you scare away your target, there are more than twenty big fish, not one of them can be let go." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said coldly.

The mountain eagle was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said coldly through the headset: "Brothers, I'm targeting you all. The principle of proximity, target, biological warrior, prepare."

The brothers hidden in the mountains and forests on both sides changed their magazines one after another, took out the incendiary bombs and replaced them with dragon tooth bullets. According to the original plan, everyone used incendiary bombs to burn the sand valley, roast the whole sheep alive for the enemy, and then Pu Xing's troops charged forward, but after the biological warriors came after them, Luo Zheng decisively gave up his original tactics.

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