The strongest soldier

Chapter 2449 The third card

The mortar is a kind of curved-firing smoothbore artillery with a short body, a large shooting angle, and a high ballistic arc. The seat plate is used to bear the recoil force. It uses muzzle loading and launches finned projectiles. The ammunition is loaded from the muzzle and fired in a curved direction. The main artillery can shoot targets behind shelters. Early mortars have short barrels, short ranges, and are light and flexible. Since their development, they have been divided into light, medium and medium mortars.

Luo Zheng did not expect that Sam State not only dispatched five Black Hawk helicopters to participate in the battle, but also secretly mobilized a special forces brigade to carry medium-sized mortars to participate in the battle. Light mortars, with a caliber below 60mm, a total mass of no more than 20kg, and a maximum range of about 2600m. Equipped with companies, platoons or squads; while medium-sized mortars have a caliber between 60 and 100mm, a total mass between 34 and 68kg, and a maximum range of about 6,000m, and are equipped at battalion and company levels.

Fortunately, the opponent is not equipped with heavy mortars, which have a caliber of more than 100mm, a total mass of more than 94kg, a maximum range of about 8000m, and equipment regiment and battalion levels (individual equipment divisions and brigade levels). If it is a heavy mortar, this There is no need to fight at all, everyone can only run. Although the medium-sized mortars are very powerful, they are not without the power to fight, Luo Zheng pondered.

At this time, Lan Xue's reminder suddenly sounded in the headset: "The medium-sized mortar has a range of six thousand meters, the Kochin troops are within five thousand meters, and the brothers are even closer to the town, and they are all within the range. This mortar has a range of 6,000 meters." Cannon should be your opponent's third trump card. You have to be careful and come up with countermeasures as soon as possible. Once your opponent is well prepared, it will be too late."

Of course Luo Zheng knew that everyone was within the shooting range, but he was unwilling to retreat like this. However, everyone secretly attacked the Black Hawk helicopter, but they were unable to sneak attack the mortar position. The enemy was heavily guarded when they rushed up. If they didn't attack, the mortars would attack at any time. , even if we don’t retreat, what should we do if we are within the mortar range?

"I'll go, I can do it." Tie Diao's voice sounded again.

"The mortar position is heavily guarded. Even if you go in and detonate the bomb, you can't retreat. No." Luo Zheng objected in a deep voice. He couldn't knock the iron sculpture in just to destroy the mortar.

"Didn't you give me a button bomb? Tell me how to use it." Tie Diao reminded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he said in a deep voice: "Yes, there is a button on it. One represents the pressure detonation mode, the second represents the remote control detonation, and the third is the delayed detonation. You press the No. 2 button. Thirty pieces are enough. What should I use? Wrap things up and detonate them together with enough power to detonate a bomb. The mortar bomb will cause the surrounding bombs to explode. Without the bomb, the mortar is just a decoration. Remember, after dropping the button bomb, you can run as far as you want. ."

"Understood." Tie Diao, who was hiding on the roof of a residential house to spy on the enemy, responded in a deep voice. He quickly took off his backpack and took out a large handful of button bombs. He quickly pressed the No. 2 button and said coldly. He stared straight ahead. The mortars had been set up and the artillerymen were making final preparations for firing. They didn't have much time left for them.

Tie Diao eagerly speeded up and prepared thirty button bombs. When he saw an officer suddenly came to inspect the mortar position in front, everyone stopped and saluted. Tie Diao was overjoyed and quickly used this time to prepare twenty more button bombs. A total of Fifty pieces, and then took out the remote control and looked at it. There were two buttons, red and green.

Iron Eagle did not dare to mess around, so he quickly asked how to use it. There are two buttons, red and green. Red represents contact, which can retract the button bomb, and green represents detonation. It is contrary to the way normal people think. This is also to avoid being captured by the enemy on the battlefield. Normally, an unfamiliar enemy will definitely press the green button when they get the remote control, which will detonate the bomb.

At this time, Tie Diao saw the inspecting officer saying some words of encouragement and turned around to leave. Tie Diao couldn't find the bag containing the bomb. He saw residents' clothes drying on the roof. He didn't have time to take them back, so he rushed up and pulled off one piece. Wrapping the button bomb, he stared coldly ahead. When he saw the artillerymen starting to load the bomb, he couldn't help but panic. He didn't care about the danger. With a solemn look on his face, he jumped off the roof with the package and rushed over.

"Who is it? Stop." The guarded soldier saw the iron eagle charging towards him and roared in a deep voice. He raised his gun and took aim. Seeing that the iron eagle did not stop advancing, he opened fire without hesitation.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The sound of gunshots alerted the surrounding soldiers who were filling cannonballs. Everyone turned around and saw a black shadow rushing towards them while being fired by bullets. The speed was so fast that only the afterimage of a person could be seen, one by one. Shocked, they all ran aside to get their weapons.

But the iron eagle is so fast that even the world's top snipers have difficulty aiming and locking it. It can reach a few hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. The iron eagle rushes forward, kicking three people away and knocking one person away with one punch. , opened a gap and continued to rush forward. No one could stop the iron eagle's speed.

Soon, the iron eagle rushed down the mountain like a tiger and rushed to the place where the ammunition was piled. Anyone who tried to stop him along the way was blown away by the iron eagle. A person in front of him swung his steel gun in panic and hit it. The iron eagle did not retreat but moved forward, one step faster. He rushed forward, and before the opponent's steel gun came down, he cut off the opponent's neck with a hand knife, and quickly stuffed the package containing the button bomb into the opponent's clothes, making it a bulging ball.

At this time, more people were yelling and throwing guns at them. In order to avoid accidental injuries, these people chose to fight hand-to-hand. Tie Diao did not fight back and allowed the steel gun to hit him. He frowned slightly and moved his hands slowly. The man whose neck was cut off was thrown with all his strength next to a pile of cannonballs, head down. This way, the package stuffed in the front would not be easily discovered by the enemy.

After doing all this, Tie Diao roared angrily, pulled out his tiger-tooth saber and turned around to fight. With two blows, he cut the throats of the two charging enemies. Blood spurted out. Tie Diao didn't even look at each other and moved forward. He rushed forward with a lunge and kicked out the sneak attack enemies, hitting several people.

"Roar——" Tie Diao Sha's rise roared, and he rushed forward like a ferocious beast. With the knife in hand, he knocked down three enemies in one breath. Others were stunned when they saw Tie Diao being so ferocious. , at this moment the Kung Fu Iron Eagle rushed forward more than ten meters and knocked down five enemies.

"Kill him -" I don't know who shouted, and the surrounding enemies rushed up with strange screams. Tie Diao snorted coldly, not wanting to fight, and moved faster with his feet, and continued to fight forward, with the tiger fangs in his hands. The saber is like the scythe of the god of death, harvesting the target it is trying to stop from all angles, cutting a bloody path with force, and there is no enemy in its hands.

"Don't let him run away, shoot quickly -" The enemies swarmed up, shouting loudly and fiercely.

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