The strongest soldier

Chapter 245 Post-war sequelae

After joining the special forces, Luo Zheng knew that the main tasks of the special forces were harassment and sabotage, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, intelligence theft, emergency rescue, psychological war propaganda, special security, as well as anti-subversion, anti-agents, anti-sneak attacks, anti-terrorism and anti-hijacking, etc., so The tasks they undertake are many different from those of general scouts, and the National Blade Special Forces Brigade is different from the special forces. The enemies they have to face are more powerful, and the tasks they undertake are more difficult and heavy. Those without extraordinary strength will never be able to bear them.

After successfully returning to the base, the captain of Wuhan University summoned everyone in the office and encouraged them. Then, as Lan Xue expected, he used the Spring Festival to give everyone a two-week holiday to adjust themselves and reunite with their families. Everyone left the office of the captain of Wuhan University and came to Outside at the training ground, Luo Zheng pulled the drunkard aside and said, "Aren't you going home?"

"Hey, what's the matter?" The drunkard asked in surprise. Seeing a hint of helplessness flash across Luo Zheng's face, he smiled angrily and said, "You're hesitant, not like a man. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Forget it if you go home. Originally, I planned to become my teacher and learn your unique skills." Luo Zheng said.

"Trick?" The drunkard was startled, then he realized what he was doing, thought about it, and said: "I don't have time during the Spring Festival. I finally have a holiday. There are many things that need to be dealt with. Let's do this. If you don't go home, just use this half month. Systematically train at the base and learn as much as you can, we’ll see what happens after the holiday.”

He didn't say anything to death, but Luo Zheng knew that it would be difficult to learn the unique skills of an alcoholic. Think about it, why should he teach him when he has no relatives or friends? He agreed, bid farewell to Lan Xue, followed Gui Shou and others towards the dormitory, changed clothes, took a shower, and then slept happily for a few hours. When he woke up, it was already dinner time.

Guishou came over and said with a mysterious face: "Brother, you are not going home for the New Year, right? How about you go home with me and I will teach you urban special operations skills? You can't learn that stuff at the base, you have to go deep into it Go to the city, go shopping, look at beautiful women, and teach on the spot, keeping what you have learned for a week."

"Forget it, aren't you just afraid that your mother will scold you for not having a girlfriend when you go home, so you want to use the ghost brother as a shield? If you want to marry a girl, how about you marry a girl? How about I introduce my sister to you?" Snow Leopard said The man next to him smiled and said: "Brother Ghost, in my opinion, you should go out and walk around. Don't stay in the base all the time. Relaxation is the best way. Training day and night will only make your body worse, and your strength may not improve." ."

Luo Zheng looked at his brother who was talking to him while packing his things. He felt very at ease. Thinking of the agreement with Grandpa Lan Xue and how going to other people's houses during the Spring Festival would disturb them, he smiled and said, "Let's forget it."

"What's that? Come with me to the capital. Maybe you and the captain can have a date, have a meal or something." Guishou said beguilingly. Seeing that Luo Zheng was a little moved, he continued: "Just returned from When you come back from Pakistan, I suggest you adjust, relax, and don't push yourself too hard. As far as I know, you have been fighting continuously in the past six months. Have you felt any symptoms of mental depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc.?"

"Some, what's wrong?" Luo Zheng thought for a while and asked in surprise.

"This is a precursor to post-war psychological syndrome, a mental illness caused by long-term combat. You can't practice anymore, otherwise you will be in trouble in the future. I suggest you see a psychiatrist." Guishou became serious and said seriously, Snow Leopard and When the mountain eagles heard this, they all put down their things and gathered around, looking at Luo Zheng worriedly.

"Is it that serious?" Luo Zheng said disapprovingly.

"Yes." Snow Leopard rushed to say, with a serious face and a solemn expression. He glanced at Guishou and continued to say to Luo Zheng: "This is a terrible hidden danger that will torture you for a lifetime. There are some people in the base who are less able to bear the psychological burden. They all chose to commit suicide and would rather commit suicide than endure this kind of torture, which shows how painful it is."

Luo Zheng didn't know about post-war psychological syndrome and felt that Xue Bao's words were exaggerated, but for his own good, he smiled bitterly and did not answer. Xue Bao couldn't see what Luo Zheng was thinking, so he continued: "Post-war psychological syndrome belongs to A type of 'post-traumatic stress disorder', also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and sequelae of a major blow, refers to the psychological disorder that occurs after a person encounters or resists major stress. the sequelae.”

Hearing this, Luo Zheng suddenly remembered his hatred for the Song family. This hatred was getting deeper and deeper, and even affected his emotions and judgment. Moreover, whenever this hatred broke out, he would easily become nervous, lose control, and even lose control. Having extreme thoughts, is this post-war psychological syndrome? I couldn't help but become vigilant.

“Brother, when you experience nightmares, personality changes, emotional dissociation, numbness, insomnia, avoidance of things that trigger traumatic memories, irritability, hypervigilance, amnesia, and vulnerability to shock, it means you have this syndrome. Syndrome, I noticed something was wrong with you when we were in Pakistan. If you weren't calm enough and able to withstand pressure well enough, I'm afraid it would have been serious. You can't be careless about this." Guishou continued.

"Okay, just scare me." Luo Zheng smiled disapprovingly, but became cautious in his heart.

Seeing Luo Zheng's thoughtful look, Gui Shou breathed a sigh of relief and gave the snow leopard and mountain eagle a look. Everyone dispersed and packed their luggage. Luo Zheng knew that Gui Shou and others would not lie to him. This post-war psychological syndrome I'm afraid it's really troublesome. I seem to have some symptoms. It seems that I really need to make some adjustments.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly realized that after he met Lan Xue, his life had undergone earth-shaking changes. He was either training or fighting. He didn't have a good rest. Every day was like a taut clockwork. It seemed that he really needed to adjust, otherwise , the clockwork will also collapse, and I can't help but look at the ghost hand.

Luo Zheng, who had been paying close attention to the ghost hand, breathed a sigh of relief, came over and said, "How is it?"

"Okay, I'll go with you. Thank you for the reminder." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"Don't thank me. We are all brothers of life and death. To be honest, this is what the captain means. She knows you best. She wanted to tell you personally, but she was afraid that you wouldn't accept it. Let me tell you this." Guishou whispered. He said, looking outside for fear of being eavesdropped. Seeing no one there, he continued: "The captain told me not to tell anyone about her, so you have to keep it a secret for me."

"I know." Luo Zheng didn't expect it was Lan Xue's intention. Thinking of Lan Xue who always cared about him, and thinking of Lan Xue's implicit reminder on the plane, his heart warmed up and he said with a smile: "Will I give you something?" trouble?"

"Why is there any trouble? Anyway, I'm just going back to show my parents that I'm still alive and in good health. They'll be happy. It's better if you go. It's lively. Brothers, please come visit me when you have time during the Chinese New Year." Guishou He smiled and looked at everyone.

Everyone smiled kindly, and a strong sense of brotherhood permeated the dormitory.

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