The strongest soldier

Chapter 2445 Graphite Bomb

The war was about to break out, but Luo Zheng became more and more calm, as if he was not disturbed by external objects. The unexpected situation that Snow Lotus monitored made Luo Zheng realize that the matter was beyond his imagination, and he had to rethink and adjust his tactics. He ignored everyone's votes. The eyes that came over were filled with fighting intent, and he frowned in thought.

Everyone knew Luo Zheng's thinking habits, so they remained silent and even controlled their breathing to the slightest, for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's thinking. Any decision made by the commander may cause endless casualties. You must not be careless. Everyone will wait patiently. The surroundings were quiet, and only the monitored sounds sounded in the notebook. They were all flattering and flattering scenes, with no real meaning.

After a while, Luo Zheng exhaled a breath and was about to say something when the mountain eagle's invitation to fight sounded in the headset: "Boss, brothers are already in position. Please give me instructions whether to officially launch an attack."

"Don't worry, the situation has changed. Let all the brothers disperse, divide into four, encircle the town, keep distance from each other's ambush points, pay attention to air defense, and wait for orders." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. The enemy had already changed and attacked. It means exposing the position. Once the enemy sends out a helicopter, everyone will become a living target and have to guard against it.

"Yes." Shandiao quickly agreed and mobilized the troops through the headset.

In the woods, everyone looked at Luo Zheng solemnly. The moonlight fell through the gaps in the tree crowns, illuminating the gray forest. No one spoke. Only the sound of wind sounded in their ears. Invisible pressure enveloped the surroundings. The monitored intelligence Let everyone realize that the problem is complicated, this is a conspiracy, and we must not step into it easily. Pufu's eyes looked at Xuelian with a little more gratitude and respect. If it weren't for Xuelian, everyone would only think of being on guard, but I'm absolutely not sure it's a conspiracy.

Preparation and conspiracy are two different things. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng waiting for the final order. Luo Zheng also knew the complexity and horror of this and did not dare to be careless. His face sank and he looked at everyone with shining eyes, full of cold murderous intent. , said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the enemy has been prepared for a long time and has laid out a huge conspiracy waiting for us. We have only two choices, retreat or fight." As he said that, Luo Zheng looked at Qi Pufu.

"The matter has come to this, we must fight. We cannot let our opponents underestimate us. Moreover, if we retreat, our position may be exposed and our opponents will launch a crazy counterattack, which will also be detrimental to us." Pufu said in a deep voice.

What Luo Zheng wanted was Pufu's attitude. As long as Pufu was determined to fight on, the rest of the matter would be easy to handle. Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng's stern expression relaxed, he smiled, and said murderously: "This It’s not certain who will win in a battle, so what if they have a conspiracy? It’s people who determine the outcome of a war. As long as we work together and have the right tactics, there is no chance of victory.”

"Agree, tell me your plan?" Pufu agreed in a deep voice.

"We cannot be anxious in this battle. It is our opponent who is anxious. If we are anxious, we will play into the hands of our opponent. Let us take our time. The calmer we are, the more confused our opponent will be and the less he will dare to expose his conspiracy easily. On the contrary, we will become more and more confused." If you have a chance, please be patient and wait for——!" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Wait?" Everyone was confused, not knowing what Luo Zheng was planning to wait for, but seeing Luo Zheng's solemn face contemplating something, they didn't want to disturb him, so they waited patiently.

As time passed, Xue Lian was still trying to track and monitor valuable intelligence, but the effect was not great. Those people who were changing glasses and talking about the polite words on the wine table were worthless, so Xue Lian had to change places to continue. After monitoring, Luo Zheng looked at the deep woods in the distance and waited patiently.

After a while, the report came from the headset that the mountain eagle and others had readjusted the ambush point and were in position. Luo Zheng relaxed and let out a breath. Everyone knew that the battle was about to begin, so they all cheered up and raised their eyebrows. He closed his ears and listened. At this time, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, brothers, follow my orders. Dig foxholes on the spot and make good disguises. Remember, they must be deep enough to prevent helicopter attacks. Time ten minutes."

Ten minutes is enough for everyone to dig a foxhole two to three meters deep. We can then disguise ourselves and hide in the foxhole. Even if a helicopter comes over, it will be difficult to find our hiding place. This is not the first time we have used this tactic. They were all very skilled, and everyone agreed in a low voice with understanding.

"Do you need to be disguised here?" Tie Diao reminded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, shook his head and said: "If you are exposed, there is no point in camouflage. There are too many people around to hide. Use all the anti-aircraft weapons. In addition, inform the troops to spread out as much as possible and look for each other." The place is well hidden, just in case." He said and looked at Pufu.

"Okay, I will deploy it myself." Of course, Pufu knew that helicopters are the nemesis of infantry. If a helicopter comes, everyone here may not be spared. They must be prepared, and they know how to prepare. He agreed and took some officers around him Went in a hurry.

"Are you worried about the enemy's helicopter?" Xuelian suddenly raised her head in surprise and asked.

"Yes, what can you do?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"This is not difficult. Do you remember the grenade I gave you? It is made of graphite and contains graphite powder. As long as it explodes in the air, the graphite powder will fly away. Once it falls on the instrument panel, it will cause a short circuit and turn the instrument panel off. , the circuit boards are all burnt down, I still have some here, give them to Tie Diao, he is good at this." Xuelian suggested.

"Oh? That's great. I didn't expect my sister-in-law to have this ability." Luo Zheng said in surprise: "If it is made into a rocket, wouldn't it have stronger attack power?"

"The Sam Country has invented this kind of rocket a long time ago, but it's just that it's rarely used. Because their armed helicopters are too powerful, this kind of rocket is almost useless, and they are afraid that it will pose a threat to their own helicopters if they are left on the market. , has been kept under control and kept secret. After I learned about this weapon, I made this grenade myself based on its principles, probably also to make it easier to carry. It is too inconvenient." Xuelian explained.

"Great, can you share this invention with us? We are not afraid of carrying problems." Luo Zheng hurriedly asked, if the brothers are equipped with this kind of weapon, what will they fear from the enemy's armed helicopters in the future?

"No problem, it's not a secret. It will be revealed in just one step. I will upload a schematic diagram to your headquarters right away." Xue Lian agreed nonchalantly. The combat effectiveness of the Secret Bureau has been improved, which is also good for everyone.

"Thank you very much." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"There is a big tree over there. It is right on the route where the enemy helicopter may fly over. It is the most conducive to an ambush. I will go to that tree to ambush." ​​Tie Diao said in a deep voice, took the snow lotus package and took out a few coins from it. He put the grenade on, glanced at Luo Zheng, turned around and left quickly.

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