The strongest soldier

Chapter 2401 Reactions from both parties

The people who came in quickly repeated the information and their conjectures. A strong man next to him stood up suddenly, looked at Sha Biao and shouted angrily: "Brother -, why are you still hesitating? Isn't this obvious? We have been fooled. On the surface, the Sam State coordinated a strike between the two sides, but in reality? The government forces secretly found someone to destroy our transit base and cut off our financial resources. On the surface, they even directly dispatched troops to seize the territory. Once the Kochin people were annexed by them, , all the Kochin people in the country will become members of the government army."

"Yes, they are combining reality and reality. While hiring mercenaries with Polar Bear Country backgrounds that are not compatible with Sam Country to deal with us secretly, they are also sending out troops to seize the territory openly. This is driving us to a dead end." Another person looked at Sha Sha eagerly. Biao shouted.

Sha Biao glanced at everyone coldly, and finally his eyes fell on the military advisor. The military advisor nodded helplessly. Although he felt something was wrong, he knew clearly that if he continued to persuade them, he would be going against several other people, which would not be good for him. , Sha Biao didn't think too much. When the military advisor nodded in agreement, his face turned cold and he said angrily: "Fortunately, we gathered some troops for other reasons before. We will organize them immediately and let's go and have a look."

"No." The military advisor couldn't help but stop him. Seeing that everyone was staring at him without flinching, he explained in a deep voice: "Everyone, the news that the transit base was attacked will definitely spread. If we send troops, the government troops will Naturally, they will know that, assuming this thing was done by government troops, once they learn that we have sent troops, they will know that the matter has been exposed, and they will definitely fight back violently, and even ask the Sam State to come forward, because we can't provide evidence, and the Sam State will definitely be biased. Assuming they were not responsible for this matter, once they learn that we are sending troops, they will still seek help from Sam State, and we will be the ones who suffer in the end."

"Are we going to give up here?" A strong man asked angrily.

"No, this matter definitely cannot be settled here. I just want to remind everyone that there are many ways to take revenge. Why choose the one that is least suitable for us?" the military advisor asked unceremoniously.

"Yes, everyone, don't worry, military advisor, tell me what you think." Sha Biao stopped others from speaking, looked at the military advisor and said solemnly: "Let go, don't worry, it concerns the future of our brothers, this is a big deal. You can’t be careless.”

"The commander-in-chief is wise." The military advisor flattered him and continued: "Since the government army can hire others to attack us, why can't we pretend to be mercenaries to attack them? Wasn't the Huaxia Kingdom been ambushed some time ago? We pretended to be mercenaries. It doesn’t matter if the Huaxia soldiers attack the government troops, they will muddy the water anyway. Even if they come, we can completely shirk the responsibility and pour dirty water on the Huaxia Kingdom."

"Smart military advisor." The strong man next to him said with a thumbs up in admiration.

"It makes sense. This method is good. They are playing dirty tricks, and we are not ambiguous." Sha Biao said with approval, thought for a while, and continued: "Pretending to be a soldier of the Chinese nation is not easy. We need a capable force. , Blood Wolf, you take my guards over there, and we will follow that group's example and attack the government's key economic parts, letting them taste the pain. Remember, we must do it cleanly."

A strong man agreed in a deep voice: "Don't worry, brother, I will complete the mission even if I die."

"Don't die. It's unlucky. Live well and work hard. A lot of wealth is still waiting for us. I know your ability very well. I can rest assured that I leave this matter to you. Military advisor, where do you think the attack is suitable?" Sha Biao said and looked at the military advisor, his eyes full of questions.

"In my opinion, just the dock. Although it is a bit far away, it is more concealed and sudden. The biggest source of income for the government forces is the dock. We are drugs. If they attack our drugs, we will attack their dock at night. Raid, hit and run, don't aim at killing the number of enemies, just destroy the equipment on the dock and make the dock unable to operate normally for a few months." The military advisor said coldly, his gloomy face full of murderous intent.

"Okay, let's do it like this. It used to take several days of mountain roads here. In order to avoid being exposed, it's best to take more detours. In addition, we will take a small number of people to visit the Kochin tribe. The small number of people will not arouse suspicion, but it can attract government troops. I want to use my attention to cover for my brothers, what do you think, military advisor?" Sha Biao asked in a deep voice. As a leader of the anti-government army, Sha Biao is not stupid and knows what to do if he can get to this point.

The military advisor said with some admiration: "The commander is wise, attacking in the east and attacking in the west. This is a good method. However, it is best for you to go out in person and bring the other two companies of the guard battalion with you. The guard battalion is our most capable unit. One of them can destroy the dock." , there are still two companies left, take them with you in case of any eventuality, it is safer to have two companies with you."

"Okay, let's do it like this, let's make arrangements." Seeing that no one had any objections, Sha Biao decided to awaken without hesitation, and he was somewhat of a decisive and decisive hero.


In the Presidential Office of the Myanmar Government Military Office Building, the President was working at his desk. He was wearing a decent suit and his hair was neatly combed. He looked elegant. At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly knocked on the door and the President looked up. When he saw that it was his intelligence chief, he asked without surprise: "What happened?"

"President, we just received information from the intelligence personnel lurking around Sha Biao. Sha Biao arranged for a force to leave secretly for an unknown purpose. He personally led two security companies out of his nest and headed towards the Kochin tribe. It seems to have some purpose." The intelligence chief explained quickly.

"Two guard companies, what can these people do? He probably doesn't want to initiate a war. Is there some other reason? Have you checked?" the president asked in a deep voice.

"Report to the President. We have checked. One of their drug transit bases was attacked and destroyed. The identity of the murderer is unknown. Could it be that they thought we did it? In addition, we attacked the Cochin people. They are just suspicious. We have destroyed their source of income and are secretly growing." The intelligence chief explained quickly.

"It makes sense, but we went to the Kochin tribe not to attack them, but to invite them to cooperate. We did not intend to seize the territory. What is going on? You should contact the Sam country secretly immediately, tell them the situation, and let them Let's coordinate with that fool Sha Biao." The president asked angrily.

"Yes, but they may not know that we are only discussing cooperation with the Kochin people, and we went there because of the arrangements of the Sam Kingdom. We are cooperating with their actions, not to grab the territory. But I guess Sha Biao thought we were going to grab it. Territory." The intelligence chief analyzed worriedly.

"Tell Sam Country your conjecture and let them coordinate." The president said impatiently, without raising his head, and continued working at his desk, not taking this matter to heart.

The intelligence chief hesitated to speak, but finally turned and left.

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