The strongest soldier

Chapter 2437 Discussing Plans

As a once all-powerful figure, Pufu has a sophisticated vision and experience. He knows that Luo Zheng's proposal is what he urgently needs to solve. It also touches his heart. Only by building an army can he attract more people to join, build combat effectiveness, and To get rid of the scattered situation, as for whether other brother tribes are willing to participate, it depends on their own volition, but Pufu is confident to convince everyone, and the reason is very simple: the future of each tribe.

The Kochin tribe has a large number of people, but its status in Myanmar is not high. The place where they live is also a harsh place that other large tribes do not want. For the development of your own tribe and for the sake of future generations, what if you fight hard? If you don’t want to join in? Everyone has a desire to compare. Seeing that the tribe of former brothers is better will definitely make you feel uncomfortable. It is better to hang out together from the beginning and have hope.

After thinking through these links, Pufu nodded gratefully to Luo Zheng and said, "I know what to do. Thank you again for your support. I hope you can serve as the general adviser of our army. How about it?"

"No problem." Luo Zheng said with a smile. As long as the Keqin tribe formed an army, it would be easy to handle and his mission would be guaranteed. Being the general adviser is not a taboo. He had such experience in the Huk tribe before. I believe that There will be no domestic opposition. Everything is for the country and the mission.

"Great. Other brother tribes will come over one after another. I will talk to them one by one in detail. If we don't understand the language, it will be awkward for you to stay and listen. You won't be allowed to go back first. I will personally come to inform you of the results. How about that?" Pufu suggested politely.

Luo Zheng knew that Qi Pufu was once a soldier, had seen the world, and knew what to do. It was really embarrassing for him to stay, so he nodded and agreed. Qi Pufu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Luo Zheng had no objection. Suspected of leaving, he quickly got up and saw her off with great courtesy.

After leaving the meeting hall, Luo Zheng returned to the wooden house. Seeing everyone discussing something enthusiastically, he couldn't help but walked forward curiously and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? You are so happy. It makes me happy too."

"We are discussing a tactic, just in time, you see if it works." Xu Gang's excited team looked outside the door, and worriedly asked a brother to guard the door outside to avoid being overheard, and then continued Said: "Think Tank, we are thinking about whether we can kill the president of Myanmar and cut off the Sam State's control over Myanmar."

"It's useless. What does the death of one person mean to the Kingdom of Sam? Immediately replace someone to come to power and establish a provisional government. The person who replaces them will listen to the words of the Kingdom of Sam. It is self-defeating and not beautiful." Luo Zheng said casually, Seeing everyone's expressions startled, and then suppressing their laughter, they couldn't help but curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

"Hahaha——" Everyone couldn't control their laughter anymore, and Luo Zheng was even more curious as he laughed.

After a while, everyone stopped laughing, and Xu Gang said with a depressed look: "I finally understand, my brain is not even half as good as the think tank. Our boss is still wise and discovered the think tank, otherwise we will do it again What happened?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Hahaha, brother, you don't know, Xu Gang vowed that this plan is good, and that you will definitely agree, and we will not be allowed to attack when the time comes, and let him execute it." Tie Diao explained happily.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng also laughed. Seeing that everyone was sincere, united, and motivated, everyone was full of energy, in a good mood, and their self-confidence had improved a lot. After thinking about Xu Gang's proposal, he suddenly had an idea and said with a smile: "This The proposal is not impossible to implement.”

"Oh? Is it possible?" Xu Gang asked excitedly, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of expectation. After all, it was his own proposal, which had just been rejected. He was a little worried about his face. When he heard that there was a chance, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Of course it's not feasible." Luo Zheng said with a smile. Seeing Xu Gang's depressed look, he explained: "It will be different if we change it. It's still a very good plan. It's somewhat the same as what I envisioned."

"Oh? Do you mean that my brain is about to catch up with your brain?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"How to work around it?" Tie Diao asked eagerly.

"A dead president can only do us harm and no good, but what about a living president? I have two ideas, but I haven't made a final decision. Now that it's come to this, I might as well bring it up for discussion." Luo Zheng He smiled and looked at the door. There were brothers guarding the door. No one could get close to eavesdrop. He lowered his voice and continued: "The first way is to tie up the president and hold the emperor hostage to order the princes. The situation in Myanmar will be over." In control.”

"It's simple. I'll go over and take care of him and tie him up for you." Tie Diao said excitedly.

"Don't interrupt, I'm going to go as well. I'm the leader of the action team, responsible for the action, and you're the supervisory team. Why don't you accept our comparison?" Xu Gang reminded in a deep voice, glared at Tie Diao, and then looked at Luo Zheng asked curiously: "What is the second method?"

"Find an opportunity to ambush the President of Myanmar and gather reinforcements. Those who dare to come to support must be the elite troops of the Dark Church and the reinforcements of the Sam Country. As for the government troops, just let the Kochin tribe hold them back. However, this is a huge The system has too many variables and high risks, but the advantage is that you have the opportunity to have a decisive battle with the enemy." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes shining, full of fighting spirit.

"With your brains, I can't catch up. I feel that both methods are very good. I don't know how to choose. Brothers, what do you think?" Xu Gang said seriously.

Others also shook their heads, not knowing how to make a good choice. From the bottom of their hearts, everyone liked the latter because there was a big battle to fight. However, they couldn’t see through the variables at the moment and did not dare to express their opinions easily. As for the Everyone thought the first one was good and simply chose to remain silent.

Luo Zheng waited for a while, but when he saw that no one expressed their opinions, he became depressed and said with a wry smile: "You guys, I won't tell you in advance if I have any ideas next time. Since I don't have any opinions, I'll continue to think about it myself and let everyone know. After all, I may combine two methods into one method, so everyone must be mentally prepared."

"No problem, as long as it's a war, the bigger the scene, the more enjoyable it will be, brothers support it." Xu Gang said seriously.

"Yes, brothers, there is no ambiguity in fighting. Small scenes are boring. It is best to deal with the Dark Church in one go. I am looking forward to settling the accounts with them." Tie Diao said with a fighting spirit.

"Two combined into one?" Xue Lian said in surprise: "I do have a suggestion."

"Oh? What's a good suggestion?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's not a suggestion, it's a piece of information that you might be able to use." Xue Lian quickly explained.

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