The strongest soldier

Chapter 2425 Dangerous pursuit

The heavy rain gradually stopped, and the dark clouds gradually dispersed. The forest, which was as dark as ink, was still dark and deep, so dark that it made people collapse. It became difficult to breathe. Ordinary people would definitely collapse in the face of such extremely bad weather. No matter how dark they were, they would definitely collapse. Dare to take a step, Luo Zheng ignored the dark night and the terrifying dense forest, and watched coldly as the corpses piled up on the slope were washed away by the rain, taking away the red blood. His face was ashen, and his eyes were like torches. Slowly turned around and looked into the depths of the dark forest, towards the direction of the enemy's retreat.

Stab - a bolt of lightning exploded, dispersing the thick night, illuminating Luo Zheng's solemn expression, the tiger's eyes flashed with endless fighting spirit, like the god of war, he shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, We must catch up, let’s go——” He put on the tactical goggles and strode forward without looking back.

"Asshole, let's go." Tie Diao said angrily as he looked at the dark forest ahead and put on his tactical goggles.

The tactical goggles have a certain night vision function and are about to be used now. Otherwise, they can only see the road through the sniper scope. Ji Wu and Sanji also put on the tactical goggles and chased after them. The visibility was too low, and everyone pricked up their ears. Listen to each other's footsteps to avoid going in the wrong direction and getting lost.

There were trampled and broken branches everywhere along the way, so there was no need to worry about being lost. With so many people evacuating together, it was impossible to erase all the clues. Everyone followed and pursued them, and unknowingly they came to a canyon. The canyon was not big, and there was a gap in the middle. There is a small river, no more than three or four meters wide and no more than ankle deep. There are tall bushes on both sides of the river bank, and some thick trees are growing freely.

The footprints disappeared here. Luo Zheng carefully observed both sides of the river bank and found no footprints. He guessed that they were all moving forward along the river, but he was not sure which way to go. He immediately stopped and gave a signal to everyone. Diao, Sanji and Ji Wu quickly spread out, forming a triangle to surround Luo Zheng, with their guns on alert.

Luo Zheng quickly shouted through the headset: "Headquarters, provide the enemy's direction."

"We're going west, about three thousand meters away. Be careful." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood, don't worry, these bastards kidnapped Qi Puxing, I have to rescue him." When Luo Zheng heard that it was his lover Lan Xue, his heart warmed, and he quickly explained.

"I understand, be careful." Lan Xue reminded with concern.

"Boss, be careful when pursuing forward. Beware of landmines. Those weaklings are not easy to deal with. Once they have time, they will definitely make small moves." Ghost Hand's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng was startled when he heard Lan Xue continue: "Yes, you must be careful. We are all watching the satellite video in the command room. Turn on your helmet video and let us know your situation."

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed immediately and opened the video on the helmet. Tie Diao and others also opened it one after another. In this way, everything seen on the helmets was instantly transmitted to the headquarters via satellite. Luo Zheng looked around. , and after confirming that the west side was upstream, he made a gesture, and the iron eagle rushed forward first.

Everyone rushed forward following the iron eagle. The river was not deep, so running was not a problem. Luo Zheng spoke to the headquarters while walking, asking the headquarters to guide Xu Gang and others who were chasing the remaining enemies to join them. After running for a while, the iron eagle leading the way suddenly raised his hand. He raised his fist to ear level and stopped.

Everyone also stopped and quickly raised their guns to guard the surroundings. Luo Zheng stepped forward quickly and said in a deep voice: "What's going on?" while looking ahead.

"These bastards are so clever that they actually planted landmines at the bottom of the river. Fortunately, they were warned early and noticed." Tie Diao pointed at the clear river in front of him and said while shining his tactical flashlight over it. Luo Zheng quickly discovered it through the light. Sure enough, there was a landmine buried at the bottom of the river. Perhaps due to the current, the fine sand and mud covering it were washed away, revealing the metal cover on the surface of the mine, exuding the aura of death under the clear water.

"It's an infantry mine." Tie Diao said in a deep voice while squatting down.

"Don't worry, brothers, go around and be careful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Time was running out, and there was no time to clear mines. Tie Diao and the others nodded knowingly and continued to walk forward, walking more carefully, Luo Zheng Behind the palace, he followed everyone after they were far away. After confirming that the distance was OK, he pulled out his pistol, aimed at the infantry mine, and fired three times, bang bang bang.

"Boom——!" There was a loud noise, and a huge splash of water was set off. The landmine was detonated. Luo Zheng turned around and left in a hurry, chasing everyone. Keeping the anti-infantry mine was a disaster, in case Xu Gang and others also came from here. If you catch up, you will be in trouble. This hidden danger must be eliminated.

The huge explosion spread far away. Luo Zheng believed that the enemy three thousand meters away would definitely hear it and speed up their running. This is not a bad thing. The explosion can make the enemy nervous. When a person is nervous, his physical strength is exhausted quickly. Secondly, When he was nervous, he would think about running away and would not bother to lay any more traps. There was still some time before dawn, so Luo Zheng took the risk. Forcing the enemy to run was also a tactic, a cat-and-mouse tactic.

Running and chasing are two kinds of psychology. When you are running, you are nervous, scared, and panicked, which consumes a lot of energy. The person who is chasing is equally nervous, but full of persistence and desire, which can stimulate greater potential. Two kinds of immobility. The psychology of running leads to two different results. Those who run can easily lose their strength, lose their combat effectiveness, and even lose their morale and collapse. This is a good thing for Luo Zheng.

Everyone walked forward for a certain distance. Suddenly, the iron eagle leading the way suddenly stopped and made a tactical move to stop advancing. Luo Zheng was startled and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"It's a jumping thunder." Tie Diao responded in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng walked up and took a look in surprise, and found that there was a tengman lying across the river about one meter in front of him. The tengman was not big, as if it had grown naturally. This was when the iron sculpture shined a strong flashlight on a place, and Luo Zheng was very I almost discovered the mine buried at the bottom of the river, and it turned out to be a jumping mine.

Jumping mines are also called anti-infantry mines. There are two main ways of killing: one is fragmentation killing, the other is steel ball killing. It is a kind of landmine that is difficult to dismantle. It will not explode when a person steps on it, but it will explode when the weight is removed. It will bounce up and then explode, about 3 feet above the ground, and can spray in 2,000 directions at the same time, destroying everything within a 50-yard radius, with almost no dead ends.

"What a cruel method, almost." Tie Diao said with a solemn expression, stood up, and pulled out the tiger fang saber.

"Don't move, something's wrong." Luo Zheng saw that Tie Diao was going to cut off Teng Man floating on the river to facilitate passage. He couldn't help but shouted out quickly, while moving like lightning, he firmly grabbed Tie Diao's already cut arm.

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