The strongest soldier

Chapter 2416 Tactical Proposal

Of course Luo Zheng saw through the enemy's beheading tactics, but he didn't expect that Qi Pufu could also see through it. This old man is really not simple, he is a shrewd man. Cooperating with smart people will make you worry a lot. He will never go back on his words in the face of interests. Let's relax. He nodded and said, "They didn't expect us to take the initiative to attack the anti-government forces. It's okay for you to take the initiative at this time, but it requires good tactical arrangements."

Good tactics can produce unexpected results. Luo Zheng didn't like to fight randomly before formulating the tactics, so he couldn't help but remind him. After thinking for a moment, Pufu said: "It's only about twenty minutes before the sneak attack. The enemy may not expect it." The sneak attack team was ambushed and are waiting for news, and the large troops are gathered at the entrance of the valley. If we send a surprise force to sneak attack their logistics supplies, they will inevitably retreat."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he smiled. He was indeed a shrewd person. He not only knew how to choose, but also knew tactics. It was much easier to deal with such people. He couldn't help but look at Ji Wen and praised him sincerely: "Senior, this old man of yours My friend is very powerful. He saw the crux of the problem at a glance."

"Nonsense, that's because you don't know them well. When you were young, you fought against the Sam Country, the Yue Country, and the Indian Country. You just have to fight against the little Japs. After more than ten years of fighting on the battlefield, what scene have you not seen? If it weren't for For the development of the Keqin clan and the secrets passed down by the family, he has long been a famous general." Ji Wen said with a smile.

"I see, I'm disrespectful." Luo Zheng replied seriously.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. It can be seen that you are not very satisfied with this tactic. Tell me if you have any better ideas." Pufu interrupted Ji Wen and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't want to talk about ideas, but I have a small suggestion. Appoint a time. At this time, the enemies outside have not heard the news or seen any movement from the tribe. They will definitely think that the matter has failed, and maybe they are studying countermeasures. , you can launch a fierce attack on the enemies outside the valley first, and be sure to hit them hard, so that they mobilize all the troops to come for support. At this time, you suddenly retreat and guard the entrance of the valley, and then the other troops suddenly take action and capture them in one fell swoop. The enemy's logistics base." Luo Zheng smiled.

"What you mean is to attack in the east and in the west. Make a noise first and attract the enemy's troops to come for support. In this way, the logistics base will be empty and another army will attack again. The chance of success will be 30 to 40%. Well, I think This suggestion is very good." Ji Wen praised thoughtfully.

"It's more than good. It takes all the enemy's thoughts into account. It's so clever. It's really formidable. Do you have any good suggestions at this time?" Pufu looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and asked.

"The attack must be launched within ten minutes. If it takes too long, the enemy will take countermeasures. Another unit will set off immediately and lurk somewhere in the logistics base to stand by. As long as the fight here is determined and ruthless enough, the enemy will definitely panic and mobilize. The troops are dispatched, the logistics base is empty, and it is time for a sneak attack. The specific situation must be judged according to the battle situation. Once the enemy's fire pressure increases significantly, it means that reinforcements have arrived, and at that time, it is necessary to retreat." Luo Zheng suggested.

"Yes, your proposal is very good, so let's do it." Pufu is also a decisive person. He quickly made a decision and immediately shouted something in dialect. Someone outside agreed and hurried away. When he came in, Pufu said a few words in dialect, and the other party ran away in a hurry.

Afterwards, Pufu looked at Luo Zheng and said sincerely: "What I am most worried about is that the enemy will infiltrate again during the battle. For example, if a few enemies like this come, the rear will not be protected. I would like to ask you to station here to protect the enemy." I wonder if our rear is okay?"

"No problem. Since we have reached cooperation, we should try our best." Luo Zheng agreed.

"Thank you very much. I'll go make arrangements first." Pufu gratefully cupped his hands and hurried out.

Soon only Luo Zheng and Ji Wen were left in the huge living room. Ji Wen looked at the corpse on the ground, sighed and said, "Why bother? Evil has always prevailed over good over the years. The members of the Dark Church People still don’t give up and insist on causing trouble.”

"People's hearts are not ancient, and the truth remains unchanged through the ages. Senior, to tell you the truth, I have a worry. Pufu is a shrewd man. He is forced to cooperate with us due to the current situation. Once he succeeds, will he tear up the contract? ? You and he are old friends and you should know him well. Please tell me something." Luo Zheng asked in a worried voice.

"I knew you would ask this question. I dare not tell others. He is absolutely fine. Among us, Pufu is the most astute and heroic, but he is also the most honest. He is the one who does great things. The first and most important thing about a person is integrity. He doesn’t keep his words and no one will follow him. Don’t worry. In addition, his wife is a Chinese, and half of his bloodline is Chinese. With this origin, he will have more love. " Ji Wen said.

"Bloodline is fictitious. It has no meaning and cannot explain anything. On the contrary, I agree with the integrity you mentioned. If those who do important things do not have integrity, it is impossible to gather capable people around them to help. This matter can only be taken one step at a time. I Put the ugly words here, if he tears up the contract, I will be the first to spare him, I hope you don't blame me then." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Don't worry, if there is such a thing, I won't be the first to spare him without you. Don't forget that I am also a Chinese." Ji Wen replied seriously.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"You kid, don't be careless. Tell me, do you have any bad intentions?" Ji Wen asked.

"How can I dare to be careless in front of you? To be honest, I want to support them to unify Myanmar. Although it is difficult, it is the most beneficial choice for the country. The premise is that they are willing to cooperate with us. Myanmar We can rest assured that it is in the hands of those close to us." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What you said makes sense. Pufu's wife left early and left behind a son and a daughter. You have seen the son. The daughter was the one who was insulted by the representative of Sam Country. Although she did not succeed, she was stimulated and has been hiding for the past two days. I don’t see anyone in the room. She’s pretty. Otherwise, that bastard from Sam Country wouldn’t have lost his composure. Otherwise, I’ll be the matchmaker and you marry her. Don’t worry, she will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future.” Ji Wen laughed. suggested.

"Forget it, I can't bear this kind of thing. You know my situation. I already have a lover. I love her deeply and there is no way I can betray her." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

"What a pity. What a wonderful girl. If you can achieve a marriage, this cooperation will be even stronger." Ji Wen said regretfully.

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