The strongest soldier

Chapter 2452 Attack

As time passed, the attacks around the town did not stop. Shandiao organized his troops to launch feint attacks from four directions from time to time. The opponent was too tired to cope with it and did not dare to rest and recover. Luo Zheng was watching in the distant mountains and forests. Seeing that the mountain eagle was well organized, he was completely relieved. He handed over the battle to the mountain eagle and found a place to rest. There were more battles waiting for him. As a commander, he must ensure the best possible outcome. If you don't get enough rest, your thinking will become rigid and your judgment will be affected.

Everyone knew that Luo Zheng had a heavy burden on his shoulders, so they didn't bother him. They reminded others around him not to talk, so as not to disturb Luo Zheng's rest. Luo Zheng knew very well that small things could be solved by his brothers, and Lan Lan could handle big things. Xue can take over and make decisions at any time. A major accident will wake him up and he can sleep with peace of mind.

In a daze, Luo Zheng suddenly heard the intermittent gunfire stop. He couldn't help but was startled. He immediately woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the sky was turning white. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already six o'clock in the morning. Left and right, he stood up immediately, slapped his face to regain his composure as soon as possible, and while looking towards the town in the distance, asked: "Each unit reported the battle situation."

"The fight lasted all night and has just subsided. The enemy has not come out and we have not gone in. The brothers are all safe. How to fight next?" The voice of the mountain eagle sounded first in the headset.

"Stand by." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Head, Sha Biao's lair has been set on fire by ghost hands. They are on the way to retreat. Xue Bao and others are already in position and ready for battle." Lan Xing's voice rang in the headset.

"Great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that the battle was going in the direction he expected. He also became more awake. He raised his telescope and looked over. He found that the fire in the direction of the town had been extinguished, but there was an invisible force hanging over the central area. The suppressed murderous aura made him stunned for a moment and observed carefully.

"No, the enemy is preparing to attack and break through." A voice sounded in the headset, it was Tie Diao.

"Oh? Immediately release the opening to the west and let them pass." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. The west is the only direction for the President of Myanmar to withdraw. Holding tightly will only cause serious casualties. Luo Zheng does not want his brothers to hold on to their positions. Then Without conversion, the sniper should hide like a god of death and shoot the target from a long distance, rather than kill the target at close range.

"Yes." The mountain eagle agreed in a deep voice: "Brothers on the west side, split into two, consider both sides, open the door and let them escape. We have plenty of opportunities."

"Yes." The brothers in ambush in the west agreed in a deep voice after hearing the order.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed after learning about the specific battle situation, and immediately implemented the second phase of the battle plan, which was to let the opponent run, and his own people would follow behind to chase and kill him. They would pounce on the enemy like a pack of wolves, constantly biting and bleeding the enemy, and waited for a while. , the voice of Tie Diao came from the headset: "The assault troops are rushing to the west. They are all elite troops. As expected, the target is hiding in the hospital and is coming out to gather outside. It seems that he is personally escorted by the Sam State Special Forces Brigade. Do you want me to give you some help? One shot at the target and the whole thing is over."

"No, living targets are more useful to us." Luo Zheng immediately objected, looking at Xue Lian and asking: "Have you tracked down the opponent's other headquarters in one night? The Dark Church has not taken action so far, something is wrong, we have to guard against it Stay focused."

"No other headquarters was found." Xuelian said in a deep voice.

"Well, prepare to evacuate." Luo Zheng warned. The enemy was already preparing to break out. There was no need to defend here. He glanced at Sanji and others, and everyone nodded knowingly and helped Xue Lian put away her things.

After a few more minutes, Tie Diao's words rang in the headset again: "The vanguard has rushed out. The special forces of the Sam Country are escorting the target away, using cars as transportation. The other large forces are behind, and these people behind are behind." It seems that the first regiment of the Guard Army was crippled before, and its morale is not high."

"Great, it's a good thing that they have cut off the rear. If they can let Pu Fu eat this army, it will be of great benefit to them. Brothers, prepare to pursue. Use the squad as a combat unit, pounce on it, and bite like wolves. Sam's country's special operations brigade, in order to protect the target, they absolutely dare not let go of their hands and feet to fight back, our opportunity has come." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a strong murderous intent.

"Yes." The people in the Mountain Eagle Brigade were immediately overjoyed. They all agreed, jumped out of the foxhole, and immediately rushed forward with the squad as a combat unit.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, intensive heavy machine gunfire rang out from the ruins of the town, causing everyone to lie down and take cover, setting up sniper rifles to aim at the past.

The heavy machine gun continued to fire wildly. Fortunately, the distance was long and the accuracy was not enough. In addition, the potholes on the ground blocked the sight and bullets. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome. Luo Zheng looked at the town ahead in surprise. It was reasonable for the enemy to leave behind the troops. , let them go and pursue them in a roundabout way, or attack them?

It takes time to go up in a roundabout way, and the target is the achieved car, so you will not be able to pursue it. There is still some chance to attack directly, but it is very dangerous. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he shouted through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, kill them from the front. Rush forward, we don’t have much time.”

"Understood." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice: "Brothers, change to dragon tooth bullets and attack directly."

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a deep voice and replaced the dragon tooth bullets. When there was a chance, the two brothers at an angle shot almost at the same time. The dragon tooth bullets directly penetrated the thick wall and killed the target behind the wall. A heavy machine gun suddenly misfired, and other brothers also opened fire one after another, shooting directly at the exposed fire points. In the face of the extremely penetrating dragon's tooth bullets, no broken walls could stop the attack.

"Brothers, cover with fire, the first team rushes forward and breaks through!" the mountain eagle shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone continued to fire at the exposed enemies. The members of the first team hunched over and rushed forward one by one. Like cheetahs running at high speed, a few rabbits approached the edge of the town, relying on the ruins and broken walls everywhere. Hidden, shooting the hidden enemy.

Soon, all the peripheral fire points were cleared. The mountain eagle gave the order and everyone rushed forward. Each one lowered their body very low to avoid being exposed. Their feet were as fast as flying, like a pack of wolves attacking, with unparalleled speed and fierceness. Murderous, go to death like a rainbow.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly there was another burst of rapid heavy machine gun fire. Everyone quickly fell to the ground, rolling around to find a bunker to hide.

After hiding, the mountain eagle peeked out and saw two machine gunners lurking behind a wall in front of them. They were manipulating heavy machine guns and firing hard. They were howling strangely and had unusually ferocious expressions. What was even weirder was that these two people did not look like local soldiers. He looked like a Caucasian, and the mountain eagle was shocked.

A message to all book friends: Lao Lang has a lot of things to do this week, and he insists on updating three times a day. It is expected that there will be a burst of updates after the 9th, and the few updates this week will be made up. Thank you for your support, and you can’t miss the monthly ticket.

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