The strongest soldier

Chapter 2447 Victory in the first battle

One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters. Sanji forced himself to calm down and carefully estimated the distance. When he reached the distance of thirty meters, Sanji's eyes widened. He quickly pulled the safety and pointed the grenade towards the helicopter. Throwing it forward with all his strength, he hid behind a big tree branch.

"Boom -" there was a loud noise, and the grenade exploded in front of the helicopter, creating a large ball of fire and filled with blue smoke. The helicopter did not suffer any damage and roared away directly from the explosion area, continuing to shoot at the woods ahead with great force. , bullets plowed through the cave like a heavy rain, and the woods on the ground were in a mess.

"Stab - sting -" Suddenly, sparks flew from the dashboard of the Black Shadow helicopter, followed by black smoke, and the helicopter rushed and bumped around uncontrollably, like a drunken man, It staggered into the woods, the propellers turning, cutting off all the surrounding trees and sending branches flying.

Luo Zheng and others were overjoyed when they saw this scene. The graphite grenade was indeed effective. They all looked at Xuelian with respect. Xuelian was typing on her notebook and didn't see everyone's eyes at all. Luo Zheng said excitedly: "Well done. , Mountain Eagle Brigade, Dragon Tooth Bullets, whatever conditions permit, aim at the helicopter and kill it."

"Yes." The people from the Mountain Eagle Brigade shouted in a deep voice. They all held their breath and got out of the foxholes one after another. They set up their sniper rifles and replaced them with Dragon Tooth bullets. Ordinary sniper bullets could not penetrate the Black Hawk helicopter at all. , but Dragon Tooth Bullets are different.

Four Black Hawk helicopters were showing off their power in the sky, shooting wildly. The entire ground was strafed. Not even an ant on the ground could survive. Perhaps it was because they felt that all their opponents on the ground had been shot, or they found out that they were being attacked. The four helicopters actually hovered in the air.

This process only lasted for more than ten seconds, but it was enough for a sniper. The brothers who were closer opened fire one after another, and the dragon tooth bullets roared out of the chamber, like a tiger roaring in the forest, soaring into the sky with unparalleled momentum, in the night sky A series of terrifying energy shock waves were drawn, hitting the bottom of the Black Hawk helicopter one after another.

The bottom of the helicopter is the hardest part and has very high ballistic resistance. If it were an ordinary sniper bullet, it would scatter sparks at most and would not be able to penetrate it at all. But Dragon Tooth bullets are different. Even sniper bullets cannot penetrate bullet-proof armor with ease. It broke open, and its attack power was so powerful that it also tore open the bottom of the Black Shadow helicopter and killed the members on board.

The hit helicopter rushed wildly, but it gave opportunities to the brothers who were ambushing in different positions. Everyone had been prepared for it. When they saw the helicopter flying over, they opened fire one after another when they got within the range. The cold murderous aura blended into the dragon. With bullets in his teeth, he fiercely attacked the helicopter.

If the helicopter was raised out of range, there might be a glimmer of hope. However, the pilot's inertial thinking made him fly sideways to avoid bullets. Little did he know that there were a hundred snipers scattered on the ground, all using Dragon's Tooth bullets, and they were waiting for them seriously. , flying horizontally will undoubtedly hit the muzzle of the gun.

More Dragon Tooth bombs hit the helicopter. A helicopter rushed towards the ground with a black hawk, completely out of control. Then its head hit the ground with a loud bang, and the entire helicopter instantly disintegrated and burned. When he got up, the blazing fire lit up the surrounding night, which looked very scary.

Another helicopter flew staggeringly towards the town, emitting black smoke and completely out of control. It soon crashed into a room lit by incendiary bombs. There was a loud bang and a huge fireball shot into the sky. , dispelling the surrounding night, the orange-red light seemed like the god of death was grinning, and the surrounding fire suddenly increased.

Not long after, the other two helicopters also crashed into the surrounding woods, making an earth-shattering explosion. The huge fireball ignited the surrounding woods and burst into flames.

"Okay, well done." Everyone cheered excitedly when they saw this scene, and all worries were swept away.

Luo Zheng was relieved when he saw this scene and smiled. As long as there was no threat from the helicopter, the chance of winning this battle would be greater. Pu Fu hurriedly came to Luo Zheng and gave a thumbs up sincerely. : "Beautiful, your men are so powerful in combat. They were able to kill the Black Hawk helicopter. That's great. With this ability, what do we have to worry about? We will win this battle."

"Not necessarily. We have to look at the situation. Immediately arrange for people to go to the woods to check out those helicopters. No one can be left alive." Luo Zheng calmly warned that the Dragon Tooth Bomb is top secret and cannot be told to Pufu. We cannot let the enemy take this news back.

"Okay." Pufu didn't know what was going on, so he agreed, and immediately arranged for someone to go over to check. Then he looked at Luo Zheng with admiration and said, "I have a question, why did you arrange for everyone to stay still after firing, but let them After the people who infiltrated the town took action, did you let everyone return to the foxholes?"

Everyone around was curious about this question. Only Xue Lian knew it, but did not explain it. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, thought for a while, and explained: "It's very simple, because the enemy is prepared. This preparation definitely goes beyond the Black Hawk helicopter. It should also be There is a radar, which means that our enemies lurking on the periphery know about it.”

"You mean that everyone's ambush points are under the enemy's control?" Pufu asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is easy to grasp this. With the position radar and Hummingbird reconnaissance aircraft of Sam Country, we can completely grasp this situation. Therefore, our every move may be under the control of the enemy. Let everyone leave the foxhole for twenty Shooting from meters away is to make the enemy confused about where the brothers are ambushing." Luo Zheng explained.

"But, the enemy also knows the location of the foxholes and the location of the new ambush point?" Pufu asked.

"Yes, the opponent must know the location of the foxhole. After all, the brothers stayed there for so long. But after the brothers changed their positions and opened fire, the opponent thought that the location of the foxhole was just a mystery. The real location was the last one. So, After the Black Hawk helicopter came over, it focused on attacking the shooting positions instead of the foxholes. The brothers did not move after shooting, but waited for the people in the town to take action before quickly changing positions. The people in the town destroyed the enemy's radar. system, so the opponent does not know that the brothers have returned to the foxhole. Although the enemy behind them attacks indiscriminately, if the enemy knows that the brothers are in the foxhole, they will definitely focus their attacks instead of shooting randomly." Luo Zheng said solemnly. explained.

"It makes sense. You grasped this detail so well that you completely confused the enemy and gave the brothers a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, under such crazy bullet fire, even the ants would not be able to survive, let alone the people." Pufu He sincerely praised: "We won the first battle, how will we fight next?"

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