The strongest soldier

Chapter 2431 Fighting and retreating

The flare illuminated the pitch-black forest sky, and the light fell through the bushes. Countless figures could be seen flashing, and the weapons in their hands fired wildly at the mountainside, forming a terrifying bullet net. The trees made a roaring sound, branches broke and fell down, and whoosh - another flare was launched into the sky.

On the mountainside, Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. He knew that the enemy was about to attack. The flares not only exposed the enemy, but also exposed the positions of the brothers. If it was not handled well, none of them would be able to escape. Luo Zheng After estimating the distance, the ones rushing in front should only be ordinary soldiers. It will take a few minutes to rush up. This time is enough for everyone to rush far, but it will also expose their position and welcome crazy firepower.

"Stay still." Luo Zheng quickly shouted in a deep voice through the headset, reminding everyone to hide. The flare time is limited. Once the flare goes out, everyone can take the opportunity to evacuate. However, as soon as Luo Zheng finished speaking, another flare was launched into the sky. , illuminating the sky that had just been swallowed up by night again.

"The enemy is about to attack." Tie Diao's urgent voice sounded in the headset.

"Listen to my order, don't move, hide it." Luo Zheng continued to order, without changing his original decision. He glanced coldly at the charging enemies, and quickly threw the adjusted button bomb forward. In the past, button bombs were small and had a soft landing sound, masked by the frenzied sound of bullets.

Soon, Luo Zheng threw out all the prepared button bombs, took out the remote control, and leaned against the big tree to estimate the distance and time for the enemy to rush up. While looking around eagerly, he ordered in a deep voice through the headset: " Brothers, listen to my orders and pay attention, no one is allowed to look back when I yell to run, and run as hard as you can to the top of the mountain."

"Understood." Everyone knew that Luo Zheng would not harm them, and there must be a reason for doing this, so they all agreed.

After Luo Zheng gave the order, he waited patiently. He huddled his body into a ball as much as possible to reduce the attack surface. He heard the dense bullets hitting the hidden tree, making a roaring sound, but there was no sign of being shot. He secretly He breathed a sigh of relief, and when the crazy firepower swept to other places, Luo Zheng quickly looked around and found that the enemy had rushed up some distance, and there was a large area of ​​darkness, and he didn't know how many people there were.

Seeing that the enemy was less than two meters away from the thrown button bomb, Luo Zheng quickly made preparations and stood up. His whole body was as tense as a cheetah, and his feet were slightly bent. After estimating that the enemy had completely entered the explosion zone, Luo Zheng cooled down through the headset. He shouted coldly: "Brothers, get ready, run -!" As he said that, he pressed the remote control without hesitation.

"Boom--" More than twenty button bombs suddenly exploded at the same time, forming terrifying orange fireballs. They opened their bloody mouth like a demon suddenly emerged from hell, swallowing up the people around them directly. The powerful The shock wave swept forward even more violently, sweeping through everything like a tornado, knocking even targets farther away for a long distance. People were in the air, and blood spurted out wildly, which was extremely miserable.

After hearing Luo Zheng's order, Tie Diao and others ran wildly. As soon as they took a step out, they heard a huge explosion. They immediately understood what was going on. Everyone was so heroic that they rushed forward without looking back. There is no longer any concern. Such a big explosion is enough to interfere with all enemies' shooting. If we don't leave now, when will we wait?

While running, Luo Zheng urged through the headset: "Brothers, don't look back, rush forward quickly, Xu Gang, Xu Gang, can you hear the answer?"

There were only explosions and the gasps of brothers running in his ears. There was no reply from Xu Gang. Luo Zheng guessed that Xu Gang was no longer within the connection range and could not receive his inquiry, so he immediately shouted through the headset: "Headquarters, contact us immediately Xu Gang, beat me hard, keep chasing until you reach the enemy camp, and report the situation at any time." The enemy's trap made Luo Zheng completely angry, and he would definitely teach his opponent a lesson.

"Understood." Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset: "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"He's here with me. He's fine. He's a little injured. He was probably beaten. It's not a big problem. He just needs to be taken care of." Tie Diao's voice sounded in the headset.

"Do you need support?" Lan Xue's concerned voice sounded in the headset.

"No need." Luo Zheng said confidently. As long as he got rid of the battlefield and distanced himself from the enemy's main force, he didn't even think about catching up. He rushed forward with all his legs.

The road up the mountain is a bit steep, but there are no weeds to block it. Most of the trees are thick and sparse, which does not affect running. The only drawback is that it is invisible. If it were not for wearing tactical goggles, it would be absolutely difficult to move forward. Everyone rushed up in one breath When we reached the top of the mountain, we looked back and saw a large number of enemies chasing after them, roaring and screaming. The flares illuminated the surrounding area as bright as day, pointing the direction to the pursuers.

"Run." Luo Zheng glanced at the pursuers. They were not very far away from everyone. They could rush up in five minutes at most. There were also biological warriors who didn't show up. If they didn't leave, it would be too late. He hurriedly urged them. Everyone knew that the situation was urgent. , spread his legs and ran wildly.

The four of them are all masters of internal martial arts. They have long breaths and abundant physical strength. Their physical adaptability and coordination are incomparable. Although they have been chasing for so long all night, it does not affect their speed. Everyone follows the path they come from. Rushing wildly, backtracking to get familiar with it, and secondly, you don’t have to worry about traps on the road and can move forward at full speed.

Soon, everyone rushed across the ridge, rushed down the hillside, passed through the dense forest, and came to the river. They rushed into the river without hesitation. At this moment, Luo Zheng secretly felt lucky. Fortunately, he had cracked the trap before coming, otherwise this would have happened. He was in trouble. Thinking of the trap, Luo Zheng had an idea and immediately took out a dozen button bombs and adjusted them to the pressure detonation state. He looked around and estimated where the enemy pursuers might pass by and threw them.

The button bomb quickly sank to the bottom of the river and lay quietly. It would explode as soon as someone stepped on it. This small bomb was white and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye at the bottom of the river. Luo Zheng set up the trap and quickly chased after it. Go up and urge everyone to speed up.

Everyone rushed wildly in the river like galloping horses, splashing water one after another. Their resolute faces were full of strong fighting spirit, without a trace of panic or fear. They had waded into such a dangerous trap, and it was just a matter of chasing soldiers. What? With everyone's speed, ordinary soldiers couldn't catch up. As for the elite biological warriors of the Dark Church, unless they pounced on them on a large scale, everyone didn't care about the dozen or so.

After having the Tianzi Sword, a sword that can restrain the enemy's bullet-proof armor, everyone is much less wary of the biological warriors. After rushing for a certain distance, Luo Zheng stopped again, stopped Sanji and Ji Wu and said, "Quick, Put the button bomb into a pressure-detonated state and turn this section of the river into a minefield."

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